Conspiracy Too
Monstrous To Conceive
Cognitive Dissonance
By Henry Makow, PhD

" The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." --J. Edgar Hoover
The world is in the malignant grip of a satanic cult.
People recoil at the suggestion but proof stares us in the face every day.
George W. Bush, President of the "Free World" is a member of "Skull and Bones" a chapter of the Illuminati order. His father, grandfather and uncle are also members.
In his autobiography, "A Charge to Keep", Bush writes, "My senior year I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society so secret I can't say anything more." In Aug. 2000 he said his "heritage is part of who I am."
Isn't this a conflict of interest?
Hello! Can a man hold any public office, let alone the most important, and belong to a "secret society"? If this society were benign, would it have to be secret?
And what a secret society! The Illuminati is the hidden hand behind all modern cataclysms, including the French and Russian Revolutions, Communism, the Depression and Nazism. To affect the course of history only takes money. The people behind the Illuminati have plenty.
It's time we faced reality. Murphy's Law applies to humanity. "If it can go wrong, it will."
It has. The world is ruled by a satanic cult.
The Illuminati originates with Jewish Cabalists, Babylonian mystery cults, the Templars, Freemasons and assorted interests dedicated to acquiring absolute power. On May 1 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the University of Inglestadt in Germany, founded "The Order of the Illuminati." Many people believe Weishaupt was sponsored by Prince William of Hesse Casel and his banker Meyer Amschel Rothschild, the wealthiest man in the world.
The Illuminati's stated goal was to destroy Western Civilization and to erect a new world order ruled by the Illuminati. Its method was to cut all social ties (employer, nation, religion, race, family) by exploiting social discontent and promising a golden age of "human brotherhood."
Attracted by the promise of power and change, people served without realizing who or what they were supporting. Weishaupt urged his followers to "practise the art of counterfeit." New recruits were told the Illuminati followed the original spirit of Christianity. Weishaupt marvelled that even churchmen could be gulled. "Oh! Men, of what cannot you be persuaded?" (Nesta Webster, World Revolution, 1921, p. 27)
The Illuminati had a hand in every so-called "progressive" movement of the past 200 years. Women, said Weishaupt, were to be enlisted with "hints of emancipation." They "can all be led toward change by vanity, curiosity, sensuality and inclination." (Webster, 29)
William Huntington, an American who had studied in Germany, founded the "Skull and Bones" (Chapter 322 of the Bavarian Illuminati) at Yale University in 1832. The members wore a death's head on their chests and were sworn to secrecy on pain of death. "The Order" became the preserve of the leading New England families, many rich from the Opium trade. These include the Whitneys, Tafts, Buckleys, Lowells, Sloans, Coffins, and Harrimans. The Bush family was dependent on these interests.
For over 150 years, "Bonesmen" have run the world from positions in banking, intelligence, media, law and government. Members included Presidential handler Averell Harriman, anti war leader William Sloan Coffin, Time-Life magnate Henry Luce, Truman war secretary Henry Stimson (responsible for dropping the atomic bomb), pseudo conservative William F. Buckley and many more.
In the 1960's British-born Dr. Anthony Sutton was a Fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institute when he discovered that, in spite of the Cold War, the US was supplying the USSR with its technology, including weapons used against American soldiers in Vietnam. Sutton dug deeper and discovered that Wall Street had sponsored both the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Nazi Germany. The resulting books ( which are on line) cost Dr. Sutton his academic career.
In 1983, Dr. Sutton received a list of Skull and Bones members and immediately recognized the names of many men who controlled American policy. He published a book entitled "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones" (1986). He updated and republished this book just before his death last June at age 77. Here are some of his conclusions.
+"The Order" is " a purely American phenomenon with German origin." Dr. Sutton compares it to the Round Table Cecil Rhodes' secret society at Oxford known as "The Group." The American and British entities consist of 20-30 dynastic families each. Jewish banking interests connect them.
"The links between 'The Order' and Britain go through Lazard Freres and the private merchant banks... 'The Group' links to the Jewish equivalent through the Rothschilds in Britain... 'The Order' in the US links to the Guggenheim, Schiff and Warburg families." (23)
As Dr. Sutton notes, the "Order" had definite anti Semitic tendencies but by the 1960's, many Jewish names started to appear among the 15 annual inductees. See list of Skull and Bones members.
+ Dr. Sutton believes the "left" versus "right" political conflict is fraudulent and is used to control the debate and condition citizens to think along certain lines. Left-wing magazines like the "The Nation" and "The New Republic" and right-wing magazines like "The National Review were "artificially set up." The former were financed by Whitney money while the latter by Buckley. Both are "The Order."
Dr. Sutton states: "Sooner or later people will wake up. First we have to dump the trap of right and left. This is a Hegelian trap to divide and control. ( The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and them.")
Similarly, in the international field left and right political structures are artificially constructed and collapsed in the drive for one-world synthesis, i.e. authoritarian socialism controlled by monopoly capital.
College textbooks present war and revolution as accidental results of conflicting forces. This is nonsense, says Dr. Sutton. They are created and financed by Wall Street to create a new world order. But you won't read this in history books.
"Our Western history is every bit as distorted, censored and largely useless as that of Hitler's Germany or the Soviet Union or Communist China..." (122)
+ Dr. Sutton believes The Order has many weaknesses resulting from an inbred gene pool, a shallow power base and a limited worldview. In any future conflict between the authoritarian state and the individual, he believes opposition will take "a million forms."
" No one is going to create the anti-The Order movement. That would be foolish and unnecessary. It could be infiltrated, bought off, or diverted all too easily. Why play by the rules set by the enemy?
The movement that will topple The Order will be extremely simple and most effective. It will be ten thousand or a million Americans who come to the conclusion that they don't want the State to be boss, that they prefer to live under the protection of the Constitution. They will make their own independent decision to thwart The Order and it will take ten thousand or a million forms." (55)
Bizarre as it sounds, our world is the product of a multi generational satanic conspiracy.
(Believe me I would give everything I own to be wrong.)
When we compare this disturbing conclusion with the comforting picture purveyed by Illuminati controlled-mass media and education, we experience "cognitive dissonance," or psychological stress. This is usually resolved by evading reality, dismissing it as "conspiracy theory."
One reader, stirring in his sleep, wrote: "You sir are T-TOTALLY the biggest story teller I have ever heard. If I ever get really bored I will read some of your concockions."
In fact, conspiracy is very plausible. People who control a grossly disproportionate share of the world's wealth will take measures to consolidate their position. They will destabilize the public by inciting a series of wars and other mind-boggling hoaxes (communism, lesbian feminism, multiculturalism). They will subvert faith in a loving God and promote violence and depravity (Satan) instead.
The government-inspired 9-11 atrocity proves Bush and his accomplices are criminals, traitors and impostors. But don't look to the Democrats for salvation. Leading contender Sen. John Kerry is also "Skull and Bones" (Class of 1966.)
The "War on Terror" is obviously designed to forestall domestic opposition and condition people to further subjugation and new world order. What can we do?
I think Antony Sutton had it right when he said opposition should be individual in character. Let it "take ten thousand or a million forms."
Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles on feminism and the new world order appear on his web site He enjoys receiving comments at
From Richard
Dear Dr. Makow,
"Dr. Sutton states: 'Sooner or later people will wake up. First we have to dump the trap of right and left. This is a Hegelian trap to divide and control...'"
Well, for me to dump right vs. left - as the critical key to understanding political, social and personal conflicts - I'd have to abandon twenty years of touting the theory to everyone and their dog:
No, the split-brain dichotomy is critical to understanding all of it--I believe.
Even so, the "us vs. them" and "right vs. left" are not mutually exlusive approaches to understanding the HOW and WHY of our imprisonment by satanic forces.

Alton Raines
Yes, Richard, that's precisely what Satan wants from you; Keep you busy over here warring with your fellow-man, perceiving the right as good and the left as evil, when by His Spirit he has said "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in heavenly realms." You're missing the boat, in more ways than one. By the Spirit it is written, "Satan deceives the whole inhabited earth, save those whose names have been written in the book of life before the foundation of the world." Sacrificing 20+ years of being dead wrong might be to your salvation! "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is death."



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