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Welcome to the Audio Help Page.
The "Jim Condit Jr. for Congress" Radio Ads for 2002 -- have been converted into numerous audio formats to ensure that there will be at least one format that is right for you. |
Each format (with the exception of .MP3) has two versions, a 'Hi' and a 'Lo'. This refers to bandwith. If you connect to the Internet on an ISDN, Cable Modem or DSL connection, then you should always choose one of the 'Hi" versions. This will ensure the maximum audio quality for you. |
If you connect to the Internet with a Modem, 56K or less, then you should always choose one of the 'Lo' versions. This will ensure the maximum audio quality for you. |
If you find that none of the formats are working for you, then it would be advisable for you to get the latest version of one of the following Players. The choice is yours. |
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Take note that these companies would like you to purchase one of their High-End Players, but that is unnecessary as there are always Free versions of these Players available. It may take a bit of looking to find the Free Player link, but there will be one available. |
The 'Text' link at the end of each column will open a browser window which will display the text of each script. You can listen to the ad as well as read the script. |
By 'Right Clicking' on any one of the audio links and choosing the 'Save Target As' option, you can save these audio files to your Hard Drive. You may then listen to them at your convenience, and also email them, as an attachment, to your friends. However, it is easier and preferable to simply email the entire audio page. This can be done by clicking on "File", then choosing "Send" -- at which point you are given the choice to send the entire page by email, or the link by email, or by simply clicking on "email this page to a friend." |
For those new to the internet -- mp3 (short for "mpeg layer 3" -- which is Internet geek talk) is a newer audio format which is supposed to play over any audio player. We have included it so as to provide all possible options to you. |