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African National Congress ANC Today

Vol.3, No.28 • 18—24 July 2003


Democracy must be restored to Sao Tome
The coup in Sao Tome this week emphasises the need for our continent to move decisively to ensure that all peace and security institutions are made fully operational as quickly as possible.• More...

Important role for traditional leaders in nation-building
The role and place of traditional leadership in a democratic South African has been substantially clarified with the publication of a government White Paper and draft bill on traditional leadership and governance. • More...

Major sports restructuring aims at improved performance
A confederation of sports bodies and a national sports academy are among the elements of a new plan announced by government this week to streamline South African sport and improve the potential for success in high performance sport.• More...

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Nelson Mandela

Happy Birthday Madiba

The ANC joins millions of South Africans and others from around the world in wishing Nelson Mandela a very happy 85th birthday on 18 July.

• Post a birthday message
• Read 'The Mandela Page'
• Read the birthday message of   the ANC

Cover of Umrabulo No.18

Umrabulo No.18 June 2003

Letters from  President Mbeki

Letters from the President Compilation

Cover of January 8 statement

January 8th Statement 2003

28 October 2015

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Transparency in the SABC

The draft editorial policies of the SABC are an important step towards transparency and public accountability in the editorial process of the public broadcaster.
• ANC submission on SABC draft policies
• Comment on 'upward referral'
• SABC Draft Editorial Policies
• BBC Policies and Guidelines

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