Latest News & Analysis
for July 2004
"In an age of
universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." —George Orwell
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The End Game: Why Terri Schiavo must die
" What is the motive behind the restaurateur-turned-physical
therapist-turned-nurse who passionately pursues his wife’s death? Many
wonder. Could Michael Schiavo be a pawn, a pawn in a much larger game
being played for much higher stakes?
"Enter one
George Felos
(foreground, right, with Michael Schiavo), a kind of weird, yoga
guru lawyer,
who is fixated on helping people die. Felos, a board member of Hospice,
has visions of dollars, ideation that features book signings and movie
rights once Terri is dead. Not to mention all the fame and fortune that
will accrue to the man who finally overturns the law that protects the
handicapped, the elderly, and the terminally ill’s opportunity to live
until they die – by natural means. "
Schiavo lawyer: New Age mystic
"Instead of a lawyerly estate, his home looks like hippie villa USA,
complete with crimson couch, bright green carpeting and a living room
wall painted neon blue, reported the St. Petersburg Times. When he's not
stirring up theta waves or practicing yoga, he invites friends over to
chant 'I am that I am … I am that I am …' while he bangs out a tune on
his harmonium."
Michael Schaivo's lawyer, George J. Felos
"Man 'finds' Wife unconscious. Man keeps Wife unconscious. Man gets
malpractice money for Wife. Man wants Wife's money. Man wants Wife dead
so Man can have money. Man gets Lawyer. Lawyer is/was Hospice Board
Member. Lawyer promises Man that Wife will die at the Hospice..."
Terri's website More news on the fight for Terri and other disabled people.
Frenchmen say Guantanamo detention was like Hell
"Two Frenchmen described as hell Friday their more than two years of
detention in the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, their lawyer
said after meeting them for the first time. Mourad Benchellali and Nizar
Sassi had concerns 'about the interrogation techniques and medical
experiments' at Guantanamo, Jacques Debray said outside the headquarters
of the DST domestic intelligence service where the two men were being
UK MPs: National ID card plan 'badly thought out'
"The first ID cards carrying biometric data, such as fingerprints and
iris scans, will appear in 2007 and the Home Office wants them made
compulsory by 2013. The official committee report says ID cards can make
a significant contribution to fighting crime and coordinating access to
public services. "
Joseph Sobran:
The Amendment
"A state court — in Massachusetts, of course — has declared that the
Fourteenth Amendment requires the legislature to certify homosexual
unions as marriages. Equal protection of the laws, you know. Time for
conservatives to swing into action! As usual in such cases, they chose
the worst possible strategy. Amending the Constitution is cumbersome. It
requires a consensus that in this matter no longer exists. And trying to
get a super majority behind a controversial cause is about the least
efficient use of political resources one can imagine, when getting a
mere majority is hard enough. "
Challenging Bush, Kerry accepts nomination
"Challenging President Bush by
declaring that 'strength is more than tough words,' Democratic presidential
nominee John Kerry plunged into the general election campaign aimed at
convincing millions of undecided voters that his time in Vietnam makes him the
right commander in a time of war."
"For his part, the president, trailing slightly in polls, told battleground state voters that when it comes to choosing a president, 'results matter.'"
John Kerry's medals? The grand poseur
"When Kerry came back to the states, he wasted no time in trashing the very men
who were still fighting in the jungle, risking life and limb to make sure it was
only the enemy fighter that was killed. Not so for John Kerry who killed
indiscriminately. In his own words: 'I committed the same kinds of atrocities as
thousands of others in that I shot in free-fire zones, fired .50-caliber
machine(gun) bullets, used harass-and-interdiction fire, joined in
search-and-destroy missions and burned villages.' ("Meet the Press" NBC 1971
published by the Baltimore Sun 2004)"
Whether it's Bush or Kerry, Israel wins
"Writing in the Brown Students for Israel publication Perspectives: An Israel
Review, Kerry says: 'My first trip to Israel made real for me all I'd believed
about Israel. I was allowed to fly an air force jet from the Ovda Airbase. It
was then that Israeli insecurity about narrow borders became very real to me. In
a matter of minutes, I came close to violating the airspace of Egypt, Jordan and
Syria. From that moment on, I felt as Israelis do: The promise of peace must be
secure before the Promised Land is a secure margin of land.'"
Dov Zakheim and the 9-11 conspiracy
" In a document called "Rebuilding America's Defenses" published by The American
Enterprise's 'Project for a New American Century,' SPC International executive,
Dov Zakheim, called for a 'Pearl Harbor' type of incident being necessary to
foster the frame of mind needed for the American public to support a war in the
Middle East that would politically and culturally reshape the region."
Fine for anti-Jew-attack faker
"A French woman who lied about being the victim of a vicious anti-Semitic attack
- a claim that sparked nationwide outrage - has been handed a four-month
suspended sentence."
Edwards delivers upbeat message
"Sen. John Edwards, summoning all his skills as a trial lawyer
and a populist, made an impassioned case for Sen. John Kerry on
Wednesday, hailing him as a battle-tested veteran ready to be commander
in chief and a man who could restore economic hope and opportunity.
'Hope is on the way,' Edwards declared to a cheering Democratic National
Convention. The heart of Edwards' speech was the same theme he sounded
throughout his primary campaign, that "we still live in a country where
there are two different Americas,' one for people who 'are set for
life,' the other for 'most Americans who live from paycheck to
paycheck.'" (RN 24/7: Upbeat? How about
hypocritical and intellectually dishonest? Edwards provokes class hatred
with his "two different Americas" spiel, but he is the junior partner of
the wealthiest presidential ticket in the nation's history, worth over
$1 billion. In other words, they're members of the former category,
better known as "limousine liberals." And the irony is that they are
liberal not with their own money [the last we heard the Heinz-Kerrys
weren't selling any of their--her--half dozen mansions valued at around
$30 million, to help the homeless] , but with the money of the
American taxpayers; i.e., those "who live from paycheck to
paycheck." And yet the poor fools never learn.)
Edwards, his land of OZ
"John Edwards says there are two Americas. He is right. There is the
America most Americans live in and then there is the imaginary America
that Edwards and all those delegates to the Democrat convention live in.
In the movie ''The Wizard of Oz'' little Dorothy goes from the black and
white world she lived in, to the colorful world of Oz. At the Democrat
convention John Edwards takes us from the REAL America to a dark black
America he Al Franken and Michael Moore imagine."
Dems complain Sharon prefers Bush, call on Sharon
to improve relations with Kerry
"There is a growing dissatisfaction in the U.S. Democratic Party and in
John Kerry's campaign headquarters over the Israeli government's
attitude toward them this election season."
Major parties
share one aim: to squash independents
"There is a silent crisis in American democracy that could change the
face of our republic and disenfranchise a significant plurality of
voters. More insidious than the U.S. Patriot Act, it threatens the very
basis of democratic process. It is the coordinated attack by the two
major parties on the principles of political reform and the rights of
independent voters." (RN 24/7: While the
information in this op-ed piece is important, we cannot get behind the
group whose spokesman wrote it. There is no question that third party
and other independently minded Americans have a much tougher go of it
than Republicrats, do it's good to see a column addressing the issue.
However, when we visited its website, we discovered that while it makes
a pitch to those with "diverse views on the political spectrum – left,
center, right and everywhere in between," it didn't take long to
discover its real goal--elect the pro-abortion, pro "gay rights"
presidential candidate, Ralph Nader and others of his ilk. For example,
they have a "Lobby the media for fair coverage of Ralph Nader," but
nothing similar is to be seen in support of the right to fair coverage
for the numerous other "outsider" presidential candidates running, such
as those of the
American Party,
Constitution Party,
Providential Party
, to name a few. Everything
else on the site appears to have no other purpose than to feign a
genuine non-partisan identity and to gather in the money and support of
those gullible enough to buy into it.)
delivers "WMD" to Tucson Federal
Building to show vulnerability of border
"American Border Patrol
delivered a 'smuggled' simulated Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) to the
front entrance of the Tucson Federal Building after skirting around a
Border Patrol Check point near Sierra Vista. As the team approached the
building, a federal officer emerged and asked them not to video tape the
area. He asked for their IDs, but did not inquire as to what was in the
Changing of the guard at the Democratic convention -
"Delegates to the Democratic National Convention witnessed a symbolic
passing of the torch Tuesday with the party's old lion, Sen. Ted
Kennedy, and its promising new cub, Barack Obama (right) , both condemning what
they view as the divisive tactics of opposition Republicans while
holding open the hope of a better future under John Kerry. The
72-year-old Kennedy, scion of America's most celebrated political
family, assumed the dais in his hometown and offered a scalding
assessment of President Bush, charging that the administration broke
trust with the world after the 9-11 attacks and that Bush 'squandered
the enormous goodwill that flowed to America.'" (RN
24/7: Notice that the Democratic attacks on Bush, 9-11 and the
Iraq War ignore the importance of US/Israeli relations that were pivotal
in what transpired, including the shedding of US blood to protect the
Zionist nation. The reason for this avoidance is simple: No matter what
other changes--largely cosmetic--would follow a Kerry victory in
November, the new administration will adopt a Middle East policy quite
in line with that of current one, as is evident from this Jerusalem
Post article posted on the "Internet Town Meeting" page of the
official Kerry/Edwards website.
So, in this context there definitely won't be any changing of the guard
at the White House.)
Liberals have hijacked the Democratic Party
"Yes, America
is divided. Liberalism Vs Traditionalism. It all comes down to liberal
secularism (anti-religion, faith, God) Vs. Traditionalism (pro-religion,
faith, God). Liberals are 'pro-choice' when it comes to abortion,
same-sex marriage, and social-economic welfare Traditionalism is
pro-life, marriage between a man and a woman, and less government, less
taxes and more freedom for the people – the working taxpayers, those who
accept individual responsibility, and accountability.¼"
(RN 24/7: True on all counts, but this
isn't exactly breaking news. Of far more significance--and far less
reported--is the continuing control of the Republican Party by
liberals calling themselves "moderates" and "compassionate
conservatives," first and foremost amongst them being
the fraud now occupying the Oval Office.)
If Gaza exit equals Holocaust, is Jewish terror next?
"Just what such an attack
might mean was set out by lawmaker Ehud Yatom, a member of the hawkish wing of
the Likud and a strong opponent of the disengagement plan. In 1984, Yatom was a
commander of the Shin Bet manhunt that seized members of the "Jewish
Underground" of religious militants just before the group was to mount a
multiple bombing on the sacred Mount.
"If an attack were to harm the Muslim shrines of Al Aqsa and the Dome of the
Rock, the result would pit 'the entire Muslim world against the state of Israel
and against the Western world, a war of religions,' Yatom said. 'With all of the
pain and suffering they have caused, today's terrorist attacks would be nothing
compared to what could happen, it could even mean World War III.'"(RN
24/7: Anyone who thinks he's exaggerating about the possible Muslim
retaliation for such a act needs to take a look at the warning issued by the
World Islamic Congress.
For more about this developing story, see our coverage of
July 26.)
Charley Reese:
A president, not a date
"You are making a mockery of self-government if you allow your vote to
be influenced by concerns for a foreign country. And yes, I'm directing
this to the Israel-first crowd, both Jew and Christian. The election in
November is for the president of the United States, not the deputy prime
minister of Israel." (RN 24/7: Well put by
Charley Reese, but he needs to have a long sit-down with the other
Charley Reese, the goofy one who promotes John Kerry's candidacy in
for a man, not a puppet.
Kerry not a puppet? Come, on, wake up and smell the coffee, Charley. Mr.
"Dude, where's my charisma" wouldn't be the presidential candidate of
major party if he wasn't a puppet! None of the controlled major
television networks would give John Kerry's candidacy five minutes of
air time if he wasn't a card-carrying member of the Eastern
Establishment. Like President George W. Bush, he moves wherever his
puppeteers want him to go and don't ever forget it! Oh, and one other
thing: Those puppeteers may include his domineering wife, Teresa
Heinz-Kerry. Q: What husband do you know that would let his wife retain
the name of her previous husband? A:
One who is a millionaire married to a billionaire.)
Ready for martial law? Oh, it can't happen here?
"This nation is very much
prepared to invoke
martial law. The
questions are only what will trigger it and when it will occur. Since
our military is aware
that this could happen and US soldiers expressed
revulsion at the idea of quelling civil disturbance by firing on their
fellow Americans, those whom they swore to defend and protect, then the
government has imported foreign mercenaries who have absolutely
no qualms about doing that for which they were hired. Why
would our own government do this to Americans? Very simply because
it is
the only way to take
control of people whose delusion of freedom
will one
day burst and they will be ready to revolt. They sleep long and hard in
the quiet dream world of delusion about the America that was, but
someday they will wake up. ¼"
Oshkosh police conduct door-to-door gun
"Following the shooting of an Oshkosh police officer Saturday night,
area residents were forced from their homes, their lawful firearms being
confiscated by police. The Oshkosh Police Department's Special Weapons
and Tactics Unit responded to the area, with a K-9 police dog in pursuit
of the perpetrator who was reported to have fled on foot. "
Red alert, FEMA camps and martial law "If the nation escalates to ' red alert,' which is the highest in the color-coded readiness against terror, you will be assumed by authorities to be the enemy if you so much as venture outside your home, the state's anti-terror czar says. 'This state is on top of it,' said Sid Caspersen, New Jersey's director of the office of counter-terrorism.¼A red alert would also tear away virtually all personal freedoms to move about and associate. 'Red means all noncritical functions cease," Caspersen said. 'Noncritical would be almost all businesses, except health-related.'"
Clinton speech rouses passions at convention
"On a night of nostalgia, Democrats wistful for the
House joyously relived the glory days of Bill Clinton and his mastery of
American politics. John Kerry should hope to do so well Thursday night.
The opening night of the Democratic convention brought a one-two punch
of political stars - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband. She
introduced him as "the last great Democratic president," and by every
measure, the adoring audience thunderously agreed." (RN
24/7: After "Bill Clinton gave his speech, a Democrat referred to
him as "one of the great orators of modern times." One of the great
demagogues of modern times is more like it. Monday night's performance
was classic Clinton: long on emotionally-charged rhetoric, but short on
an honest approach to this issues and one that seemed to be as much
about himself as it was about nominee-to-be John Kerry. The article's
title accurately, if unwittingly, notes Clinton's stock-on-trade when it
says he "rouses passions," which is precisely the trait that
defines the
Observations -- Bill & Hill
"She referred to Bill as a former president, but not as her husband.¼He
referred to Hillary as his senator, but not as his wife."
Ridge: "multiple layers of security" for Dems'
convention "Some have
begun calling the host city of the Democratic Party convention Fortress
Boston for the unprecedented level of security. Authorities say they
have no information of specific threats to attack the party conventions
but are convinced that al-Qaeda is planning an attack ahead of the US
Israel expands West Bank settlements
"Months after Ariel Sharon announced his dramatic plan to pull Jewish
settlers out of Gaza, portraying it as a sacrifice for peace, the
government is grabbing more land for West Bank settlements. Israeli
peace groups and Palestinian officials say thousands of homes are under
construction in the main settlements, in addition to an expansion of
Jewish outposts that are illegal under Israeli law. Mr. Sharon has
promised the US he will dismantle the outposts, which are usually
clusters of containers or trailer homes serviced by government-built
roads, but has failed to do so." (RN 24/7: Nothing new, is it? The
Zionist "what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine" mentality in
spades. Look, they spelled it out very clearly for uninitiated back in
1961 with the song,
which begins: "This land is mine/God gave this land to me!" Lyrics
courtesy of the Christian Zionist crooner, Pat Boone. And while on the
general subject, please see
Christian Zionism: Whose land is it
Israeli says blowing up Dome of Rock is
“worthy act"
"'Blowing up the Dome of the Rock is a worthy act,' Yehuda Etzion
(below, left), one of the leaders of the Movement of the
Temple Mount
Loyalists and a former convicted member of the 'Jewish underground,' has
told Army Radio this [Sunday] morning. Etzion's words came as a response
to Public Security Minister Tzachi Hanegbi's comments on Channel Two's
Meet the Press, by which, 'The prospects that Jewish extremists could
carry out an attack on the Temple Mount in order to
prevent the
disengagement plan from being implemented are growing.'"
Israel warns of Jewish terrorist attack on Al-Aqsa
A Muslim view of the same story. ( RN24/7:
It's interesting to note the language. While the Islamic site speaks of
a potential "Jewish terrorist attack," the Israelis avoid using the word
"terrorist" altogether. But terrorism is terrorism, no matter who
perpetrates it, whether it be a Palestinian blowing up a Tel Aviv
pizzeria or an Israeli bent on doing a little "urban renewal" atop
Jerusalem's Temple Mount. The difference? Since the
Dome of the Rock
is revered by Muslims as one of the holiest places on earth, its
destruction would make all the Middle East fighting that has gone before
it look, in comparison, like nothing more than a schoolyard scuffle.
Also see,
Building the Third Temple and demolishing
the Dome of the Rock.)
Pentagon memo reveals bugging
"When the Bush administration took over the Pentagon's beleaguered
inspector general office in 2002, officials found something startling:
The director's office, at some point, had been electronically bugged." (RN
24/7: And to think that although this had been known for years,
it finally gets reported just as the Democrats are beginning their
convention. Wow, what a coincidence!)
U.S. troops use cash to woo Iraqis
"Cash has become the U.S. military's first line of defense in some parts
of Iraq, where U.S. soldiers are distributing money to encourage good
will and to counter their enemies' offers of money to unemployed Iraqis
willing to attack Americans, officers say here." (RN
24/7: "Here you go, Ibrahim. Hey, not to worry, there's plenty
where this came from, all courtesy of American taxpayers. Okay? So just
don't hurt me." Our suggestion? Bring the troops home so they won't need
to pay people not to kill them!)
Patrick Buchanan:
The drumbeat to dump the veep
"Asked if he was thinking of dumping Vice President Cheney, President
Bush is said to have laughed aloud. He is right to do so. For this is a
game concocted by pundits with other agendas than his re-election." (RN
24/7: Memo to Patrick Buchanan--Who cares what George Bush does
or doesn't do. His re-election is no more to be worked for or celebrated
by authentic patriotic, pro-life Christians than the election of
challenger and fellow Bonesman John Kerry? So why waste a column
pretending that it is, when you could be doing something to bring about
constructive change in Washington instead of beating the neo-con's drum
for them? It's time to wake up!)
Do food makers want to kill you?
"Freedom can stand or fall on issues large (wars, depressions, natural
disasters) or small (a hundred thousands regulations that manage our
daily life). Regulations on food labeling count among the small issues.
It is a tricky issue for market advocates because bad label might
actually count as breach of contract and thereby require legal
intervention of some sort.¼At
issue is the theoretical presumption itself. Can market forces manage
issues of food label or must regulators be involved? Many politicos on
Capitol Hill are under the impression that food manufacturers are
neglectfully poisoning the 6-11 million Americans who have food
allergies by sneakily failing to point out on labels that the food
contains deadly ingredients. So here we have the ultimate
paranoid-socialist fantasy at work: business rakes in profits through
fraud while people die!
Iraq hostage crisis spirals
"Two Pakistanis working for a Kuwait-based company are feared kidnapped
as Iraq's hostage crisis deepened, with at least 22 countries affected
by the wave of abductions. "
Christians flee "liberated" Iraq
"'We thought the Americans were
going to bring us freedom and democracy,' stated a 31-year-old Iraqi
identified as Robert. 'Instead, they are promoting Islam.'"
Largest Socialist group backs Kerry
"The Democratic Socialists of America Political Action Committee is
officially urging its members to work for the election of John Kerry in
the 2004 presidential election."
Mossad's litany of blunders
"A former Mossad head, Danny Yatom, told Israel television last week
that Mossad activities 'make the headlines whenever it trips' but that
its successes, unknown to the public, remained formidable."
Kerry: I'll protect Israel better "I can be more effective with the accountability of the Saudis and other Arab countries," putative Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry told the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz. "I'll do a better job of reducing the threat to Israel and the rest of the world." (RN 24/7: And you can take his word on that or his name ain't Kohn ! But what can he promise to do that President George W. "Anything you say, Ari" Bush hasn't done? Promise to attack Iran and throw in Syria and Yemen for good measure? But, as the following article shows, Kerry is right to be very concerned about how his campaign is playing with the lox and bagel crowd.)
Bush hopes to sway Jewish voters
"Cameron Kerry, John Kerry's brother who converted to Judaism two
decades ago, said the campaign is well aware that Republicans are
targeting Jews. 'We're playing catch up.'" (RN
24/7: Speaking of Kerry's wooing of votes from various religious
bodies, a while back a photo began being circulated showing him with the
late Church of Satan founder Anton Lavey. The photo is clearly
and Alex Jones believes he knows what's
behind the hoax.
By the way, a Muslim quipped that, had the story been true, it would
then be really appropriate to call America "The Great Satan" if
Kerry got elected!)
Most effective way to prevent terrorism is
missing from 9-11 report, Libertarians say
report by the September 11 commission is missing one obvious way the U.S.
government could reduce the chance of another terrorist attack, Libertarians
say: Quit meddling in foreign nations." (RN 24/7:
George Washington on
the dangers of foreign entanglements.)
Sharon to Chirac: France still anti-Jewish
"Israel's leader has rebuffed an attempt by French President Jacques Chirac to
tamp down a public feud between the two over alleged French anti-Semitism."
Halliburton: the profits of war "Halliburton has become a byword for the cozy links between the White House and Texan big business. But how did the company run in the 90s by [Vice President] Dick Cheney secure a deal that guaranteed it millions in profit every time the US military saw action?" Halliburton ignores sanctions "Halliburton is being investigated by a grand jury for possibly violating federal sanctions while Cheney was chief executive of the company by doing business in Iran. That hasn't stopped Cheney from repeatedly sticking his foot in his mouth. On the campaign trail, Cheney has been saying that Iran has ties to al-Qaeda and some of the 9-11 hijackers. But when Cheney was chief executive of Halliburton he wasn't concerned about that.¼"
9-11 Commission: Deadlier attacks
"The bipartisan commission that investigated the Sept. 11 attacks
concluded in its unanimous final report on Thursday that the attacks
"were a shock but they should not have come as a surprise." It warned
that without a historic restructuring of the nation's intelligence
agencies and a new emphasis on diplomacy, the United States would leave
itself open to an even more catastrophic attack."
Reading between the lines: What's covered
in the 9-11 report? What's covered up?
"Business as usual. That's
the message of today's 9-11 Commission report. No one is held
accountable for anything. President Bush, the commander in chief, left
the nation's borders unprotected—even though both he and predecessor
Bill Clinton had been warned over a three-year period of a possible
attack by planes. "
Response to Dennis Prager and WND: Opposing Zionism is
not a sin
"It seems that Mr. Prager is
totally unfamiliar with the partnership of Zionism and Nazism prior,
during, and following World War II, and the subsequent reign of terror
Israel perpetrated on innocent Palestinians to drive them from their
lands and to exterminate them. Israel drew first blood, and Prager
relies on the ancient biblical justification of Jews as the "chosen
people" and the modern state of Israel as "the promised land." Isn’t
this precisely the same method of argument he himself refutes as God and
religion being employed to authorize killing and terror?"
War funds dwindling, GAO warns
"The U.S. military has spent most of the $65 billion that Congress
approved for fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and is scrambling
to find $12.3 billion more from within the Defense Department to finance
the wars through the end of the fiscal year, federal investigators said
yesterday." (RN 24/7: Simple
solution--Bring the troops home!)
False campaign ads: legal lying
"Here's a fact that may surprise you: candidates have a legal right to
lie to voters just about as much as they want. That comes as a shock to
many voters. After all, consumers have been protected for decades
from false ads for commercial products. Shouldn't there be
"truth-in-advertising" laws to protect voters , too?"
A fair look at Fahrenheit 9-11
"Michael Moore is an unabashed leftist. A former editor of the radical
journal Mother Jones, Moore has made a handsome fortune peddling
pseudo-populism of a distinctively socialist flavor. His previous work
includes the execrable Bowling for Columbine, a largely fact-free
cinematic harangue against the right to armed self-defense and those of
us who defend it.¼
Curiously, Moore — who gathered a great deal of material about Mr.
Bush’s failure-strewn business career — didn’t mention the fact that
Bush, like John Kerry, is a member of the immensely influential order of
Skull & Bones. Nor did Moore mention the fact that Bonesmen provided
crucial financial aid and business connections at key points in George
W. Bush’s career. Moore provides a remarkable clip of the president
addressing a white-tie gathering: "This is an impressive crowd — the
haves and the have mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my
base." This provocative remark offers a certain titillation, but does
nothing to inform the untutored viewer as to the nature and purposes of
the real Power Elite."
Bushspeak psyops: Manipulating mass
"In search of support for shaky WMD charges against Saddam, Bush found
the torture issue and put it on the front burner in his January 2003
State of the Union address: 'This dictator who is assembling the world’s
most dangerous weapons has already used them on whole villages, leaving
thousands of his own citizens dead, blind or disfigured. Iraqi refugees
tell us how forced confessions are obtained by torturing children while
their parents are made to watch. International human rights groups have
catalogued other methods used in the torture chambers of Iraq: electric
shock, burning with hot irons, dripping acid on the skin, mutilation
with electric drills, cutting out tongues and rape.'"
British motorist finds top secret terror
"Britain was yesterday reeling from two humiliating failures in its war
on terror with a bungled disaster response exercise and the discovery of
a top secret counter-terrorism dossier lying on a public road."
Patriot Act gives Bush power to cancel elections
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.
--President George W. Bush
"Political analyst Al Martin writes that the legal mechanism and contingency plan for canceling US elections is already in place. 'The contingency plan in question is the Continuity-Of-Government plan (COG), first drafted in 1949 under the Truman regime shortly after the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic weapon,' Martin explains. In addition to COG, 'Bush has this power under Patriot I Act with the expansion of his authority under the War Powers Act of 1947, since, it should be remembered, a declared state of national emergency already exists in the United States at present¼'" Photo from of The Onion
Bushspeak psyops: Manipulating
mass consciousness
"In search of support for shaky WMD charges against Saddam, Bush found
the torture issue and put it on the front burner in his January 2003
State of the Union address: 'This dictator who is assembling the world’s
most dangerous weapons has already used them on whole villages, leaving
thousands of his own citizens dead, blind or disfigured. Iraqi refugees
tell us how forced confessions are obtained by torturing children while
their parents are made to watch. International human rights groups have
catalogued other methods used in the torture chambers of Iraq: electric
shock, burning with hot irons, dripping acid on the skin, mutilation
with electric drills, cutting out tongues and rape.'"
Lobbying for pro-Israel candidates
"Former Georgia congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney, who is pro-Palestinian, is trying to get re-elected,
and once again there is debate over the power of the pro-Israeli lobby
in Washington."
What happens in the event of a terror
attack on the 2004 Presidential Election?
"If the
Bush Administration's intelligence can be believed, the 2004
presidential election, or the related democratic processes associated
with the election, have been targeted by terrorists. Homeland Security
chief Tom Ridge has repeatedly said, 'Al Qeada is moving forward with
plans to carry out a large-scale attack in the United States aimed to
disrupt our democratic process.'¼Bottom
line: there is no such proposal. In fact, it is not legally possible
because there are no laws giving the president, or anyone else, such
authority. A spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security said,
'DHS is not looking into a contingency plan.' National Security Advisor
Condoleezza Rice, the highest administration official to address the
matter, said 'I don't know where the idea that there might be some
postponement of elections comes from.'" (RN 24/7: Memo to John Dean,
author of this column--The fact of the matter is that DeForest B.
Soaries, head the federal Election Assistance Commission, in April
contacted both Ridge and Rice concerning what should be done in the case
of a
terrorist attack.
It's would be interesting to know when Rice made that statement, because
Soaries queried her about it in April, so after that she would be very
clear on where the idea originated. Oh, and by the way,
General Tommy Franks that
the Constitution itself might be scrapped
another 9-11 type event occurred. That is, such an attack could be used
as a justification to impose
Charley Reese:
Where is this 'safer' America?
"Saddam Hussein, as bad a fellow as he is, was never a threat to the
United States. He had no stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. His
army was dilapidated. He was a secular socialist and despised religious
fanatics, and they despised him. There was, in fact, no connection
between Saddam and al-Qaeda, and no connection at all with the attack on
Sept. 11, 2001."
Maryland activists want e-voting receipts
"Some states, including Maryland, acted swiftly to update their systems.
Many other states are making the change more slowly, moving county by
county or even precinct by precinct. Some of that hesitancy stems
from the fact that federal officials have not yet developed uniform
methods for how the machines would handle recounts and other routine
election hiccups, and they are unlikely to come before November.
That, opponents say, could sow chaos and confusion in the voting process
if a candidate demanded a recount."
UK: Butler Report on WMD was watered down
to protect Blair
"Downing Street secured vital changes
to the Butler Report before its publication, watering down an explicit
criticism of Tony Blair and the way he made the case for war in the
House of Commons. The Telegraph has established that the disagreement
between No 10 and Lord Butler's inquiry team centered on a passage in an
original draft of the report about Mr. Blair's statement to MPs in
September 2002."
Iraqi Sunni clerics: US occupiers must leave
"Sunni clerics have called on US forces to pull out of Iraq and stop
'hiding behind the so-called multinational forces' or face a growing
resistance movement."
CIA sends terror experts to tell small towns of
"The Central Intelligence Agency has begun a series of terrorism
briefings for state and local law enforcement personnel, for the first
time dispatching counterterrorism experts to cities and small towns to
warn of the possibility of an attack by Al Qaeda this year, government
officials said this week." (RN 24/7:
Courtesy of those good folks down at the Office of Panic and Hysteria.)
How to prevent a US election (with the help of 'al Qaeda')
Deliver us from Sean Hannity
"But if Reagan was so 'good,' and Clinton was so 'evil,' then why does
Hannity continually blame Clinton for appeasing Saddam Hussein when he
admits that 'during the 1980s the Reagan administration did business
with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq' (p. 94)? But the larger question is this: If
Saddam Hussein was evil and a threat to the United States, then why
wasn’t he 'taken out' by Ronald Reagan or George Bush I? If, as Hannity
maintains, 'Clinton’s refusal to seize Osama bin Laden is another
failure that endangered Americans' (p. 189), then why is not Reagan’s
and Bush senior’s refusal to seize Saddam Hussein an even greater
failure that endangered Americans?"
Iran court told Kazemi was tortured to
"Canadian journalist Zahra Kazemi was tortured to death in Iranian
custody, her tearful mother told a court on Saturday when the trial
resumed of an intelligence agent accused of the killing." (RN
24/7: Ergo, America must invade, the neo-cons will cry, but no
matter how tragic this story is at the individual level, it's time we
stop acting like the world is the geopolitical version of the "Cops"
television show.)
Israel's plans for Iran strikes
"Amid growing concern over Iran's alleged duplicity in declaring all
its nuclear activities to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
Israel - the country that regards itself as most at risk from a
nuclear-capable Iran - may be poised to revive contingency plans to
destroy Iran's nuclear installations."
17 national disability groups file briefs
in case to back Florida law protecting Terri Schiavo
"On Monday July 12, disability advocates filed a friend of the court
in a case that affects the rights of people with cognitive disabilities
across Florida and, potentially, nationwide. The Disability Brief urges
the state Supreme Court to reverse the lower court and uphold Terri
Schiavo's right to food, water and rehabilitation."
(RN 24/7: Great move that shows Terri isn't
alone in her struggle!)
Terri's website
More news on the fight for Terri and other disabled people.
Jobless claims rise more than expected
"The number of Americans filing initial claims for jobless pay grew by
more than expected last week, government data showed on Thursday, with
seasonal factors offsetting a large drop the week before." ""
Something big is coming, says CIA
"Warnings that terrorists are plotting "something big" against the
United States are based on 'very, very solid' information, the CIA's
acting director said on Wednesday, likening the threat reports to those
that preceded the September 11, 2001 attacks." (RN
24/7: We'll turn our comment over to humorist
Mark Fiore on this one, since
he's nailed it down so well.)
"Catholic"-Jewish meeting results in
"anti-Semitism" statement
"In what is being hailed as a major advance in Catholic-Jewish
relations, high-level Catholic authorities and leading rabbis have
issued a joint statement condemning 'anti-Semitism in all its forms,
including anti-Zionism.'" (RN 24/7: More
proof here of the hostile takeover that has taken place within the Roman
Catholic Church. The fact is that the Catholic Church has rejected
Zionism as directly as is possible. To cite but one highly memorable
example, in 1904, Theodor Herzl, widely acknowledged as the "Father of
Modern Zionism," had an audience in Rome with the sainted pope, Pius X
(right), at which time he asked the Vatican's blessing for the Jewish
migration to Palestine. According to Herzl's diary entry, Pius "answered
in a stern and categorical manner: 'We are unable to favor this
movement. We cannot prevent the Jews from going to Jerusalem – but we
could never sanction it. The ground of Jerusalem, if it were not always
sacred, has been sanctified by the life of Jesus Christ. As the head of
the Church, I cannot answer you otherwise. The Jews have not recognized
Our Lord; therefore, we cannot recognize the Jewish people.'" Thus
was and is the true mind of the Church, a stand that cannot be revoked
by anyone until the Jews recognize the Messiah, because it is founded
squarely upon Catholic dogma, which can never change. For more, see
How the Jews invaded the Holy Land.)
Major US Christian denomination backs
divestment From Israel
"Leaders of the largest Christian Presbyterian denomination have
officially equated Israel with apartheid-era South Africa and voted to
divest from Israel, according to a report in the New York Forward."
(RN 24/7: I guess the "Catholics" who
signed the above agreement are going to condemn this as
MI6 'still using' disputed informer on
"British intelligence has continued to maintain links with an Iraqi
defector who made baseless claims about Baghdad's germ warfare program
and failed a lie-detector test, it was reported yesterday. "
Manila begins Iraq troop pullout
"The Philippines has begun pulling its troops out of Iraq, a move
seemingly being made to satisfy demands by kidnappers of a Filipino
Advocates of war now profit from Iraq
"In the months and years leading
up to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, they marched together in the
vanguard of those who advocated war. As lobbyists, public relations
counselors and confidential advisors to senior federal officials, they
warned against Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, praised exiled leader
Ahmad Chalabi, and argued that toppling Saddam Hussein was a matter of
national security and moral duty." (RN24/7:
R. James Woolsey [right], former CIA Director in the Clinton
Administration, is among those now reaping ill-gotten gain in Occupied
Iraq. Anyone for a little bipartisan plunder?)
Woman lied about anti-Semitic attack
"A young French woman who claimed she had been the victim last week of a
vicious anti-Semitic attack on a Paris suburban train admitted today
that she had lied, police said."
UK Iraq report labelled a 'whitewash'
"Anti-war activists have
reacted with anger to a report that exonerated Tony Blair from any
wrongdoing in the lead-up to last year's invasion of Iraq."
No to homosexual marriage or civil unions and no to the Federal Marriage
"'I do not support sodomy-based anything no matter what form it takes,'
said Michael A. Peroutka, Constitution Party presidential candidate, in
reference to the debate in the U.S. Senate over the Federal Marriage
Peroutka for President
Official campaign website
The case for sanctions against Israel
"The bomb attack in Tel Aviv yesterday highlights the desperate need to
achieve a peace settlement. It highlights, too, the futility of the wall
Israel is building in Palestinian land, a wall condemned by the
international court of justice last Friday and whose route was condemned
by Israel's supreme court last month."
Most serious warning ever
"In politics, one of the few things you can be certain about is, those
who take away your liberty are not doing it to benefit you."
Iraq: The trail of disinformation
"Let's start with a simple fact. The United States invaded and conquered
Iraq on the basis of lies. Even the official
report of the United States Senate admits as
Purported "anti-Semitic" attack in doubt
"The alleged attack, in which the woman said a gang of six youths cut
her clothes and drew swastikas on her body, has drawn fierce
condemnation from politicians, civil rights groups and Jewish
Laurance Rockefeller dies at 94
"Laurance Spelman Rockefeller, a pioneer venture
capitalist, conservationist and grandson of Standard Oil founder John D.
Rockefeller, died this morning at his home in New York City. He was 94."
Around the world on July 3 Zionists and friends of Israel celebrated the centenary of the death of Theodor Herzl, who is often called the "Father of modern Zionism." While Herzl may well have approved early manifestations of Zionist collaboration with the Nazis some 30 years after his death, since it involved the migration of German Jews to Palestine, it is less clear what he would have thought of later efforts, which included the deliberate Zionist abandonment of Jews in concentration camps or of the recent incredible revelations concerning Reinhard Heydrich, the head of Hitler's dreaded secret police, revelations that point to a hidden link well-nigh unfathomable, but real.
Heydrich's widow: 'Jews should be good Nazis'
"I came back to Germany in the early 1980's, having been assigned there in my
capacity as American Intelligence Officer. A mutual friend had given me the name
of Abi Melzer, a German-Israeli who was founding the first independent Jewish
magazine since the war.
"I contacted him and accepted his invitation to write for the magazine. After
some time, I became its editor-in-chief. I must admit, that much of the work for
was done by Melzer because my job did not leave me enough time to run a tight
ship. In order to offset my time limitations, I decided to make my own written
contributions as interesting and unique as possible.
Among the tasks I took upon myself was the decision to research the alleged
Jewish ancestry of Hitler's super-Nazi, Reinhardt Heydrich.¼"
Zionist gun control: From job outsourcer Feinstein!
"First, let me be clear about this extremely important point: Israel is a
foreign sovereign nation, and not a religion. Second, Zionism is not Judaism;
Zionism is the Rothschild-led and communist international banking cartel’s
intent for a Jewish state, today the nation of Israel, created for the sole
purpose of leading international imperialism to a one-world government
domination now recognized and described as 'The New World Order.'"
"And anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. Zionist 'Jews' worked side by side with Adolf Hitler’s Nazi murderers and torturers to help exterminate millions of helpless Jewish men, women and children."
Zionism and anti-Semitism: A strange alliance
through history
"Dr. Joachim Prinz, a German Zionist rabbi who subsequently emigrated to the
U.S., where he became vice-chairman of the World Jewish Congress and a leader in
the World Zionist Organization, published in 1934 a book Wir Juden (We
Jews) to celebrate Hitler’s so-called German Revolution and the defeat of
The modern relevance of Nazi-Zionist cooperation
"Six months after Hitler came to power, the Zionist Federation of Germany
(by far the largest Zionist group in the country) submitted a detailed
memorandum to the new government that reviewed German-Jewish relations
and formally offered Zionist support in "solving" the vexing "Jewish
question." The first step, it suggested, had to be a frank recognition
of fundamental national differences."
Hitler, Nazism, and Zionism
"Hitler and other Nazi leaders
sought to move Jews to Palestine, but were rebuffed by Zionists. According to a
Jewish Satmar scholar: 'While the mass genocide of European Jewry took place,
several plans were arranged to rescue as many Jews as possible. Rabbi Michael
Ber Wisemandel and Joel Brand, among numerous others, arranged with silent
approval from Hitler and German SS leaders, plans for the evacuation of hundreds
of thousands of Jews, especially Hungarian, from Nazi persecution.'"
related LINKS
Reinhard Heydrich photo archive/British intelligence document
The brutal Zionist role in the Holocaust
Photos and revealing links from the Jews against Zionism website
USS Liberty cover-up and John McCain’s
"Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), a/k/a the “Conscience of the Senate,” has refused to
support the rising call for a public Congressional hearing, with respect to
Israel’s murderous attack on the USS Liberty, on June 8, 1967, that took the
lives of 34 Americans. He insists the “matter was thoroughly reviewed” by a
Naval Court of Inquiry, later in 1967. However, that inquiry was a whitewash.
It’s time for McCain to right this wrong."
Charley Reese:
"For all time, when bad governments wanted to increase their power, they spread
fear and claimed the new power would allow them to "protect" the people. If
there were no real enemies at the gate, they would invent them. The threat of
terrorism has been enormously exaggerated by this administration to justify a
very un-American lust for power. It has spread fear like a glutton spreads
butter on hot pancakes."
Suit alleges Diebold led county astray
"In a lawsuit unsealed Friday, electronic voting critics charge that Diebold
Election Systems Inc. gained its first major West Coast sale by misleading
Alameda County about the security and legality of its touchscreen voting
ANTI-KERRY AD MISLEADS ON "lACI PETERSON LAW," ignores flawed BUSH record on life issues
The new television commercial for President George Bush's reelection attacks Democratic challenger John Kerry for voting "against the Laci Peterson law that protects pregnant women from violence." Named after a woman who was killed with her unborn son, Conner, the law's official name is Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, so the ad misleads as to whom is being protected. And that's just for starters.¼
Bush camp says Kerry out of step with mainstream
"President Bush's re-election campaign sought to
portray Democrat John Kerry as out of step with mainstream U.S. values on
Thursday with a new television ad pointing out Kerry's Senate vote against a
bill making it a crime to harm a pregnant woman's fetus."
Related article
Real News 24/7: The above article and the subject that inspired it would be laughable, were it not for the fact that the unborn are being used as a political football, because some of the underlying assumptions are so patently absurd. Although Kerry did vote against the bill, which in fact does make it a federal crime "to harm a pregnant woman's fetus" (it would be immeasurably more difficult to harm it if she wasn't pregnant), the ad says no such thing, suggesting that the crime is being committed against the woman, almost as though it was trying to appeal to feminists by dodging the real person being defended by the bill, namely, the unborn person. (Yes, protecting the mother protects the baby, but a reading of the bill plainly shows the unborn is its sole concern.)
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act (popularly known as the Laci Peterson Law or Laci and Conner's Law and identified as House Resolution 1997) is a feel good measure that on the surface no one but abortionists like Kerry could ever be against. Pro-life supporters of President Bush will be quick to hold up his signing of the bill as proof positive that he's on the side of the unborn (National Right to Life being a prime example, despite numerous proofs that just the opposite is true (some of which can be found in the links below).
Certainly, in this instance the President has done something we don't find fault in, aside from the fact that the law is an utterly unconstitutional usurpation of power (addressed is an earlier incarnation of the bill, but the arguments are still relevant to this one)—aside from another "minor" fact that will be addressed shortly. But constitutionality aside, the pro-abortion groups have done much hand wringing over how this measure allegedly is a threat to Roe v. Wade. For example, in February the so-called National Organization for Women sent out an "action alert," urging members to agitate against the law, on the grounds that it
would seriously erode women's reproductive rights by establishing in federal law the status of "person" for fetuses—at all stages of development. (See [NOW Action List] Oppose Fetal Rights Legislation )
But the sham is that it does nothing of the sort. Under a subsection to the what will be seen as the ironically titled "Sec. 1841. Protection of unborn children," reads as follows
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the prosecution--
(1) of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;
(2) of any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or
(3) of any woman with respect to her unborn child. (Emphasis added throughout)
In other words, if the woman wants to inflict violence on the unborn, she's free to do so, whether by way of the tender mercies of her friendly neighborhood abortuary or a self-terminated pregnancy, she is not liable under the provisions of this subsection. (Neither, it would seem, would medical staff be liable who botch a delivery.)
Those who are protected by H.R. 1997 are few indeed and, by a not unreasonable extension of the legal sense implied therein, even fewer, because a defense attorney can argue that his client isn't liable because the woman whose unborn child died was on her way to have an abortion when the incident occurred. As Congressman Ron Paul notes in the above linked statement, by including such exclusions, the law, far from standing up forthrightly for the unborn, "further entrenches and seemingly concurs with the Roe v. Wade decision."
So, while John Kerry's opposition to the Laci Peterson Law may well have been motivated by his pro-abortion stand, it was a needless opposition, as it does no harm to Roe v. Wade, pretended feminist fantasies notwithstanding. And while many of the less perceptive in the pro-life ranks will cite this as all the more reason to back the reelection of the White House's current occupant, they can only do so by failing to see through¼
President Bush's pro-life facade
THE LINKS: The following links are in no particular order, except for the first
few that seek to establish some of the
positions held President Bush--and, in one case, the First Lady. Most are taken
from conservative, pro-life, traditional values-type sources--in a word, sources
that would be supportive of the President, if he were what he claims to be. In a few instances only a
paragraph or two pertain to the subject, but are included because they are
strong statements on the subject.)
Bush: USA isn't ready for total abortion ban
Laura Bush speaks out on abortion
Bush abortion comments spark debate
Bush's walk doesn't match his talk on life
Is there a pro-life Presidential candidate?
saves Arlen Specter
The partial birth abortion scam
Money soaked in the blood of the innocent
Why Christians should not vote for George W. Bush
Olson, arguing in favor of NOW against pro-lifers, is a Bush appointee
Evangelicals frustrated by Bush
Bush betrays pro-life cause again, backs federal aid to overseas abortion providers
President Bush's betrayal: Republicans continue assault on human life
Bush is no hero of the pro-life movement!
The exception makes the rule: "Pro-Life with exceptions" a contradiction in terms
Abortion 'high moral priority' for Bush, but not top political issue
Alan Keyes: President's pro-life rhetoric is political pandering
Bush betrayed pro-lifers again, but did they even notice?
Bush stem cell decision breaks campaign pledge and betrays pro-life conservatives
Pro-life groups say Bush abandoned principles with stem cell decision
Buchanan to Bush: Are you pro-life or not?
Abortion and the echoes of silent assent
Bush gets abortion criticism: Opponent Bauer attacks from the right
Bush, Estrada and NOW--allies against life and speech
Loyal opposition: Bush campaign spins abortion waffling
Look who's championing diversity
Lesser of two evils? It's more like the lesser of two lies
related LINKS
Key Facts on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act
Laci Peterson Case - full trial coverage on
Cal Thomas: The Scott Peterson conundrum
Kerry needs a "cute" vice president
"Kerry has an image problem.
Women don’t warm up to him because he is boring and stilted, not to mention
his scary appearance. Edwards is the warm, fuzzy politician who was named
People magazine’s 'sexiest politician.' He’s a bright smile 'pop'
politician who made a fortune (over $150 million) as a trial lawyer winning
big jury awards from medical malpractice and product liability judgments.
Thanks to lawyers like John Edwards, American companies and jobs have gone
overseas to avoid the legal sharks destroying businesses."
regime working out procedures for postponing November
"The Bush regime is now working out procedures for postponing the coming
November general election. This is totally unprecedented -- even in 1864, in
the midst of the Civil War, the Lincoln vs. McClellan presidential contest
took place according to the schedule established by the Constitution and
relevant statutes. This represents further planning for a cold coup designed
to perpetuate the power of the current gaggle of discredited neo-con
ideologues and their Wall Street backers."
Afraid of US attack, Cuba seeks to boost military
"Cuba has ordered a study of its military recruitment program, hoping to
enlist more young men in the armed forces during a period in which authorities
say they are increasingly concerned about a U.S.-led military attack." (RN
24/7: Further proof that all dictator are paranoid that people are
plotting to overthrow them is Fidel Castro's latest outburst, not that he
shouldn't be taken out, mind you. We could have removed him whenever
we wanted; surely even he must know that. And it would be absurdly easy
to do The time it would take to invade a country where the cars are all still
from the '50s could be calculated by the days, maybe by the hours! Of
course, such a diversion is also quite useful to Castro in taking the minds of
the slaves off thinking about how miserable they are, thus staving off the
real possibility of a rebellion. It's a tactic that's been successfully
employed by tyrants for ages.)
KERRY'S Jewish brother to visit Israel
Cameron Kerry, the younger brother of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee in the United States, Senator John Kerry, is expected to visit Israel next week. He is scheduled to meet with Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, the director of the Prime Minister's office, Dov Weisglass, head of the opposition MK Shimon Peres, and others.¼
Meet Cameron Kerry, the Jewish, pro-Israel
brother of John Kerry
"As many of you know, one of the things John Kerry's leftist base is most
uncomfortable about is his strong support (at least on paper) of Israel. In
fact, his pro-Israel policy paper last week caused severe consternation among
Kerry supporters.
Cameron Kerry and his in-laws talk of the
Democratic forerunner
"When Cameron Kerry fell in love with Kathy Weinman, he chose to convert to
Judaism from Catholicism. Little did Kerry know that he already had a strong
Jewish connection. His father’s parents were Jewish — a fact uncovered last year
when the Boston Globe hired a genealogist to check into the family roots of
Kerry’s more famous brother, John Kerry, the Democratic presidential
Brother emphasizes Kerry Israel support
"A crowd of 150 well-heeled, mostly liberal Jews paid $250 apiece to hear
Cameron Kerry, Sen. John Kerry’s Jewish brother and top adviser, speak about the
Democratic presidential candidate’s commitment to Israel and the Jewish people.
related LINKS
Kerry’s brother helps make the big calls
"Last November, when John Kerry fired his campaign manager, Jim Jordan, and
replaced him with Senator Edward M. Kennedy's chief of staff, Mary Beth Cahill,
the orchestrator of the change was one of the most influential, and least
visible, of his advisers: his younger brother, Cameron."
John Kerry's secret Jewish roots
"The Boston Globe has unraveled quite an amazing genealogical mystery
surrounding the family history of John Kerry. The story came out a year ago and
I'm shocked that I never heard it. In case you never heard it either, I'm
writing about it here. Thanks, to my brother Marc who first e mailed the story
to me last week."
Links from the
Jewish Virtual Library
Legislative record of Senator John Kerry on issues
of concern to the pro-Israel community
John Kerry's views on the Middle East
Depressing "reality" show sleaze
"A new study by Aubree Rankin of the
Television Council
examines the reality-show 'Race to the Bottom,' and confirms what we all knew
to be true. Most reality shows are scraping the bottom of the barrel and
sending young viewers all the wrong messages. Not only do these shows
encourage voyeurism by filming contestants in intimate situations, they also
contain some of the vilest language imaginable."
Robert Reich: God worse than terrorism
"Robert Reich, the former U.S. labor secretary under President Bill Clinton,
believes people who follow God pose a more significant threat to the modern
world than terrorists do. " (RN 24/7: This isn't Reich's first attack on those
who adhere to traditional values, as is shown in
this article.)
Military developments bode ill for future
"Even Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, whose love of warfare was
instrumental in fueling this war, stated in a speech at an international
security conference in Singapore that the United States and its coalition may
be winning some battles, but may be losing the war against the source of the
problem, Islamic terrorism."
"I was blindfolded. The interrogator said that he was going to electrocute me and that I would die like Ahmad. I felt the sensation of two iron wires being stuck on me... "
--From the testimony of
Ibrahim Za'ul. 16,
about his torture at the hands of Israeli police
Mounting evidence suggests Israeli operatives
working in occupied Iraq
"Disclosures suggesting Israeli involvement in the ongoing occupation of Iraq
are damaging to the US’s already meager credibility in the Middle East. Anger
toward Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands, which the US has backed since
1967, as well as its own human rights abuses and reputation for torturing Arab
prisoners, render suspicion of Israeli involvement in Iraq an explosive issue
throughout much of the Arab and Muslim worlds."
Israeli Interrogators help US In Iraq
"[New Yorker columnist Seymour Hersh] quoted current and former Israeli
intelligence officials that it is not strange that Israel is quite active in
the region. 'Look, Israel has always supported the Kurds in a Machiavellian
way—as balance against Saddam. It’s Realpolitik,' an intelligence officer told
the American magazine."
Israeli interrogators in Iraq - an exclusive
"At least one aspect of the
occupation of Iraq was well planned by Washington. The USA needed help
conducting mass interrogations of Arabic-speaking detainees. Foreign Report
can now reveal that, to make up for this shortfall, the USA employed Israeli
security service (Shin Bet) experts to help their US counterparts 'break'
their captives. "
Were Abu Ghraib abuses learned from Israel? Palestinians
think so...
"Palestinians who have spent time in
Israeli detention say the images of sexual abuse and humiliation from
Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison are painful reminders of their own experience at
the hands of Israeli interrogators."
Israel not involved in Iraqi interrogations
" Israel categorically dismissed
claims Sunday by the US general who used to run the notorious Abu Ghraib
prison that any of its interrogators had been in Iraq. 'There is no basis
whatsoever to the reports regarding the alleged participation of Israeli
investigators in the interrogation of prisoners and/or detainees in Iraq,' a
statement from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's office said."
U.S. Says Israel not involved in Iraq
"The U.S. military on Tuesday denied that Israel had been involved in any
interrogations of prisoners held in Iraq. The comment came after a U.S.
Army general, once in charge of Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, said on Saturday that she met an Israeli
interrogator during her time there, appearing to confirm speculation that
Israel might have helped the U.S.-led coalition."
More of the same?
Americans arrested in Kabul hung prisoners by feet in
private jail, officials say
"Three Americans arrested in Afghanistan were on a self-appointed
counterterrorism mission that included abusing eight inmates in a private jail
by hanging them by their feet, Afghan officials said Thursday."
Also see this important previously carried link
airs Israeli torture connection to Iraq
"The American general formerly in charge of Abu Ghraib has told the BBC that
she has evidence that the Israel were involved in interrogating Iraqi
detainees at another facility."
related LINKS
Shabak /
Shin Bet / Israel Security Service
"Shabak, or Shin Bet, the Israeli
counter-intelligence and internal security service, is believed to have three
operational departments and five support departments. The current director
(2003) is Avi Dichter." (RN 24/7: Dichter is still
in charge, as is shown by
this article.)
in Israel / Shin Bet
Extensive selection of links on the subject
Torture in Israeli prisons
"Palestinians are generally kept in inhumane
conditions in desert tent prisons. One of these is the Nagev desert prison,
where hundreds of Palestinians are detained on such trumped-up
charges as 'keeping secret files' or 'forming private relationships.' All of
them, even elderly and gravely ill men, are subjected to physical and mental
Ex-Shin Bet agent murdered Palestinian prisoners "for the
security of my country"
"Ehud Yatom said in an interview five years
ago that he had used a rock to crush the skulls of two Palestinians shortly
after they were captured during a bus hijacking in 1984."
Israel calls torture "holy work"
"A recent official Israeli report has acknowledged for the first time that the
Israeli security service tortured detainees during the Palestinian uprising, the
Intifada, between 1988 and 1992. The report, written five years ago but kept
secret until now."
Democratic votes could go south on "gay
marriage" issue
"No other social issue carves a wider divide between the North and the South
than gay marriage. Not abortion. Not gun control. In the South, where as many
as two-thirds oppose same-sex marriages, voters say they are far less willing
to back a candidate that feels differently."
Ridge warns of "large-scale attack" plan
"Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Thursday that there is 'credible'
information indicating that al-Qaida is moving ahead with plans for a
'large-scale attack' in the U.S. aimed at disrupting the November elections."
(RN 24/7: Are you ready to kiss your civil rights goodbye? Just two days ago
we carried a report about
plans to cancel
the election in the wake of a terrorist attack, while keeping in
mind the prediction by General Tommy Franks that
the Constitution itself could be scrapped.
Martial law would bring the Insiders one step away from achieving the
that would make the hostile merger of the United States into one world
dictatorship far easier. And this will come about, sooner or later, unless
enough Americans are alerted to this plot before it is too late. We must get
busy while there is still time to save our country!)
insurgency larger than
"The Iraq insurgency is far larger than the 5,000 guerrillas previously
thought to be at its core, U.S. military officials say, and it's being led by
well-armed Iraqi Sunnis angry at being pushed from power alongside Saddam
Hussein. Although U.S. military analysts disagree over the exact size, dozens
of regional cells, often led by tribal sheiks and inspired by Sunni Muslim
imams, can call upon part-time fighters to boost forces to as high as 20,000 -
an estimate reflected in the insurgency's continued strength after U.S. forces
killed as many as 4,000 in April alone."
Court asked to explain Schiavo's
guardianship in face of ongoing
"A Florida probate court judge has again ruled against the parents of Terri
Schindler-Schiavo, the 40-year-old, brain-disabled woman whose estranged
husband and legal guardian, Michael Schiavo, is determined to end her life by
removing her feeding tube."
Terri's website
More news on the fight for Terri and other disabled people.
Since it opened on June 25, Michael Moore's hit "documentary" Fahrenheit 9/11 has been a lightning-rod of controversy, from Move America Forward !, which, arguing that its purported distortions would lessen support for the War on Terrorism, successfully persuaded many theaters not to show it to novelist Ray Bradbury, incensed by the Moore's "borrowing" of the title from his sci-fi classic, Fahrenheit 451. Meanwhile, many opponents of the Iraq War hailed it as a brilliant exposé, failing to see Fahrenheit 9-11 for what it really is: false opposition. Finally, more perceptive people are beginning to see through the deceit and forcefully denounce it.
Michael Moore and Richard Perle combine forces:
Who really wants to invade Saudi Arabia, and why?
"Michael Moore’s new film 'Fahrenheit
9-11' has done a tremendous favor for some proponents of a war upon the
Arabian Peninsula. The film achieves what endless pages of conservative
think-tank studies and panel discussions, hours of PR time and books can not:
spill gasoline on the anti-Saudi sparks already ignited within the United
States. Moore's film lambastes the Saudis not only for their business
relationships but also for leaving the US after the attacks of September 11th
2001 as did other non-Saudi officials on the same day when specific flights
were permitted. The overwhelming popularity of this documentary takes the
anti-Saudi message to a whole new market."
Fahrenheit 9-11: Liar, liar, your pants are on
sweeping attack on the self-proclaimed `war president' totally ignores the
900-lb gorilla at the tea party: the neoconservative conspiracy to push
America into the disastrous Iraq war."
Michael Moore: Master of Propaganda
Real News 24/7: Two questions that need to be answered: Just who really is Michael Moore and who's bankrolling him?
Also see these important previously carried links
life and death of Ronald Reagan: A sadly educational experience
"I have mixed feelings about Reagan. On one hand, he seemed like a genuinely
nice and decent human being – something you can't say about many U.S.
presidents. His heart seemed to be in the right place on most issues, and he
said many appropriate and noble things. On the other hand, his administration
was 95 percent talk and only 5 percent action when it came to rolling back the
State. Of course, even just talk and good intentions are better than nothing.
But let's look at his record.¼"
Sex claims bankrupt US archdiocese
"A Roman Catholic archdiocese
in the US is to declare bankruptcy because it cannot meet the cost of claims
by people allegedly abused by its priests. The Archdiocese of Portland,
Oregon, will be the first in the US to do so." (RN 24/7:
Many search for an answer as to the source of the struggles in the
Catholic Church of late, particular concerning the scandals of "pedophile
priests," but this should be no mystery. Indeed, the handwriting is written
upon the wall in large, unmistakable letters for those who care to read it:
An enemy hath done this.
St. Matthew 13:24-30)
Bev Harris on e-voting "flaws": "We have a
train wreck that's definitely going to happen"
"Bev Harris didn't set out to become a muckraking voting technology expert. A
literary publicist accustomed to working with manuscripts and authors in
suburban Seattle, she preferred doting on her new grandchild to debating
politics. She still doesn't vote regularly."
In recent years, motion picture studios have turned on a regular--if sporadic--basis to films concerning conspiracies and/or secret societies. Starting with Oliver Stone's take on the Kennedy assassination, JFK, in 1991; Conspiracy Theory (1997), which, with its references to MK Ultra mind control, comes disturbingly close to reality at times; The X Files (1998), based on the TV show about FBI agents tracking strange phenomena and a conspiracy within the government; Arlington Road (1999) and its terrorist plot; and The Skulls (2000), about a group patterned after the Bush-Kerry secret society, Skull_and_Bones clearly prove that Hollywood believes there is a market for such movies. And the trend has continued this year with Michael Moore 9-11 documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11, as well as a remake of the 1962 classic about brainwashing, Manchurian Candidate, and the soon-to-be-released National Treasure.
New Cage movie features Illuminati spin and
National Treasure
, a new Nicolas Cage film due to hit movie
theatres in November, deals
heavily in Illuminati symbolism and secret society rhetoric. (Be sure to check
the hidden links in the last paragraph.)
The Illuminati and the CFR
"Now just why did the
conspirators choose the word: 'Illuminati' for their satanic-organization?
Weishaupt himself said that the word is derived from Lucifer and means: 'holder of the light.' Using the lie that his objective was to bring
about a one-world government to enable those with mental ability to govern the
world and prevent all wars in the future. In short, using the words: 'peace on
earth' as his bait, exactly as that same bait as: 'peace' was used by the 1945
conspirators to force the United Nations on us, Weishaupt financed, I repeat,
by the Rothschilds, recruited some 2,000 paid followers."
Joseph Sobran:
The Jewish Faction
"Within the Tribe, one of the worst sins a Jew can commit is to become a
Christian, as witness Jewish hostility to Jews for Jesus. An irreligious or
atheist Jew may claim Israeli citizenship at any time, but a Jew who has
converted to Christianity may not.¼"
PETA pushes "total animal liberation"
"People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has been described as “by
far the most successful radical organization in America.” The key word is
radical. PETA seeks 'total animal liberation,' according to its president
and co-founder, Ingrid Newkirk. That means no
meat or dairy, of course; but it also
means no aquariums, no circuses, no hunting or fishing, no fur or leather, and
no medical research using animals. PETA is even opposed to the use of
seeing-eye dogs." (Exposé by, an organization that
watches anti-consumer activist groups)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Article from Wikipedia, followed by several interesting links
PETA Petition
Sign the Center for Consumer Freedom petition to the IRS, which seek seeks to
strip PETA of its 501 (c) tax-exempt status on the grounds that "By
repeatedly and continuously giving financial support to individuals and
organizations devoted to domestic terrorism, PETA has demonstrated that it is
incapable of conducting itself in a manner expected of nonprofit groups
receiving federal tax subsidies."
Immigration ends the nation state
"Plainly, our way
of life, our American values and strong tradition of individual
freedom and liberty, is not the shared experience that the political class
wants to preserve. That’s the fundamental actuality that most
Americans are reluctant to consider or address. But that timidity, does not
stop the hordes from crossing the borders, or flying into airports.
official seeks process for canceling Election Day over terrorism
"The government needs to establish guidelines for canceling or rescheduling
elections if terrorists strike the United States again, says the chairman of a
new federal voting commission." (RN 24/7: When
this is added to similar statements made recently and with those of General
Tommy Franks on how the Constitution would be scrapped if another attack the
magnitude of 9-11 takes place, then the specter of a police state looms
larger. Don't give up your guns!)
It turns out that the Bush Administration has its own conspiracy theorist. In her book, Study of Revenge: Saddam Hussein's Unfinished War against America , Laurie Mylroie, formerly an Iraq advisor to Bill Clinton, argues that Saddam Hussein was behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Richard Perle called it "splendid and convincing," while fellow neo-con Paul Wolfowitz provided what the author called "crucial support" for her book. Mylroie later expanded her thesis to make Saddam the mastermind of every anti-American attack over the past decade and Study of Revenge was duly republished after 9-11 as The War Against America)
Did one woman's obsession take America to war?
"Americans supported the war in Iraq not because Saddam Hussein was an
evil dictator - they knew that - but because President Bush made the case that
Saddam might hand weapons of mass destruction to his terrorist allies to wreak
havoc on the United States. In the absence of any evidence for that theory,
it's fair to ask: where did the administration's conviction come from?"
Laurie Mylroie
Bio from Disinfopedia
Mylroie's "The Saddam-9/11 link confirmed"
In this
article, carried in May by David Horowitz in Front Page Magazine, Laurie
Mylroie presents her conspiracy theory.
CNN chat with Laurie Mylroie: Is Iraq involved
with U.S. terror attacks?
On October 29, 2001, Mylroie took questions in CNN's chatroom and, among other
things, said: "I believe that it is necessary to shift the war to Iraq and to
do so as soon as possible, because Iraq is a primary threat, the primary
terrorist threat to the United States.¼It's
necessary to get rid of Saddam."
Jersalem Post interview with Dr. Laurie
A day after her visit at CNN, Mylroie was interviewed by the Jerusalem Post,
where she boldly implicated Iraq as being "behind the September 11th attack."
Call for a war against Saddam's regime, she adds "when the U.S. targets Iraq
with the aim of overthrowing Saddam, and Saddam realizes that [he is going
down], then Saddam is going to do his best to bring his enemies down--and very
high among those enemies to be targeted is Israel. "
China gears up For Taiwan showdown
"When China holds war games on Dongshan island off its southeastern coast this
month, its SU-27 fighters will battle for air superiority and back up an
amphibious landing in a mock invasion of Taiwan."
"Saint Death": Occult patron of Mexican
"Deep in the heart of the no-go Mexico City barrio of Tepito, a long queue of
men, women and children wait patiently to get closer to a 6ft image of Saint
Death and seek a favor. " (RN 24/7: This satanic
mockery of Christian saints--in particular, the Mother of Christ--remained
dormant for centuries, only to rear its ugly head in the 1960s, coincidental
[or perhaps, not coincidental] to Vatican II. How the cult produces a
sick blending of images--Grim Reaper in the garb of the Madonna or the Christ
Child, not unlike how voodooist give their devilish gods a Catholic veneer--is
seen in
these photos.
One webpage shows how false
veneration for la Santa Muerte is being
sacrilegiously combined with that of a real saint.)
Anti-Christian bias feared rising in Pakistan
"Muslim anger over the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is leading to more
discrimination against Christians in Pakistan, an archbishop warns."
Jesus actor mistaken for the real deal
"James Caviezel has been swamped
with requests to perform miracles by Mexican fans who believe he really is
Jesus Christ."
On this, the 228th anniversary of our nation's founding, there have been numerous signs warning—should current directions in government and culture not be reversed—of America's not-to-distant dissolution as a Constitutional Republic. Such red flags abound: the continued slaughter of the unborn despite a "pro-life" president in the White House, Supreme Court approval of sodomy and subsequent "gay marriages, an all-out, to-the-death "War on Terror" while millions of illegal aliens swarm into the U.S., increased unemployment through the "out-sourcing" of jobs, the senseless war in Iraq, the on-going transfer of power to the United Nations¼etc.
Happy (July 4th) Birthday "Country"
"Recently, on the Sean Hannity radio show, a high school junior phoned in to
say that her teacher had informed the students that the class would no longer
be called American History – it was now to be called Our Country’s History.
Unfortunately, our history books have been rewritten, twisting the truth about
our heroic forefathers and in many cases eliminating historical facts and
figures all together. Many schools have removed the American flag from class
rooms, as well as discontinuing the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. And
now, even the word American is on its way to being off-limits. "
A free nation doesn't do this!
"There is nothing in our Constitution
that even remotely contemplates a government that is in the business of child
care, education, enormous welfare programs, automobile or other transportation
design standards, the protection of trees, owls and fish, health and other
forms of insurance including home mortgage insurance, the obesity and food
consumption habits of its people, underwriting higher education via grants and
loans, and the "right" to invade private homes or tap into personal
communications without just cause and a proper warrant. Nor did the framers of
the Constitution and the Bill of Rights contemplate foreign nation-building by
the federal government of this nation at the expense of our citizens, the
taxpayers, who inevitably pay the bill, since government has no income of its
Texas Independence Day parade cancelled in Austin
"The annual Texas Independence Day parade in the state capital has been
canceled following the City Council's decision against sponsoring the event."
(Illustration originated on
Would you have a RFID chip implanted?
"Microsoft's MSN Money website is currently running a poll
asking its readers if they would voluntarily have an RFID tracking chip
implanted in their body." (For more on implants, see our entries from
Pentagon tried to censor Saddam's hearing
"A team of US military officers acted as censors over all coverage of the
hearings of Saddam Hussein and his henchmen on Thursday, destroying videotape
of Saddam in chains and deleting the entire recorded legal submissions of 11
senior members of his former regime."
Michael Moore Shills for Illuminati Bankers
"Fahrenheit 9-11 blames the Bushes and Saudis for 911 and Iraq to divert
our attention from the real masterminds. In assigning responsibility for the
Iraq debacle, there is not a single mention of Israel or neo conservative Jews."
(RN24/7: Could the fact that
Gate, Moore's distributor
for the film, is run by
Jon Feltheimer have any thing to do with this
omission? ¼Nah!
How could you think such a thing? Make sure to check the link at the end of this
article, which asks a number of pertinent questions about Moore.)
Science, politics and death
"Environmental extremism kills. Millions die annually because of restrictions on
DDT, and imposing the 'Kyoto' regulations would kill many more."
As Saddam Hussein is being tried in Baghdad, there is the facade of it being a proceeding of, by and for the Iraqi people, while behind the scenes he still remains in U.S. custody. But is it a show trial in more than one way? If political commentator Joe Vialls is correct, it isn't even Saddam who's on trial, but a double and what we're witnessing is but the latest in a series of carefully staged psychological operations by the occupation force.
Shaddam Shaddam's new vaudeville scam!
"To say that New York's latest propaganda initiative got off to a bad start
would be the understatement of the year. Initially, journalists who had
personally viewed the prisoner stated that when an Iraqi judge asked whether
or not he was Saddam Hussein, the response was affirmative. The journalists
further described the prisoner as, 'in good health and shorn of the long hair
and gray beard he had when he was arrested in December in a bunker near his
hometown in Tikrit,' who afterwards "acknowledged that he was Saddam Hussein."
We were then shown fanciful artistic sketches of the alleged clean-shaven
tyrant and other members of his co-accused legitimate government ministers
because, 'no photographs of Saddam Hussein are allowed due to high security.'"
Declassified report: Army stage-managed fall of Hussein
"It was a Marine colonel — not joyous Iraqi civilians, as was widely assumed
from the TV images — who decided to topple the statue, the Army report said.
And it was a quick-thinking Army psychological operations team that made it
appear to be a spontaneous Iraqi undertaking." (RN 24/7:
While this may be news to millions of Americans who accept the evening network
'news report' propaganda as the unvarnished truth, those who have visited Real
News 24/7 and other independent news since the start of the Iraq War have
known for over a year that this was a psychological manipulation carried out
by military, but with the invaluable support of controlled TV media hacks, as
is amply shown
Related article
US denies interference in Saddam's trial
"The Bush administration said yesterday that it has provided $75 million and
staff support to the tribunal trying Saddam Hussein and other members of his
regime, but it insisted it is not interfering in the proceedings."
Gleeful and glum at Saddam's shame
"As Saddam Hussein faced charges in Baghdad, governments across the Middle
East largely kept silent about the extraordinary appearance of an Arab leader
in the dock. "
airs Israeli torture connection to Iraq
"The American general formerly in charge of Abu Ghraib has told the BBC that
she has evidence that the Israel were involved in interrogating Iraqi
detainees at another facility."
Kerry position paper outlines support for
"In a position paper outlining his stance on Israel, Democratic presidential
candidate John Kerry promises not to negotiate with Yasser Arafat and
expresses support for Israel's right to defend itself by attacking terrorist
Kerry campaign releases Middle East policy
seemingly drafted in Tel Aviv
Ten reasons why they don't want you to know
that no hijackers were involved in 9-11
"10. The FBI and the White House consider that offering real evidence
betrays weakness. Not weakness in the matter of proof. Weakness in the
exercise of power. 'We don't owe you an explanation. We assert; you accept.'"
The ADL is " of the ugliest, most powerful pressure groups in the U.S...Its primary commitment is to use any technique, however dishonest and disgraceful, in order to defame and silence and destroy anybody who dares to criticize the Holy State ('Israel')."
--Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
The ADL is a branch of the masonic B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant), which was established Oct. 13, 1843.
Up until recently, for decades the chief "fact-finder" (head spy) for the ADL was the late Irwin Suall. From 1957 through 1962, Mr. Suall was national secretary of the Socialist Party.
The ADL keeps extensive espionage files on those who are critical of Israeli policies. Last year the ADL attempted to blackmail Benjamin Chavis, leader of the NAACP, with some of those files.¼
Other background links:
The ADL: Global smearmongers
Numerous revealing links from the
Campaign for Real History
Abraham Foxman's ADL in gutter with "gays"
"The Anti-Defamation League, under
the direction of Abraham Foxman for the past decade, announced its linkage
with Barnes & Noble in coordinating an anti-hate campaign in which militant
homosexuals (gays) will be very visible."
Related Open Letter to Abraham
Marchers in Hong Kong protest Communist
Chinese government
"Hundreds of thousands of people marched through Hong Kong Thursday, demanding
full democracy and venting anger at China’s Communist leaders for denying them
the right to directly elect their government."
(RN24/7: And here's even more reason for
them to
distrust the mainland Chinese tyranny.)
Independence Day: What do we celebrate?
"The conspirators for world government hate every expression of independence,
because independence means something they do not control. Listen to what they
say on Sunday. They will have to say something to satisfy us peons, but the
obligatory things they say about independence will stick in their craws."
The stories TV news won't tell
"Since the Palestinians began their armed uprising against Israel's military
occupation three years and eight months ago, British television and radio's
reporting of it has been, in the main, dishonest - in concept, approach and
Lieutenant General Richard Sanchez, who today stepped down as military commander in Iraq, ordered thousands of British troops to attack an Iranian force that had moved into disputed territory on the Iraqi border. This according to a senior officer cited by Defense Analysis. " If we had attacked the Iranian positions, all h--- would have broken loose," the source said. "We would have had the Iranians to our front and the Iraqi insurgents picking us off at the rear." This is the same Sanchez who predicted that coalition troops would continue to occupy Iraq for "years, not months." Or did he mean Iraq¼and Iran?
Attack Iran, US chief ordered British
"America's military commander in Iraq ordered British troops to prepare a full-scale ground offensive against Iranian forces that had crossed the border and grabbed disputed territory, a senior officer has disclosed. An attack would almost certainly have provoked open conflict with Iran. But the British chose instead to resolve the matter through diplomatic channels."
Bill Buckley's Iraq War reversal
"The games played by a public intellectual are a marvel of moral
irresponsibility. He casually suggests that a war would be a grand idea. The
result is that 10,000 die and life is ruined for the living. Civilization is
replaced by shifting stenches of death, disease, and filth. Millions swear
retribution. ¼Ah,
but then the intellectual changes his mind!"
Blind, or a coward?
"[Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9-11] is a brilliant piece of propaganda,
entertaining and funny, and it skewers the president deliciously. But am I the
only one to notice that in one critically important way, it entirely misses
the boat and gets nearly everything wrong?¼Moore
totally avoids the question of Israel." (RN 24/7:
The title of this column, suggests two possible explanations for Moore's
failure to bring up Israel: Either he is ignorant of the connection or
he's afraid to mention it. But there's a third possibility and that's that
he's false opposition! We haven't looked into this and are just throwing it
out as conjecture, but note that his meteoric rise and the widespread critical
acclaim of his lackluster "documentaries" could be seen as suspicious. More on
Moore later.)
A conspiracy against Jews
"In 1935 the steamer 'Tel Aviv' made its maiden voyage from Nazi Germany to
Haifa with Hebrew letters on its bow and a Nazi flag fluttering from its mast.
The Captain of the Zionist-owned ship was a member of the Nazi Party. A
passenger described the spectacle as a 'metaphysical absurdity'.¼Actually
it made perfect sense."
DISCLAIMER: Needless to say, we at Real News 24/7 do not necessary agree with every thought or the implication of every article we link to, nor with every stand or position taken by the person or organization responsible for an article we recommend. Nor do those who wrote such articles necessarily agree with everything we say. Real News 24/7 assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed in any work taken from external links. In each section we have listed the best articles we could find at this time on a given subject with regard to documentation and analysis of the subject under discussion, regardless of minor or major flaws in the article. We soon hope to have an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each article recommended, which will appear right under the link to the article itself. The information in our "Latest News and Analysis" feature is meant to bring to your attention information or views generally not easily found on the Big TV networks and other controlled media sources.