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Real News 24/7
Real News 24/7 Featured Story 5-03-03
Beltway Blowhard Finally Exposed as a
in a way that even the type of
people who have allowed themselves
to be duped into following him can understand!
Move over, Kenny Rogers! There's a new Gambler in town! Beltway blowhard and neo-con intellectual slave, Bill Bennett—dubbed by the Judeo-Masonic Big Media as "Mr. Virtue"—has been caught in serial activity which many would consider a vice: BIG Time Gambling!
Newsweek, in a breaking article entitled "Man of Virtues has a Vice," reports that Bennett is a preferred customer at 4 major casinos in Atlantic City and Las Vegas, has bet millions of $$$ over the last decade, and has a revolving line of credit of $200,000 at each casino! Casino documents given to Newsweek and The Washington Monthly indicate that in one two-month period, "Mr. Virtue" wired $1.4 MILLION to cover his losses.
One casino turned over
documents showing a typed message over Bennett's address: "No contact at Res or
But only Real News 24/7
will explicate for you the REALLY IMPORTANT ANGLE of this story:
Bennett has access to this type of money because he serves Mammon, which, in our
day, means the Ruling Elite of Judeo-Masonry, revolving around such as the Kristols (Bill of the Weekly Standard, and father Irving of Commentary
and The Public Interest—Trotsky-ites in the 30s, conservative
Republicans in the 90s, but Jewish Supremists always) and, on the other hand,
Bush/Clinton top level Secret Society initiates.
And what makes Bennett so
valuable—so worthy of the multi-millions in compensation that he gets from
the contacts arranged for him and his brother Bob (perhaps Clinton's best known
former lawyer) by Mammon? The answer is the same for him as it is for Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity,
Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, and a cast of dozens of others in the Big Media:
he lends his Christian veneer to Mammon, thus becoming an indispensable help to
them in selling "the message" AND selling the next war AND selling the next
police state measure—to Christian America. At this late juncture, there are
still but a few who see that behind "the message" is the final drive for Jewish
Supremacy and a New World Order
William Bennett gained national prominence as Secretary of Education during the Reagan Administration, where he had previously headed the National Endowment for Humanities. Then, under the first President Bush, he served as drug czar. But it is the author of the critically-acclaimed The Book of Virtues, The Devaluing of America, Moral Compass, Death of Outrage: Bill Clinton and the Attack on American Ideals and other bestsellers, including the timely saber-rattler, Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism, that he's most noted.
Bennett, educated at the same Jesuit high school in Washington D.C. as Pat Buchanan, was the first out of the gate to attack Buchanan when his campaign caught fire in 1996. In fact, right after Buchanan won the 1996 GOP New Hampshire primary, Bennett—to serve his Masonic masters—actually endorsed the pro-abortion neo-con Lamar Alexander in order to help split the Buchanan vote. Jack Kemp at that moment endorsed the (then) pro-abort Steve Forbes, and Israel-Firster Alan Keyes had already been thrown in the ring—all splitting the conservative Republican Primary season vote—and thus all paving the way to make the subsequent computer-generated voting "results" (showing the not-quite-senile Dole as a land-slide winner over Buchanan in the next 20 or so GOP primaries) look believable. It's no surprise that the Big 5 TV networks didn't call their tool, Bill Bennett, to task for this consummately hypocritical action on his part—but neither did the establishment "ladies of the evening" at National Right to Life, the Christian Coalition, or such slaves of Ariel Sharon and AIPAC as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.
And what caused Bennett and Kemp to throw over their pro-life positions and expose themselves as craven hyprocrites? Answer: their neo-con bosses were in a panic to stop the Buchanan candidacy, whose theme was "America First", which they correctly interpreted as not "Israel First." Buchanan had made such statements as that one in the (then) recent past, for instance, "There are only two groups that are beating the drums for war in the Middle East—the Israeli Defense ministry and its Amen corner in the United States." (This comment was made on The McLaughlin Group PBS talk show in 1990 about the then in progress build-up to the first Gulf War.) If Bennett had made a few comments like that on, we're betting his establishment provided contacts would have dried up, and he wouldn't be in the position to wire $1.4 million dollars to cover gambling losses in any given two month period.
Of course, Bennett is in the first row of bloodthirsty warmongers who wanted to
unleash American weapons to permanently cripple Iraq (in order to make the
Middle East safe for Israel—grow up, mommies and daddies, boys and girls!)
and who now wants to sacrifice our young men (and women) to make war on Syria,
and beyond—all for Israeli supremacy in the Middle East.
And why does Bennett do these things? To serve his neo-con backers—those who
make available to him the contacts which provide him the opportunity to earn or
become the beneficiary of the kind of money that allows one to, well, wire $1.4
million dollars in a two-month period to cover one's gambling losses. But such money comes
at a price—for—just as Judas found that the 30 pieces of silver would not
let his conscience rest -- you can not serve both God and Mammon, Mr. Bennett.
THIS is the most important angle to be drawn out of this story, and you will only read it here, at Real News 24/7.
A corollary lesson is that
we must take back the money-issuing power in the USA from the vultures at the
Federal Reserve—thus preventing that crowd from
having the means to arrange through their network the rewarding of janissaries like Bill Bennett. The money-issuing
power in the USA must be returned to economists who are
committed to honest money, committed to ending usury, as well as fully
conscious of the significance of the history of Christian civilization.
(Question: Bill Bennett, have you joined the Freemasons? Counterfeit church
operatives like the late "Cardinal" Joseph Bernardin gave key leaders throughout
the Catholic world "permission" to join the diabolical cult of Freemasonry—were you one of those who did so?)
Bennett, You Traitor! You are serving the anti-Christ forces of Judeo-Masonry
and betraying your nation, your heritage, your Catholic upbringing, and
Christian civilization.
Read the related stories about Bill Bennett, high rolling gambler, here:
to all the Headlines for May 2003
Real News 24/7