Latest News & Analysis
for AUGUST 2004
"In an age of
universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." —George Orwell
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Tel Aviv will choose the next President
to widespread belief, it was more likely American voters in Israel, not
Florida, who put George W. Bush in the White House four years ago -- a
phenomenon that has Kerry's supporters in Israel vowing to do whatever
it takes to make certain that doesn't happen again in November.
"Harvard Professor Gary King, co-compiler of a survey analyzing
Florida's overseas vote in 2000, has no doubt that expatriate Americans
gave Bush his victory four years ago. And while it's unclear whether the
vote from Israel alone was enough to put Bush over the top, 185,000 U.S.
citizens live there -- an undetermined number from Florida.
"Mark Zober, chairman of Democrats Abroad in Israel, said he has no firm
figures but estimates that roughly 100,000 Americans in Israel are
eligible to vote in the upcoming U.S. election, and that roughly 14,000
were registered in 2000."
Jewish Voters: Bush's Secret Weapon?
"If Bill Clinton was the first black President -- a moniker he relished
-- then George W. Bush is the first Jewish President. After first
disengaging from the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations and refusing
to even lay eyes on Yasser Arafat, Bush went on to give Israeli Prime
Minister and best Mideast buddy Ariel Sharon virtual carte blanche in
his crackdown on the suicide-bombing Palestinans and then followed the
advice of his fiercely pro-Israel neocon advisers and went to war in
Bush zeroes in on Jewish vote
Bush losing Arab American support
Kerry: "We will never compromise America's special relationship with our ally Israel"
"Across the Middle East, the United States and Israel are facing a range of crucial security challenges. We are not secure while Saudi donors fund terror, while Iran pursues a nuclear weapons programs and while Syria sponsors terrorist operations. We are not secure while Iraq is at risk of becoming a haven for terrorists. And we are not secure while Israel, the one true democracy in the region, remains the victim of an unrelenting campaign of terror. If we continue without a more effective strategy, we are not supporting our ally as best we can."
Ed Koch: Bush vs. Kerry on Israel
(Real News 24/7: Of all the countries that the United States calls allies, is there any other one that gets this sort of attention from the candidates? Oh, and we'd love to see what Kerry's definition of a "true democracy" is. Considering that Israel is, by its own definition, a Jewish State, whose sectarian character does not permit religious freedom for non-Jews and who treats such people as second class citizens [at best], we must conclude that Kerry's use of the term is far different than that of most Americans, however erroneous the latter happens to be.)
Pro-life group targets Republicans as well as
"Pro-life activists are including high-profile Republicans in their campaign
against pro-abortion Catholics." (RN 24/7: Good,
but here's
another one
for your list.)
Substance abuse linked to abortion
Jewish man arrested
over arson at Paris Jewish center
"French police confirmed that a man arrested in connection with what was first
believed to be an anti-Semitic arson attack on a Jewish social center a week ago
was a Jewish man who had worked there." (RN 24/7:
While investigators said the arsonist was mentally unstable and committed the
crime out of "revenge" for losing his job, this doesn't explain why "swastikas
and anti-Jewish slogans like 'The world would be pure if there were no more
Jews' were scrawled inside." Question: If the perpetrator was simply unbalanced,
would he have had the presence of mind to fake a hate crime, rather than just
vent his anger.)
'Passion' DVD poised to make Gibson richer
"If, as the Bible says, it is harder for a
rich man to enter heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a
needle, Mel Gibson is in for a very tough afterlife. With "The Passion of the
Christ" due out today on DVD and VHS, Gibson is poised to reap a second immense
fortune from his controversial film about the final hours of Jesus."
FOOD FOR THOUGHT We recently were sent this link In Western Iraq, fundamentalists hold U.S. at bay, along with the following comment: "Notice the subtlety of yesterday's headline. Soon they will begin equating militias here to be in affiliation with al-CIAduh terrorists."
At the RNC, it's all in the bag
would have thought they would have been such reasonably good guests,
these protesters from such groups as the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel
Clown Army, and the Spartacus Socialist Youth Club? Even the feared
anarchists have yet to wreak any Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
mayhem on the streets.
"City organizers of the Republican National Convention, of course, had tried to pacify these proletariats with promises of discounts from Ben & Jerry's, Madame Tussaud's, and even the Museum of Sex if they promised to behave. And instead of sneering, "Let them eat cake," the New York powers that be were trying to give revolutionaries the same benefits as their reactionary counterparts."
2004: Michael Moore Draws McCain Barb, Taunts from Crowd
"Much of the audience erupted in boos and then, turning to Moore, many
delegates chanted "Four more years!"
"Moore exclaimed, 'Two more months!' He also said, 'I can't believe
they'd mention the film and help the box office.'
"A short while later Moore exited, accompanied by heavy security. He
told E & P on the way out that he was not fleeing: He had to speak to a
Planned Parenthood gathering at a theater uptown."
The Coward of Vietnam: When Johnnie came marching home
"Johnnie came home and failed at a run for office until he got smart, stuck his
wet finger up into a chorus of 'Blowin' In The Wind' and realized he could surf
that rising tide of discontent into a cushy political seat. Trading on his
commie ties (at his heart, this elitist with the snooty accent is just like the
rest of 'em: commies out the mouth, all for the people-- while capitalists and
privileged at the very top eating caviar with a philosophy chaser) Johnnie never
passed up easy opportunity when it came his way."
Democrats attack Bush for terrorism remark
"Democrats were on President Bush's case even
before Republicans opened their convention Monday, attacking Bush for saying the
war on terrorism wasn't winnable."
The Federal Marriage Amendment of 1868
"Most Americans are unaware that the United States has already passed a Federal
Marriage Amendment. The Federal Marriage Amendment was passed by three fourths
of the states in 1868."
According to an article in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, suspected spy Larry Franklin worked at the Pentagon with the neo-con Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Jay Feith . Americans must insist that a thorough probe of Feith and other Zionists of influence influence in Washington.
Israeli-Pentagon spy probe
Pentagon mole's ties to American Zionist cabal
the Jewish lobbying juggernaut, operates in such high-stakes politics
that it inevitably has been unable to avoid occasional unpleasantness.
But almost universally, the largest pro-Israel lobby has found all the
friends its has needed in Congress, on both sides of the aisle.
"More often than not, the politician who tried to face down the American
Israel Public Action Committee came out the worse for it.¼
"Even friends in high places, however, have not made a perpetually smooth ride for AIPAC over the years. The latest scrape came with word Friday that FBI investigators suspect AIPAC has acted as middleman to funnel to Israel details of secret Bush administration deliberations about Iran, a murky assertion adamantly denied by the group."
Report: Suspected mole met Israeli, AIPAC officials
as FBI watched
"The FBI last year monitored a Washington meeting between an Israeli
Embassy official and a lobbyist for the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC), during which suspected Pentagon mole Larry Franklin
joined the lunch meeting, Newsweek reported late Sunday."
White House remains silent on probe into alleged
"Bush is constantly warding off accusations that he had gone to war in
Iraq for the wrong reasons and on the basis of erroneous considerations.
The new accusations to the effect that Israel managed to manipulate the
U.S.'s pre-war considerations, would only strengthen the accusations
against Bush."
Former BBC
Chairman: Blair tried to gag BBC war reports
"Tony Blair took the unprecedented step of writing a letter to the BBC to try to
force it to soften its coverage of the war in Iraq, according to Greg Dyke, the
former director-general of the corporation."
Uncle Sam hides more and more from Americans
"Three years after 9-11, the shroud of government secrecy is spreading as
agencies strip information from their Web sites and withhold public information
on the grounds it could help terrorists."
Terri Schiavo could have second chance if
incumbent judge defeated
"There have been years of legal battles, legislation passed by the state
legislature and efforts by the governor to save Terri Schiavo's life. But, help
could be on the way if a local attorney wins his bid to unseat the judge who
previously ruled to end Terri's life and frustrated her parents' efforts to save
Terri's website
More news on the fight for Terri and other disabled people."
intensifies probe of Israeli spying at Pentagon
has intensified its investigation of senior members of what was formerly
known as the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans on suspicion that one of
them passed highly classified U.S. military information to the
government of Israel, according to federal law enforcement officials. In
some cases, colleagues, former associates and members of other
government agencies have been interviewed as many as four times by teams
of FBI agents, FBI officials told United Press International."
looks at Pentagon worker in Israel spy probe
"The FBI has evidence that a person who has been working at the Pentagon
may be a spy for Israel, senior U.S. officials have confirmed to CNN." (RN
24/7: Knesset official: "Israel is not spying in the United
States." Yeah, sure, we believe you. Really we do.)
Passport of 'hijacker' survived crash of United
Airlines Flight 93
"Even if we are to entertain the notion that this piece of paper supposedly
in the pocket of the suicide pilot who survived a crash which left aircraft
parts strewn eight miles apart, do the two photographs shown above even
represent the same person?"
A different theory about the Russian airliner
More Mossad "false flag" operations?
ADL gets coach fired for 'discriminating' against
Jewish cheerleader
"University of Georgia's fired cheerleading coach on Wednesday vowed to fight to
get back the job she held for 12 years."
government says we need more government
"The 9-11 Commission report,
released late last month, has disrupted the normally quiet Washington
August. Various congressional committees are holding hearings on the
report this week, even though Congress is not in session, in an attempt
to show the government is 'doing something' about terrorism in an
election year. The Commission recommendations themselves have been
accepted reverently and without question, as if handed down from on
Bush or Kerry¼
where's the choice?
"No, we have no choice in November. On one side we have an incumbent
that is big government, and on the other side we have a challenger that
is bigger government."
Bush versus Kerry: the fake debate
GOP convention --Calling all Marxists!
Over three days and nights, conference attendees are treated to an array of
workshops that deliver a straight dose of utopian Marxism and class warfare -
'Visions for a Post-Capitalist Society,' 'Class Struggle in the 21st Century,'
'Participatory Economics,' 'The Barter System in Argentina,' 'Art and
Revolution,' 'Anti-Capitalist Multi-Racial Coalition Building,' 'Life Beyond the
Prison Economy,' etc."
The crime wave that wasn't
"Last year, the governor of Alabama proposed and then overwhelmingly lost a
bitter referendum to increase taxes and boost revenue. Voters rightly saw the
campaign as a slick attempt to expand the public sector's power, prestige, and
wealth transfers by increasing the degree of legal plunder in Alabama's tax
June 16, 2004: Washington, DC. The 9-11 Commission investigating the September 11 attacks reports that there did not appear to be a collaborative relationship between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.
June 22, 2004: Washington. Wolfowitz tells a House Armed Services Committee that the Pentagon had underestimated Iraq’s postwar insurgency and that the U.S. may have to keep a significant number of troops in Iraq for years to come.
July 5, 2004: Former U.S. Army General Janis Karpinski, who had been in charge of the Abu Ghraib prison when Iraqi detainees were abused and humiliated, tells BBC radio that she knew of at least one Israeli involved in the prisoner interrogation.¼
Traitorous Kerry's reaction to the Swift Boat controversy
"What the Swift Boat controversy has done is show the world what many of us have known for years: John Kerry is a completely ruthless, calculating, pathological, overly-ambitious liar who will do anything to win the White House.
"However, as bad as things seem for him at the moment - and make no mistake that this controversy is the worst chapter in his campaign since the days of Howard Dean zooming ahead in the race a year ago - the fact that he is being proven to be a liar, an exaggerator, an embellisher and a fabricator does not automatically mean he will not or can not win in November."
Kerry won't release his war records
"Why won’t John Kerry release all of his documents and diary on his
four-month service in Vietnam? Why? Because his version of how he
amazingly received three Purple Hearts and Silver and Bronze stars in
just four months without ever being hospitalized in combat is a mystery
to just about everyone except John Kerry."
Hanoi Kerry flew Viet Cong flag while US
troops died in Viet Nam
"Who wants a self
confessed war criminal and traitor who flew the Viet Cong flag while US
troops where still in Viet Nam as Commander in Chief?"
(Real News 24/7: As utterly contemptible as Kerry is, do supporters of the current president--a Skull and Bones member, initiator of an unjust war in Iraq based on fraudulent claims, phony defender of the unborn and the family, tool of the globalist interests--have any reason to boast?)
Russia downplays terrorism as cause for dual
air disasters
"Russia went on high terror alert today after two passenger jets flying from a
Moscow airport crashed at almost the same time -- with one reportedly sending a
hijack SOS just before it went down."
Attack on Iraq mosque 'kills 25'
"At least 25 people have been killed and dozens injured in a suspected mortar
attack on a mosque near the troubled city of Najaf, say hospital officials."
Keeping tabs on Congress
Find out how your representative voted on key spending and constitutional
Peter Chernin,
president and chief operating officer of the News Corporation, parent of
the Fox Network, is listed as having raised over $50,000 for the Kerry
campaign. The Center for Responsive Politics' website,,
discloses Chernin contributions not only to Kerry but to Reps. Richard
Gephardt and Howard Berman.
"Chernin's role in the Kerry campaign prompted the New York Times
to ask: 'What do Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Brit Hume have in
common? They all work under a Democratic fund-raiser.'"
(Real News 24/7: More proof, for those who need it, that there is an interlocking of major party interests at the top and that as stated in a recent column, the apparent opposition is really for cosmetic purposes [that is, to con the American people into thinking they have a legitimate choice of candidates for federal offices, including the presidency]. The feature below provides even more evidence.)
Cheney admits support for "gay marriage"
"Vice-President Dick Cheney has
contradicted his own leader on the electorally controversial issue of gay
marriage. Mr Cheney, whose daughter is gay, was unusually frank – siding with
Democrats on the issue, saying gay marriage is a matter for the state and
expressing his opposition to the Bush administration's position of seeking a
constitutional amendment to outlaw gay marriage."
General: U.S. forces tortured Iraqis
"An Army general has acknowledged for the first time that U.S. forces tortured
Iraqis at the Abu Ghraib jail and his report said a colonel who headed the
military intelligence unit at the prison could face criminal charges."
Schiavo's estranged husband fails to show to second
"For the second time, Terri Schiavo's
estranged husband has failed to show for a deposition in the case surrounding
whether or not he should remain as her legal guardian."
Terri's website
More news on the fight for Terri and other disabled people."
"Having made such a smashing success out of its war with Iraq, the Bush administration now seems to be pondering the glories of yet another one in Iran. In recent weeks, various administration officials and their amen corner in the neo-conservative press have muttered and mumbled about the perils of Iran suddenly developing—guess what?—'weapons of mass destruction.' Is there nothing that can embarrass these people?"
"In 1997 (current Undersecretary of State Donald) Feith wrote in his
'Strategy for Israel' that the U.S. and Israel should conquer Iraq,
Syria, and Iran. Moreover, Israel should reoccupy 'the areas under
Palestinian Authority control,' though 'the price in blood would be
Tehran Threatens To Retaliate If Israel
Strikes Nuclear Facilities
"Iran has reiterated that it
will retaliate if Israel carries out a preemptive strike against its
nuclear program. The escalating war of words comes as a top U.S.
arms-control official has charged that Tehran may have nuclear weapons
within three years if left unchecked."
American National Congress's unjust justice
"The mere mention of South Africa's appalling
crime levels (more than 48,000 murders a year for a country that has a
population of only 40 million), irritates the ruling African National Congress.
Anyone who dares to bring up the subject is instantly called a 'racist.'"
Stealth Bush immigration betrayal
"The recent announcement by Border and Transportation Security Under Secretary
Asa Hutchinson of two seemingly unrelated Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
regulations—approved by DHS Secretario Tom Ridge and published in the federal
register last week—amounts to a stealth Bush Betrayal potentially as large as
the Administration’s stalled amnesty/ guestworker proposal. It leaves no doubt
who is running American immigration policy: Vicente Fox and the government of
Hands-on despotism in Iraq
"In the build-up to the December 1989 invasion of Panama, reports circulated in
the American media that then-Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega killed several
of his political enemies himself, personally dispatching each victim with a
bullet to the back of the head."
Israeli sexpionage: The McGreevey, (Gary) Condit and Clinton Affairs
Is Golan Cipel, an Israeli national who served as an advisor to NJ Gov. James McGreevey advisor, also a Mossad agent? And what was he, an alien, doing holding a sensitive government position in the US in the first place? These questions and others like them must be answered to protect our nation's security.
current Governor James McGreevey (above right, announcing his
resignation) homosexual scandal is actually the result of yet another
Israeli sexpionage operation targeting "sexually loose" Democratic Party
government officials. Two other recent operations, that should be fresh
in the memories of the American people, are the Congressman Gary Condit
and the President Bill Clinton Affairs.
"In the parlance of the shadowy underworld of international espionage,
the use of 'sex' by foreign spies to obtain information or concessions
from government officials is called 'sexpionage.' The sexual seduction
of high level government officials by foreign spies is usually of the
illicit category which provides foreign operatives the added advantage
of being able to better bribe the targeted victims which may be married
with children. The operation may involve compromising the government
officials through the use of professional prostitutes, underage girls
(or boys) or by providing homosexual lovers to not yet
'out-of-the-closet' targets, as was the case with Governor James
McGreevey of New Jersey."
Golan Cipel's Jewishness is important
"Everyone spies, French on America and vice versa, but only Israel, when
it is caught, behaves as if America is the one that should be ashamed
because it did not give Israel what Israel deserved to have and forced
it to steal."
McGreevey accused of ‘smear campaign’
"'While employed by one of the most
powerful politicians in the country, New Jersey Governor McGreevey, I
was the victim of repeated sexual advances by him,' Golan Cipel said in
a statement read by attorney Allen M. Lowy during a news conference in
New York."
Cipel: I was threatened to keep quiet
"A former aide at the center of the sex and political scandal in New
Jersey said he was told by associates of Gov. James E. McGreevey to be
quiet or face deportation, according to his attorney. Golan Cipel, an
Israeli national and former homeland security adviser, is the man the
governor was referring to when he acknowledged that he had a homosexual
affair and would resign, McGreevey administration sources say."
Secrecy shrouds US e-vote
"The three companies that certify the US' voting technologies operate in
secrecy, and refuse to discuss flaws in the ATM-like machines to be used by
nearly one in three voters in the presidential poll in November. Despite
concerns over whether the touchscreen machines can be trusted, the testing
companies will not say publicly if they have encountered shoddy workmanship."
dares Kerry: 'Sue Me'
"Swift Boat Veterans for Truth spokesman John O'Neill dared Sen. John Kerry on
Sunday to sue him for libel if, as Kerry's presidential campaign maintains, key
claims in O'Neill's book "Unfit for Command" are not true."
Swift Vets for Truth
(RN24/7: Funny, first Kerry called them war criminals, then alcoholics, and now
crypto-Republicans. The only thing he can't do is refute their charges. Website
includes video of 1971 debate between John O'Neill and the lying
Mental health and world citizenship
"In a recent article, I related that the Bush administration's Secretary of
Education Rod Paige last October 3 declared that the U.S. is pleased to rejoin
UNESCO where we could develop common strategies to prepare our children to
become 'citizens of the world.'"
Fall's hottest fashion statement?
Upheld judgment against Rudolph is exercise in pro-abortion politicizing
Alabama Supreme Court has upheld a Jefferson County judge's ruling that
accused abortion clinic bomber Eric Robert Rudolph must pay $115 million
to a nurse maimed in the 1998 blast.
"The high court on Friday affirmed with no opinion the decision of
Circuit Judge Helen Shores Lee that the award stand despite Rudolph's
efforts to have it dismissed. Rudolph had claimed that he wasn't
properly served with the lawsuit filed in 2000 by nurse Emily Lyons and
her husband, Jeff."
(Real News 24/7: This judgment comes a year after the amount was awarded. By way of comparison: the infamous McDonald's scalding coffee lawsuit garnered the injured party $2.7 million [later dropped to under half-a-million dollars], while the combined total of damages awarded to the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in the O.J. Simpson wrongful death suits was only $33.5 million. We spoke to an attorney concerning the Lyons award and he expressed surprise that Alabama's Supreme Court would have upheld the outrageously high figure, which he said clearly showed a pro-Planned Parenthood bias on the part of the lower court judge. We did a Google search on Helen Shores Lee and found that she's a Democrat who's on the board of directors of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. Whether or not she actually belongs to Planned Parenthood, the absurdly high amount of damages--especially the $50 million in punitive damages--leaves no doubt to her sympathies. As the Pro-Life News website states, what we're seeing in cases like this is the "using [of] tort judgments to publicly 'presume' guilt -- without proof -- before a criminal jury verdict finds the accused guilty or innocent.")
California professor convicted in hate crime hoax
"A Los Angeles County Superior Court jury in Pomona last week found Kerri Dunn
guilty of filing a false police report and attempted insurance fraud, which is
punishable by up to three-and-a-half years in prison." (RN
24/7: For background information on the Dunn incident, see our June 2nd
feature, "Do-it-yourself
hate crime.")
Arsonists destroy Paris Jewish community center, leave anti-Semitic graffiti (RN24/7: Also faked?)
The upcoming election for cosmetic purposes only
"Many political activists that were once involved in the two-party system like
myself are dropping out of the 'occult' and voting for a third party candidate.
We know we can't win at this point but our anti-two-party vote as it grows will
get attention. "
More holes in the official story: The 9-11 cell phone
"While serious doubts regarding the cell calls were expressed in the immediate
aftermath of 9-11, a new landmark in the wireless telecom industry has further
contributed to upsetting the Commission's credibility. Within days of the
release of the 9-11 Commission Report in July, American Airlines and
Qualcomm, proudly announced the development of a new wireless technology --which
will at some future date allow airline passengers using their cell phones to
contact family and friends from a commercial aircraft." (Also see
The trouble with those 9-11 cell phone calls)
Secret society member Bush cheered by Knights of Columbus
a nauseating display of moral cowardice and mental illness on the part
of Conservative Catholics, masonic secret society member George W. Bush
appeared before the national convention of the Knights of Columbus and
instead of being jeered and chased out of the convention center in
Dallas on Aug. 3, was given repeated standing ovations and chants of
'Four More Years!' from thousands of Catholics, among whom were two
ranking cardinals, Edward M. Egan, archbishop of New York, and Theodore
E. McCarrick, archbishop of Washington.
Bush told the Catholics that both he and the Knights of Columbus
organization were 'born' in New Haven, Connecticut (the Knights group
was founded in Connecticut in 1882 as a Catholic fraternal alternative
to the Freemasons). This macabre inside joke by Bush went right over the
heads of the Knights, since New Haven, Connecticut is also the place
where Bush was selected for initiation into the Masonic "Skull and
Bones" secret society while a student at Yale University.¼"
(Real News 24/7: As Michael Hoffman writes
in this article, there is a level of "moral cowardice and mental
illness" on display here, but what must also be noted is the
infiltration of the Catholic Church,
not the least in the subversion of Catholic action groups such as the
Knights. See also
The Greatest Conspiracy)
Catholics won't march to polls in lock step
"What's more, top Vatican official Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
announced last month that it's OK for Catholics to vote for a candidate
who doesn't oppose abortion. If a voter feels a candidate's position on
other issues outweighs his or her stand on abortion, Cardinal Ratzinger
said, then the voter is free to support that person." (Also see
Actions by religious pro-lifers betray
the sacred cause)
Charley Reese:
Conspiracy, or Stupidity?
"Most conspiracy buffs underestimate human stupidity. They see people
they consider smart and powerful do stupid things, and they think the
people must have some hidden ulterior motive. Surely people in such high
positions, they think, couldn't do something that dumb." (RN
24/7: Regardless of the existence of what Charley calls
"blundering diplomacy," the fact of political conspiracy is quite
demonstrable. Certainly the two--conspiracy and stupidity-- are not
mutually exclusive, as the Soviet Communists coined the term "useful
to describe the Westerners who unwittingly advanced the goals of the
Reds. But the Communists, in a sense, have been use idiots
themselves--pawns of something bigger, a movement seeking a one-world
government that's commonly called the
World Order
(NWO). While those involved have usually kept a very low profile
concerning it, British author and Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells actually
promoted the NWO in his 1928 book
The Open
No, Mr. Reese, in answer to your question, it isn't stupidity, but a
well-organized drive to advance a criminal dream to enslave humanity
that ultimately must be the focus of our concern. The quote of
James Forrestal,
the first Secretary of Defense, is just as pertinent as when he uttered
it over fifty years ago: "Consistency has never been a mark of
stupidity. If the diplomats who have mishandled our relations with
Russia were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our
favor." For more on Wells' book and its relevance to modern politics,
Joseph Sobran's column on the
Almost $9 billion for Iraq goes missing
"At least $8.8 billion in Iraqi funds that was given to Iraqi ministries
by the former U.S.-led authority there cannot be accounted for,
according to a draft U.S. audit set for release soon. "
Poll shows more Americans favor Terri
Schiavo's right to live
A new poll finds that a majority
of those who take a stand on whether Terri Schiavo should live or die
feel she should continue to be provided with food and water. Only a
minority side with her estranged husband Michael that her life should be
Terri's website
More news on the fight for Terri and other disabled people.
Pentagon hides depleted uranium dangers to deny medical care to vets
"Far from the radioactive battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, another war is being waged. This war, over the use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons, is being fought between the military top brass and the men who understand the dangers of DU: former military doctors and nuclear scientists."
related LINKS
BBC NEWS | In Depth | Depleted uranium
BBC NEWS | In Depth | US to use depleted uranium
Kerry says Bush broke the law in TV ad dispute
" A simmering feud between the Bush and Kerry campaigns over a TV ad
that denigrates Sen. John Kerry’s Vietnam war record moved toward the
boiling point Friday as the Democratic nominee filed a complaint with
federal officials that accused the president’s re-election campaign of
breaking the law." (RN 24/7: Whether this complaint will be
substantiated or not remains to be seen, but the bottom line is that the
Kerry people wouldn't be whining if the
wasn't so devastatingly effective!)
Will mainstream censor these 'delicate'
Israel was directly or indirectly involved in the Sept.11 terrorist
tragedy—or otherwise had advance knowledge of the impending attacks—the
truth is that
Free Press
has led the media in reporting news about this 'delicate' subject that
no other media voice would touch. Here’s an overview of AFP's pioneering
coverage by date of issue.¼"
Spanish doubletalk in election
"Bush and Kerry share indistinguishable platforms on the National
Question. They both support mass immigration, linguistic Balkanization,
multiculturalism and racial preferences. They both encourage illegal
immigration and pander shamelessly. Both have pulled out the all the
stops to attract the coveted Hispanic vote."
In the popular TV series, The X-Files, FBI agents sought to expose a plot in which a shadow group within the government helped prepare the way for an invasion by space aliens. Outrageous? Of course. But it's no more implausible than the conspiracy theory being advanced in real life by David Icke (right), who with a straight face insists that the leaders of nations aren't in cahoots with the space invaders--they are the space invaders. He is one of a number of Internet writers whose preposterous ideas are distracting from and discrediting the real conspiracies.
"According to New Age guru and spiritualist David Icke, our world is run by (and has been for thousands of years) a secret society of extra-terrestrial reptilians known as the Anunnaki. Mr. Icke, a former national spokesman for Britain’s radical Green Party, is a prolific author, whose books, videos and articles propagate a bizarre revisionist history of ancient civilizations, religions, world events, dynasties and famous people."
Sadr must be dealt with: Rice
"Muslim cleric Moqtada al-Sadr cannot be trusted to keep his word and he
must be 'dealt with,' US national security adviser Condoleezza Rice
said. Ms Rice told CNN television the Iraqi government 'has been very
clear with Sadr that he has to do some things, leave the shrine, that he
has got to disband his militia.'"
Related article
Stolen laptops held sensitive airport-screening
"Six laptops containing sensitive security information for airport
screeners were stolen last month from a hotel near Seattle-Tacoma
International Airport."
Kerry deals away his ace in the hole
"Senator John Kerry has made a colossal mistake by continuing to defend
his October 2002 vote authorizing President Bush's invasion of Iraq.
Last week at the Grand Canyon, Kerry said he would have "voted to give
the president the authority to go to war" even if he had known there
were no stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction -- Bush's original
justification for war on Iraq."
Still no answer: Priest-writer refuses to expose murderous Satanic pedophile ring
Earlier this summer the well-known priest/author/sociologist Fr. Andrew Greeley was challenged to come forward with information he claims to have about a clergy sex ring in Chicago that may be responsible for more than one ritual murder. Most disturbing is the possibility that the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin (right), one of the most powerful churchmen in America, was involved with it.
clergy sex abuse scandal that has shaken the American Catholic Church in
the last few years continues to make news nationwide and here in
"Sheila Schreiber-Parkhill, a noted Catholic attorney who currently
resides in Bismarck, North Dakota, has challenged priest-author and
sociologist Father Andrew Greeley to reveal the information he claims to
have in “safekeeping” about the activities of a clergy sex/pedophile
ring that may have been involved with the 1984 unsolved murder of
Chicago musician and professor Francis E. Pellegrini."
The beginning of the end of the Bernardin
"Over the past 12 years, in sworn deposition, in accounts to
investigators, in affidavits submitted in support of others' cases, in
direct statements to Bernardin, in phone calls and letters to Church
officials, and in correspondence with Vatican officials (all of which
has examined), Agnes has testified to the following story:
"In the fall of 1957, in Greenville, S.C., Fr, Joseph Bernardin raped 11-year-old Agnes as part of a Satanic ritual that involved, among others, Bishop John Russell of Charleston. Brought to the event by an abusive father, Agnes 'was able, at first, to resist Bishop Russell physically, out of the knowledge that God had made me good, not bad as I was being told I was' (her words). As a young child, she had been victimized by a 'sadist' cousin, and her identity was based upon 'resisting bad things', which included Bernardin. Bernardin then showed kindness and approval of her resistance, in order to gain her trust and get her to relax, and then he raped her. He followed the rape with a perverted use of a host, in an attempt to make Agnes swallow the guilt of the event."
Bernardin's "gay-friendly" ghost
"Some years back, during the Chicago reign of Joseph Cardinal
Bernardin (from 1982 to his death in 1996) conservative commentator
Thomas Roeser, a solid Catholic, was on a program with Chicago
homosexual activist Rick Garcia, a purported Catholic. After the program
ended, Garcia told Roeser in a snide manner, 'I have more of an 'in'
with Bernardin than you,” to which Roeser responded, “I’m sure you do!'"
related LINKS
Fr. Andrew Greeley's dirty secret?
The trouble with those 9-11 cell phone
"Before this new 'Pico cell,' it was nigh on impossible to make a call
from a passenger aircraft in flight. Connection is impossible at
altitudes over 8000 feet or speeds in excess of 230 mph."
Constitution should 'monitor' U.S. election
"It was such an outlandish
and ridiculous suggestion when it came up in Congress last month that
most of us immediately dismissed it as nothing more than rank partisan
sniping. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-TX, recalling the
contentious 2000 electoral mess in Florida, called for the United
Nations to 'monitor' the U.S. Presidential Election in November in order
to 'ensure free and fair elections in America.'"
General violated rules with 'Satan'
"A U.S. Army general violated Pentagon rules by failing to properly
clear speeches in which he described the war on terror as a Christian
battle against Satan and should be punished, according to an inspector
general's report obtained by Reuters on Wednesday."
Vietnam POWs say Kerry's words and deeds were used by guards to torture them
"John Kerry's bid to become commander in chief of wartime America has opened old wounds among some former Vietnam-era POWs who bristle over Kerry's antiwar activism and atrocity allegations during the Vietnam conflict.
"Those activities and statements, pushed
out of sight by a campaign that spotlights Kerry's service in Vietnam,
were used by the POWs' North Vietnamese captors to sap the morale of
prisoners and U.S. troops still in the field in South Vietnam, former
POWs told United Press International."
Watchdog's Big Brother UK warning
"The UK could "sleepwalk
into a surveillance society" as a result of ID cards and other plans, UK
information commissioner Richard Thomas has warned." (RN
24/7: Thomas is cited as drawing a parallel to Spain's dictator
Francisco Franco. Big difference: Franco's intentions clearly were
Harassment claims as FBI quizzes
"The FBI has been questioning political demonstrators across the
country, and in rare cases even subpoenaing them to forestall what
officials say could be violent protests at the Republican national
convention in New York."
Joseph Sobran:
The Age of Omniphobia
"Whenever government wants
to claim more power over us, it assures us it’s for our own safety.
Hence, in the age of omniphobia, the incredible frequency with which we
hear the tell-tale words protection, defense, safety,
security, and of course health, usually preceded by the
words public and national."
Aftermath of church bombings: 40,000
Christians flee Iraq
thousand Iraqi Christians have left Iraq since a wave of church bombings
killed at least 10 people two weeks ago, Iraq's displacement and
migration minister said in press remarks Sunday.
"'The number of Christians who have left Iraq has reached 40,000, according to the latest statistics,' Pascale Isho Warda was quoted as saying in Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper."
related LINKS
Iraq's Christian minority attacked; 5
churches hit, 11 killed in car bombs on a day of worship
"The Baghdad targets of the Aug. 1 terror attacks, according to MEC,
were the Armenian Catholic Cathedral; Our Lady of Salvation Church;
Saint Elijah of Heyra Church; and St. Peter and St. Paul Church. The
Mosul target was St. Paul Church. MEC reported that police also found a
bomb outside St. John the Baptist Church in Baghdad that failed to
Church bombs: Top insurgent blamed - Aug 2,
"Deadly weekend attacks targeting Christian worshippers in Iraq bear the
markings of insurgent leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his operatives,
Iraq's national security adviser said Monday."
Iraqi Muslims did not blow up Christian
"Having discussed the matter in detail with other experts on the Middle
East, Christianity in Iraq and on Islam in Iraq, we have all concluded
this is not the work of any Muslim group. There has never been any
animosity between the Christian and Muslim communities in Iraq, in fact,
they have stood toe-to-toe against the American occupation and they have
resisted efforts by the Israeli office in Baghdad to become allied with
Israel. "
Targeting tolerance
"The gates of Mar Illyas Church and the Al-Dawra Monastery -- the
targets of car-bombings on Sunday -- were adorned with the statues of
the Virgin Mary, sculpted by prominent Iraqi sculptor, Mohamed Ghani, a
Muslim. The statues bear witness to Iraq's ethnic diversity: the Virgin
is wrapped in an Iraqi abaya and wearing a traditional Basra head
The forgotten church of iraq
"Many Christian communities in the Middle East (quite rightly) have a
high profile because of the terrible persecution they face. By
comparison the church in Iraq enjoys a relatively favorable position –
but therefore relative obscurity, with worldwide attention focused on
other parts of the suffering church."
Christians for Saddam?
"After the Divine Liturgy a few Sundays ago, I joined several other men
from my parish for brunch. The topic of Iraq came up, and one of the men
remarked that he had heard that there was a substantial Christian
population in Iraq, and that
Tariq Aziz,
the Iraqi foreign minister, was a Roman Catholic. He was shocked that a
Christian could be associated with such a man as Saddam Hussein."
Politically incorrect and proud:
Offending with the truth
"When people do speak out, they are labeled as 'racist,' 'xenophobe,'
'right-wing nut,' 'radical Christian right,' 'paranoid,' 'anti-Semitic,'
'bigot,' 'homophobe' and/or 'sexist' for openers. Rarely does the left
present a cogent argument, based on facts and syllogistic reasoning, to
refute a conservative or moral position. They play the
race/victim/unconstitutional cards like a two-year old’s hissy fits."
Homosexuality: Principal enemy of the
"Since the homosexual relationship is sterile by definition, it is
destructive of the family; it is the opposite of the family, and the
number one enemy of the family."
March 13th, 2003, during a House appropriations subcommittee hearing on
foreign aid, of which Israel has long been the dominant recipient,
Secretary of State Colin Powell took the extraordinary step of assuring
members of Congress that a 'small cabal' of pro-Israeli American Jews
was not orchestrating President George W. Bush's drive toward war.
"'The strategy with respect to Iraq has derived from our interest in the
region and our support of U.N. resolutions over time,' Powell said, in
response to a question from the subcommittee's Republican chairman,
Arizona Rep. Jim Kolbe.¼
"On this occasion, as he had on others, Powell played the loyal soldier,
joining in what
Nathan Guttman described as the Bush Administration's 'Every effort to
play down Israel's role in the future military conflict... to remove any
suspicion that the decision to go to war with Iraq is a pro-Israeli...
step. But, as hard as the administration tries,' he wrote, 'the voices
linking Israel to the war are getting louder and louder. It is claimed
the desire to help Israel is the major reason for President George Bush
sending American soldiers to a superfluous war in the Gulf.'" (Also see
Gen. Franks says threat on Israel
justified Iraq invasion.)
Terrorism and double standards
"When a Palestinian kills Israelis, he is considered by the US to be a
terrorist. But, when the Israelis kill Palestinians, demolish their
houses, confiscate their land and commit acts deplored by international
law, the US defends the Israeli actions as self-defense against
Israel ploughs on with huge
settlement construction
(RN 24/7: Motto for Tel Aviv's "urban
renewal": What's ours is ours and what's yours is ours.)
Fed's Internet plan spawns new fears of
cyber fraud
"With little fanfare, the Federal Reserve will begin transferring the
nation's money supply over an Internet-based system this month — a move
critics say could open the U.S.'s banking system to cyber threats." (RN
24/7: So now it's not just computer vote fraud to be concerned
about. For more on the Fed, see
John Paul looks weak as he joins pilgrims at French shrine.
voice weak, his legs unsteady as he knelt in prayer, Pope John Paul
joined thousands of other ailing pilgrims Saturday at a cliffside shrine
known for its miraculous cures, telling them he shares in their physical
suffering and assuring them the burden is part of God's "wondrous plan."
"The rare reference to his own illnesses -Parkinson's disease and
crippling knee and hip ailments -came at the start of a two-day visit to
the shrine to the Virgin Mary, where Roman Catholics seek healing, hope
and inner peace." (Real News 24/7: When he
arrived, France's President Jacques Chirac formally and fraternally
greeted John Paul II, stating:
"France and the Holy See are joined in the fight
for a world which places Man at the center of every enterprise."
Yet it is
Grand Orient Freemasons
and other non-believers place "Man at the center of every enterprise,"
but not true Catholics, who acknowledge Christ as the center.
Instead of challenging this, John Paul in so many words turned his back
on sound Catholic doctrine, confirming, instead, Chirac's linkage of the
two by invoking the motto of the anti-Catholic French Revolution:
Freedom, Equality, Fraternity.
It's time people had better start waking up to what the post-Vatican
Council II "Catholic Church" is all about. A good place to keep up with
"a thousand-and-one" outrages committed at every level of that body is
in the archives of
Novus Ordo Watch.
Prepare to be shocked. Oh, and by the way, while at Lourdes, John Paul
II led the pilgrims in his own devotional concoction called the
"Luminous Mysteries" of the Rosary. Given the Vatican's current
chumminess with secret societies and Masonic mumbo jumbo, a friend
suggested half jokingly that perhaps they should be called the
Illuminati Mysteries!)
Terror alert for Pope's pilgrimage to
"Unprecedented security measures were being finalized last night around
the pilgrimage site of
as France prepared for the arrival of Pope John Paul II tomorrow amid
official recognition the event was a potential terrorist target.
"Police units specializing in biological, chemical and nuclear attacks
were on standby after local officials said they were taking seriously
the possibility that Islamist extremists might strike the center during
the Pope's visit."
Notre-Dame de Lourdes
Hecklers banned at Bush rallies
"The art of TV-friendly political stagecraft reaches new levels in this
campaign. At 'Ask President Bush' events, even the president makes no
bones about the fact that he's speaking to invited guests. " (RN
24/7: No wonder he's so popular!)
On Heterophobia: The brainwashing of
straight America
"Actually, there is more strategy in the labeling of straights as haters
than one might presume. It appears to be a deliberate tactic as a means
in which to get the straight population to cower before the demands of
the gay agenda."
What the Supreme Court really said about Jose Padilla
Padilla will have to be released -- unless the government somehow
conjures up charges of treason or criminal acts. To be sure, the Supreme
Court's June 28 opinion in Rumsfeld v. Padilla literally said nothing of
the sort. In fact, it didn't reach the merits of the case at all. Still,
the inescapable conclusion, based on the Court's same-day opinion in
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, is that Padilla will soon be charged or freed.
"Here's what's happening: Jose Padilla is the U.S. citizen who
supposedly plotted to detonate a 'dirty bomb' and use natural gas to
blow up apartment buildings in Washington D.C., New York and Florida.
Since his capture − not on the battlefields of Afghanistan or Iraq, but
at Chicago's O'Hare Airport − he hasn't been charged with any crime. Yet
since June 2002, Padilla has been held incommunicado in a South Carolina
military brig − indefinite detention, without access to a lawyer until
the government acceded to outside pressure in March 2004."
Official: No evidence attack is
"The Bush administration has discovered no evidence of imminent plans by
terrorists to attack U.S. financial buildings, nearly two weeks after
the government issued startling warnings about such possible threats, a
White House official said Thursday." (RN 24/7:
neeever mind!)
Dead Brit soldier's family: Get troops
out of Iraq
"My message to Tony Blair is we should not be there. Why are we in Iraq?
It is my personal opinion only, but my message would be, get the rest of
the kids out."
Kerry on Iraq: An echo, not a choice
"When it comes to Iraq, after all, Kerry sounds an awful lot like the guy who got us into this mess.
![]() |
"Like Bush, he wants help from the UN,
hopes our allies will send more troops and plans to bring our soldiers
home when Iraq is stable. In 1964, Barry Goldwater ran for president on
the slogan, 'A choice, not an echo.' Kerry is all echo and no choice.
"None of this should come as a surprise. Kerry had made the political
error of opposing the 1991 Gulf war, which turned out to be a military
and political triumph, and he was not about to repeat the mistake. This
time, he favored a compromise requiring the president to return to the
Senate before invading Iraq. But when it failed, Kerry dutifully joined
the parade to war."
Nader defends Israel 'puppeteer' comments
"Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader stood by his
characterization of the White House and Congress as 'puppets' of the
Israeli government, in a letter sent to Anti-Defamation League national
director Abraham Foxman this week." (RN 24/7:
As the saying goes, the truth is the truth, no matter who says
it--in this case, false opposition Establishment plant Nader.)
Wallace of '60 Minutes' arrested by
taxi police
"No-nonsense TV newsman
Mike Wallace's
tough questions got him arrested in Manhattan on Tuesday night when he
asked two taxi officers why they were grilling his limousine driver,
witnesses said." (RN 24/7: Let's get one thing straight: Wallace is no
"newsman," but a
leftist propagandist
for whom the truth is, shall we say, an elastic term. In our view he
should have been arrested long ago for his decades of deceiving the
American people. Interesting that Mayor Bloomberg is taking such a
public interest in this matter, isn't it? But, then again, what are
friends for if not to go to bat for one another? Hey Mike, it looks like
after this you're going to end up owing "Hizzoner" one nice puff piece
on "60 Minutes".)
John Kerry’s self-contradictory statements on abortion
"Presidential candidate John Kerry turned a few heads on July 4, when he told the Dubuque, Iowa Telegraph Herald the following: "'I oppose abortion, personally. I don’t like abortion. I believe life does begin at conception.... I can’t take my Catholic belief, my article of faith, and legislate it on a Protestant or a Jew or an atheist. We have separation of church and state in the United States of America.'" (RN 24/7: Aside from his admission that he will do nothing to protect the unborn, Kerry's statement is absurd on the face of it, first, because this sin of omission ignores the fact that the mythical "separation of church and state" hasn't prevented pro-abortion Protestants, Jews and atheists from legislating their beliefs on the rest of us. As the photo above shows, the hypocritical Mr. Kerry is advancing someone's [that is, the godless National Abortion Rights Action League's] beliefs , isn't he?)
China rapidly modernizes for war with
"During the last several months, there have been numerous hints in the
Chinese and Taiwanese media indicating that war is more likely than
believed here in the West."
Rep. Ron Paul:
Police State USA
"Freedom is not defined by safety.¼This
doesn’t stop governments, including our own, from seeking more control
over and intrusion into our lives. As one Member of Congress stated to
the press last week, 'people who don’t want to be searched don’t need to
come on Capitol grounds.' What an insult! The Capitol belongs to the
American people who pay for it, not to Congress or the police."
Shots heard 'round the ward: Did vaccines cause autism?
"As parents
of two severely autistic boys, Kevin and Cheryl Dass of Kansas City, Mo., face a
world of heartache and worry. Last year Kevin, a FedEx driver, and Cheryl,
a part-time hairdresser, spent $27,000 on therapy for their sons. Financially
exhausted, they are gnawed by these questions:
"How will they continue the special help that Dillon and Kyle, their 4½-year-old
twins, so desperately need? Will the boys - who barely speak, are not
toilet-trained and become severely upset when taken out in public - ever be able
to live on their own? If not, what will become of them when Kevin and Cheryl are
gone? 'It's torn our life apart, it really has,' Kevin Dass says.
"And, he insists, it didn't have to happen. The boys were born prematurely and
alarmingly small. Yet at 3½ months, Dass says, they were given four
immunizations in a single day, including three containing small amounts of
mercury, a neurotoxin. 'They were still in the hospital on oxygen, staying
alive, and they put this poison in them,' Dass says. 'They were fried. They were
totally fried.'"
Autism: a Novel Form of Mercury Poisoning
"Autism is a syndrome characterized by
impairments in social relatedness and communication, repetitive behaviors,
abnormal movements, and sensory dysfunction. Recent epidemiological studies
suggest that autism may affect 1 in 150 U. S. children. Exposure to mercury can
cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions similar
to traits defining or associated with autism, and the similarities extend to
neuroanatomy, neurotransmitters, and biochemistry. Thimerosal, a preservative
added to many vaccines, has become a major source of mercury in children who,
within their first two years, may have received a quantity of mercury that
exceeds safety guidelines." (For more, see our
Vaccinations and your
health features.)
Bush pick for CIA top job has insider's
"Porter Goss, nominated Tuesday to head the Central Intelligence Agency, brings
a unique skill set to the job: He's been both an operative and overseer."
Terry Nichols apologizes, asks for
"Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols, addressing a court for
the first time, proclaimed his faith in God and asked victims of the
blast for forgiveness yesterday as a judge sentenced him to 161
consecutive life sentences."
Why homosexuals want what marriage has now become
"No prominent American commentator anticipated the rapid sequence of events that in early 2004 brought hundreds of homosexual couples—in Massachusetts, California, New York, Oregon, and elsewhere—before religious and public officials who were willing to pronounce them married. Sympathetic observers marveled at the bravery of gay activists and compared their wedding ceremonies to the acts of black civil-rights demonstrators in the Sixties. Unsympathetic observers expressed dismay at how brazen homosexuals had become in violating moral tradition and in defying statutory law. Conservative groups have subsequently set in motion a number of initiatives—voter referenda, legislative actions, and constitutional amendments—on both state and federal levels to prohibit further homosexual marriages and to invalidate those that have occurred. But amid all of the many pundits praising or damning homosexuals for breaking the marriage barrier, few have reflected on just what kind of institution homosexuals—who have never laid hold of marriage in the past—are now claiming. Indeed, if Americans scrutinize carefully the way the national culture has in recent decades re-defined wedlock for heterosexuals, they may well conclude that it is not homosexuals that have changed so much, but rather marriage itself. Far from being some astonishing development reflecting unprecedented new attitudes among homosexuals, homosexual weddings constitute the predictable (not natural, but entirely predictable) culmination of cultural changes that have radically de-natured marriage." (Emphasis added)
Missouri votes to bar gay unions
"Missouri voters have amended their state constitution to ban same-sex marriage
-- the first election on the issue since Massachusetts legalized gay and lesbian
weddings. Voters in 10 other states will face similar ballot measures in the
coming months. Preliminary results showed that about 70 percent of voters agreed
to add this sentence to the Missouri Constitution: 'To be valid and recognized
in this state, a marriage shall exist only between a man and a woman.'"
How to protect marriage
"The threat of redefining marriage to include same-sex unions stems from
activist judges, not state or federal constitutions. Thus the proper solution
must be to limit the courts."
Attorney says DOMA challenge floodgates open
"The president of Liberty Counsel finds nothing surprising in the fact that a
same-sex couple recently married in Massachusetts has filed a legal challenge
against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). He says this lawsuit was to be
expected, and more like it will undoubtedly follow."
related IssueS
U.S. church sermons being 'monitored' for anti-homosexual view
U.S. psychologists embrace same-sex marriage
John Kerry and the art of brainwashing
"The New World Order increasingly resembles a '50's Sci-Fi movie where
the protagonist discovers his family and neighbors have been brainwashed
and he begins to question his own sanity. If you watched the Democratic
National Convention, you might be feeling the same way."
Vietnam vets organization blasts Kerry in
new TV ad
"The new book UNFIT FOR COMMAND reveals dozens of shocking eyewitness
accounts of questionable Kerry actions in Vietnam. Author John O'Neill,
the man who took over John Kerry's Swift Boat, and co-author Jerome
Corsi, Ph.D., have uncovered the bizarre truth behind Kerry's three
Purple Hearts, his Bronze and Silver Stars, and the real reason Kerry
served only four months in Vietnam. " (RN 24/7:
So, numerous men who served with him are calling him a liar concerning
his war record. which substantiates what we already know. Add that to
his flip-flops on nearly every issue under the sun and it should be
clear to anyone who hasn't had their mind dry cleaned that this man
should never get elected president. It would be nice if this is all that
was necessary to cast an informed vote for his main opponent, yet, to
cite just two examples, Bush is hardly being honest when he portrays
himself as a pro-life candidate and his administration engaged in a
series of falsehoods to get the nation behind sending troops to Iraq.
There is hardly a lesser of two evils when one looks behind the phony
Left/Right rhetoric of these men, as is shown in our
August 7th feature about them. Please
note that a chapter of the book is linked.)
Sensing the eyes of Big Brother, and pushing back
saluting the flag and purring about a potluck invitation from the
Veterans of Foreign Wars, the City Council of this town of 13,000 got
down to the business of the night: a public hearing on whether to oppose
"Liberals quoted Newt Gingrich, the Republican former House speaker, who
says the federal law passed just after the Sept. 11 attacks needs to be
reined in to protect basic civic birthrights.
"Conservatives praised the campaign against the act by the American
Civil Liberties Union, which says the law gives government unchecked
power to rifle through an individual’s financial and computer records
and bookstore purchases."
The conservative case against George W.
"If [the PATRIOT Act] does not
violate the letter of the Fourth Amendment, it violates its spirit. To
cite two examples, the FBI has unchecked authority through the use of
National Security Letters to require businesses to reveal 'a broad array
of sensitive information, including information about the First
Amendment activities of ordinary Americans who are not suspected of any
wrongdoing.' Despite the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on unreasonable
search and seizure, the government need not show probable cause: It does
not need to obtain a warrant from a judge. And who can trust any law
enforced by John Ashcroft, who single-handedly transformed a two-bit
hubcap thief like Jose Padilla first into a threat to national security
and then, through his insistence that Padilla, an American citizen,
could be held without charges, into a Constitutional crisis? "
Israeli "art students" busted in Canada
"Guy Grinberg and Yukov Senior were ordered out of Canada on Friday
after admitting they were the 'overseers' of a gang of young Israeli
'art students' selling cheap reproductions at inflated prices. The group
had been operating in Edmonton, Calgary and Red Deer." (RN24/7:
If you think all they were doing in Canada is ripping people off by
selling junky "Made in China" paintings as fine art to further their
"education," then they've got a "Rembrandt" they want to sell you at a
price you not going to believe [It's a real steal! ]. For those
unfamiliar with this spy cover, take a look at what some other Israeli
"art students"
were doing in the US a few years ago.
A related front for espionage is found in phony and equally crooked
,US-based, Israeli-owned
moving companies.
abortion doubletalk
"Puzzling Democrats and other pro-abortion voters everywhere, John Kerry
proclaimed to ABC News and its viewers that he believes life begins at
conception. He made similar confusing statements in Iowa earlier this
month when appealing to a largely Catholic based community."
EU labeling of Israeli products
described as anti-Semitic boycott
"An agreement between Israel and the European Union that will limit
trade to products exported from Israel proper -- not exports from the
disputed territories -- amounts to an anti-Semitic boycott, the mayor of
one of the largest West Bank settlements said." (RN
24/7: Leave it to a Zionist politico to trot out the
"anti-Semitic" canard in a case where it's clearly irrelevant. When are
people going to wake up to the fact that practically any time the term
is being used, it's not to protest the hatred, mistreatment or
unjust discrimination of Jews [which, theoretically, is what it's
always supposed to mean--despite the fact that not all Semites are
Jews, nor all Jews Semites], but simply a bugaboo to cower people into
doing whatever is in the interests of Jewish supremacists. In practice,
it comes down to being able to freely criticize Catholicism,
Protestantism, Islamism and all other religions, but not Judaism.)
Joseph Sobran: The Single Party
pundits have noted that political conventions no longer excite us. They
bore us to death. The nominations are already locked up before
conventions even begin, so there is no suspense. Why even hold these
empty political orgies?
"Well, they do serve one function: They support the fiction of the
two-party system. Both parties pretend it makes a big difference which
candidate wins. Both sides agree to pretend they aren’t essentially the
same party."
Whom do we elect?
"Many good Americans intend to vote for
President Bush because, they believe, Senator Kerry would be even worse.
In terms of stated positions, they have a point — no matter how far to
the left Republican presidents such as George W. Bush move, liberal
Democrats such as John Kerry are always willing to move even farther to
the left, making the Republican president appear 'conservative' by
comparison. However, Republican presidents are often more effective
getting liberal programs through, since they can garner support from
Republican congressmen who would likely oppose the same programs if
proposed by a liberal Democrat president. The new Medicare prescription
drug program is a case in point — it falls short of 'Hillary-care' but
is still more than Mr. Clinton was able to accomplish on the health-care
front during his eight years as president."
related LINKS
Despite rhetoric, Bush, Kerry agree on many
"More broadly, many Republicans and Democrats in recent years have
gradually coalesced, in broad terms, around a similar set of ideas: tax
cuts instead of tax increases; global trade instead of protectionism;
greater accountability in public school classrooms; internationalism
instead of isolationism; and deficit reduction, at least as a spoken
Bush or
Kerry: Forever War is the Only Choice
"Kerry appears to be more pro-Israel
than Bush. 'Arab Americans and American Muslims are left with a Hobson’s
choice,' writes Linda S. Heard. 'Vote Bush and it is more of the same.
Vote Kerry and there is a possibility it could get even worse.'"
Bush/Kerry: Not 'a dime's worth of
what about the perceived differences between the two major party
candidates on social issues? Mr. Kerry is clearly pro-abortion and
owned by the homosexual lobby operating within his own party. But Mr.
Bush has continued Federal subsidies for Planned Parenthood, endorsed a
'modified' policy on human stem-cell research, and openly endorsed the
participation of the homosexual Log Cabin Republican lobby in the larger
Republican electoral strategy for the fall campaign."
Bonesman candidate
1A plays coy on Meet The Press
Bonesman candidate 2A plays coy on Meet The Press
Click skull for more
Chuck Baldwin: Bush, Kerry both pro-'civil
unions' for sodomites
"Furthermore, Bush has not reversed Clinton's 'Don't Ask - Don't Tell'
policy allowing sodomites to serve in our armed forces.¼The
truth is, both President Bush and John Kerry support civil unions for
sodomites. My dear friends, regardless of rhetoric to the contrary, that
is not a pro-family position."
'will not change foreign policy'
"Rand Beers, the national security adviser to the Kerry campaign, opened
a high-level briefing with a warning: 'In many ways, the goals of the
two administrations are in fact not all that different.'"
Kerry or
Bush, no matter: More 'regime change' to come
"Well, now we know that no matter who wins in November, we’re going to
stay in Iraq as long as it takes and do whatever it takes to achieve
final victory – whatever 'victory' means. The election will, however,
decide which country is next to have its 'regime changed.'"
Kerry to
continue Bush's Israel policy
"During their conversation, Kerry informed [Israeli Prime Minister
Ariel] Sharon that he has no argument with President George W. Bush's
support for Sharon's rejection of a Palestinian right of return to
Israeli territory."
Kerry doesn’t need or want anti-war activists "The Republicans have set the standard by which a US President will be judged, and listening to peace and social justice activists is not one of the desired qualities."
Kerry not thee only enemy of
the unborn
(Real News 24/7: While John Kerry openly
supports the destruction of children in their mothers' wombs, George
Bush's stand is ultimately more contemptible, because while he hides behind pro-life rhetoric,
his record shows that in reality he has done little or nothing to
reverse the pro-abortion decision of Roe vs. Wade and has, more
often then not, supported that decision, either tacitly or otherwise.
The sources we've assembled prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt for
any reasonably open-minded person. Hence, no one who sincerely wants to
preserve the lives of the unborn can in good conscience cast their vote
for either
Kerry or Bush, pro-life posturing of the latter notwithstanding.)
Billionaires for Bush or Kerry
Oh, and by the way, did we mention that they're cousins?
Careful what you Bush for
"Senator John Kerry set himself up for defeat by making an issue of the
conduct of the Iraq war, rather than the war itself."
Censorship USA:
ordered to destroy government pamphlets
"The federal Government Printing Office has ordered libraries across the
country to destroy five US Department of Justice pamphlets that provide
how-to instructions on prosecuting asset forfeiture cases, invoking a
rarely-used authority to order the removal of items the government
routinely sends to hundreds of libraries."
Florida governor seeks new trial in
Schiavo case
a Florida Supreme Court showdown looms over the law keeping a severely
brain-damaged woman alive, attorneys for Gov. Jeb Bush argued Friday
that a new trial is needed to determine Terri Schiavo's end-of-life
wishes. The governor's written
arguments respond to those made by attorneys for Michael Schiavo, who is
suing Bush over the constitutionality of a specially drafted law that
blocked Schiavo's removal of his wife's feeding tube."
Terri's website
More news on the fight for Terri and other disabled people.
Rights group: Bahrain royal tortured at Guantanamo
"A Bahraini rights group
said on Saturday it had received reports a member of the country's royal
family had been tortured at Guantanamo Bay."
We are prepared to use violence. There is no
—Dharmendra Sharma
leader of Hindu extremist group Bajrang
"In the past decade, extremist Hindus have increased their attacks on Christians, until there are now several hundred per year. But this did not make news in the U.S. until a foreigner was attacked. In 1999, Graham Staines, [click here for more] an Australian missionary who had worked with leprosy patients for three decades, was burned alive in Orissa along with his two young sons. The brutal violence visited on Muslims in Gujarat in February 2002 [see below] also brought the dangers of Hindu extremism to world attention. Between one and two thousand Muslims were massacred after Muslims reportedly set fire to a train carrying Hindu nationalists, killing several dozen people."
Real News 24/7: The accompanying feature is not meant as an indictment of all Hindus, any more than others we've carried are criticisms of all Jews, Muslims, Scientologists or other believers. While as Christians we do believe, that all of these are in one way or another false religions, we recognize that many who embrace these faiths ought not to be held responsible for the criminal acts of their co-religionists, except insofar as they condone such deeds. (Above, right, Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction)
"Several Hindutva organisations (notably the
Vishwa Hindu Parishad
and the
Bajrang Dal[?])
have been associated with anti-minority (for lack of a better word)
violence by groups espousing Hindutva philosophies.¼While
followers of the philosophy are rarely apologetic about violence, they
do seek to rationalize it; in the case of Graham Staines, violence was
excusable because of the greater violence done by conversion; in the
case of the Gujarat riots, it was a justified response by outraged
Hindus to the burning of 56 Hindu pilgrims in a train by a Muslim mob."
India's censor board bans riot documentary
award-winning documentary that chronicles one of India's most painful
and deadly episodes of Hindu-Muslim violence has been banned by the
country's film censor board, provoking its director to turn to the
courts. 'Final Solution' is scheduled for release in 40 art house
cinemas in Germany next month, where it won an award at this year's
Berlin Film Festival. But in India, the Central Board of Film
Certification has refused public screening of the film, saying it might
trigger more sectarian violence."
related LINKS
Radical Hindu group: Temple will be built
near razed mosque
"A radical Hindu group in India on
Sunday, June 23, brushed off advice from the ruling BJP party to wait
for a court ruling on a controversial plan to build a temple near the
site of a razed mosque.¼Hindu
hardliners want to build a temple on the ruins of the 16th-century Babri
mosque in the northern town of Ayodhya, which was demolished by Hindu
zealots in December 1992, sparking communal riots in which more than
2,000 people were killed. Hindus claim the Babri mosque was built over
the birthplace of their god Ram."
Profile: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad
Vishwa Hindu Parishad bottles "health food" (RN 24/7: This article has no direct link to terrorist activities, but it provides an excellent look at the intellectual degeneracy of the group's practitioners. But here's an article that ties the two together somewhat.)
Conspiracy unmasked! The murderous cult of
"Rumors of a secret society of murderers in India were not entirely a
novelty, but given the impenetrability of Indian society, as well as the
activities of large groups of highwaymen and bandits (known as Dacoits
and Pindari), these rumors were not deemed worthy of official concern,
and were dismissed by the British. Even when a British officer named
John Maunsell vanished while en route to Agra in October 1812, no cry
was raised. Yet this indifference was about to change, and the agent of
this change was an earnest, sober-minded young English soldier named
William Sleeman.¼Even
in his early years in India, Sleeman must have wondered at the peculiar
practices of those Hindus who worshiped the goddess Kali, the dark
consort of Shiva who is said to feed on the blood of mortals and to
haunt the burning-grounds (or ghats) where Hindus are cremated. Her
hideous image is to be seen in temples throughout India. She is
typically represented as black (one of her epithets, Kali Ma, means
"black mother"), many-armed, and garlanded with human skulls with a long
red tongue protruding from a screaming mouth. In temples dedicated to
Kali, human sacrifices were once carried out, though by Sleeman’s time
they had been discontinued in favor of goats."
Judaeophobia in the service of Israel
"It was no one less than a very renowned Israeli expert on Judaeophobia,
Professor Dinah Porat who observed on the Israel state radio that there
is a correlation between Israeli actions (we can say atrocities) and
outbursts of Judaeophobia. This was for example the case in the early
‘80s following the Lebanon invasion or in the late 80s during the first
Palestinian uprising, the Intifada."
Israeli settlers outraged over decision to let
Palestinian police carry weapons
" Israeli settlers living in the territories expressed their outrage on
Friday over a decision by Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz to allow
Palestinian Authority policemen to re-arm. The decision came as Israel
re-opened the Egyptian-Gaza border crossing after several weeks. PA
Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia reportedly asked Mofaz to allow the
re-arming of the police to prevent a complete decline into anarchy in
the PA areas."
Chalabi linked with investigator's
"Iraq's top criminal court is investigating allegations that Salem
Chalabi, the organizer of the war crimes tribunal that will try Saddam
Hussein, threatened an official days before the man was assassinated."
Vanunu: JFK murder conspiracy linked to Israel
My view is that Kennedy was assassinated because
of his strong opposition to [Israeli prime minister] Ben Gurion.
—Mordechai Vanunu
"Israeli whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu said that according to 'near-certain indications' US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, due to "pressure he exerted on then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona nuclear reactor."
"An Israeli nuclear technician, Vanunu was imprisoned for 18 years after revealing that Israel had illegal nuclear weapons technology. He was released in April 2004 and banned from talking to the media."
Jerusalem Post coverage of Vanunu
"Comments by freed nuclear spy Mordechai Vanunu that Israel was
behind the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy failed to bring
smiles to government officials Sunday."
The US Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu
On top of all the other reasons that
Israel hates Mordechai Vanunu is his 1986 turning from Judaism to
Christianity, a "betrayal" and an unforgivable "sin" to the Zionists.
Still a prisoner: Vanunu ordered to stay in Israel
"Israel's Supreme Court has rejected a
petition by former nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu to be allowed to
leave the country. "
Vanunu issues plea for asylum
Mordechai Vanunu: "I am ready to go to any state that will
give me asylum or a passport to leave the country. I want to go abroad
immediately. It could be Ireland, Norway, England, Canada, the United
States or any country – just to leave the country because my life here
is not good and I am under threat."
Israel has between 100-200 nuclear weapons: Vanunu
Fahrenheit 9-11; The other half of the
"In addition to profits from oil resources and government war contracts,
there is a second motive that also drives U.S. foreign policy in the
Middle East and elsewhere. It is the creation of a New World Order based
on the model of collectivism, and it is supported with equal vigor by
leaders of both major political parties. Mr. Bush and his team are
deeply committed to that goal. Fahrenheit 9-11 gives no attention to
that agenda and even goes so far as to claim that it plays no role in
these events."
A wave of Jews returning to Russia
"The exodus has stirred up a discussion in Israel, said Boruch Gorin,
head of the public relations department at the Russian Federation of
Jewish Communities, which commissioned the study. On the one hand,
millions of Jews already live outside Israel. On the other hand, 'living
in Israel is an ideology, and that the people who sought a shelter in
the country have been leaving is a blow to the ideology,' he said." (RN
24/7: Wait, isn't post-Soviet Russia, despite the
efforts of President Vladimir Putin,
supposed to be a
hotbed of "anti-Semitism"?
Hardly where you'd expect Jews would want to go, is it? Unless, of
course, false instances of hate crimes are being used to provoke a
convenient persecution of enemies of the state. Further making this
migration curious is Putin himself, who, despite what is noted above
concerning his seeming good relations with Israel, he nevertheless is
the same leader about whom
columnist Ben Shapiro could write the following as recently as
August 2002:
"Even amid widespread speculation of an American invasion of Iraq,
Russian President Vladimir Putin will soon ink a $40 billion trade deal
with Saddam Hussein's regime.¼Russia
sells arms to the terrorist state Syria. And Russia has close ties to
Egypt both in the area of investment and in weapons supplies, despite
Egypt's ambiguous/contrary position in the War on Terror." So, the idea
that Russia is some haven for Jews is strange¼at
least on the surface. It's a development that bears watching.)
Egypt newspaper: Holocaust a lie
"Egypt's leading newspaper has published a series of articles that deny
the Holocaust, and claim Jews invented 'lies of genocide' to extort the
West and make possible the establishment of the Jewish state, prompting
some Israeli lawmakers to express reservations about allowing Egypt to
control security in Gaza after Sharon's withdrawal plan is implemented
next year."
"The Roman praetors were first established in 367 B.C. They evolved into the Praetorian Guard that came to exercise great power, making and unmaking emperors and allowing political and military action outside of the law. What rules that were observed were announced by the issuance of edicts. The Guard was characterized by corruption and political venality and was closed down by Constantine in 312 A. D.¼ America's military is being used as the modern day version of the Roman Praetorian Guard."
The Praetorian Guard : The US Role In The
New World Order
"In August, 1990, by invading Kuwait, Saddam Hussein gave the U.S.
President the remarkable gift of of a golden opportunity for bold
military action. President Bush seized the opportunity and rushed
hundreds of thousands of troops to the area. None of this was
accidental. Admiral Eugene Carroll Jr. of the Center for Defense
information observes that the U.S. is not dealing with a 'crisis' in the
Persian Gulf. Rather, Admiral Carroll notes, the White House has
engineered a casus belli, a situation regarded as justifying war.¼
The Roman Army of the Late Republic and Early Empire
Congressman Ron
Must Stay Out of Sudan
"Can anyone tell me how sending thousands of American soldiers into
harm's way in Sudan is by any stretch of the imagination in the U.S.
national interest or in keeping with the Constitutional function of this
country’s military forces?"
Wins - Jesus Loses
"In 2001, Darla Kaye Wynne sued the Great Falls Town Council in South
Carolina for invoking Jesus Christ and the Savior during meetings. Wynne
practices Wicca, a neo-pagan, earth-centered religion. She said the
prayers made her uncomfortable and were used to ostracize her from the
Related article (RN 24/7: Stripped of
its "neo-pagan, earth-centered religion" public relations image, Wicca
is nothing other than witchcraft and in recent years has steadily
been making inroads into mainstream, "overground"
culture. It needs to be
stopped and stopped soon, before it further poisons society.)
Woman jailed for asking question at
public judiciary meeting
"No sooner were the words out of her mouth, than the D.C. Capitol Police
hand cuffed Ms. Sassower, put her under arrest and incarcerated her for
21 hours. She was eventually prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney's Office
and was found guilty..."
More judicial malfeasance
Gen. Franks: 'I was wrong' about Iraq's weapons
"He reveals that Jordan's King Abdullah and Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak both warned him Saddam had and would use chemical or biological weapons against U.S. troops. 'And as it turns out, we got up in there as you know, we didn’t find WMDs. People ask me about that and I say, "I was wrong,"' says Franks."
Franks: Architect of wars at peace with
"Echoing the Bush administration's
mantra, he said Saddam Hussein's regime was a menace to the world and
had to go. 'It's like having a serial killer sitting in your living room
with a disassembled nine millimeter pistol laying on the table and a box
of bullets, and you decide you're going to take your family and go to
bed,' Franks said in an interview with The Tampa Tribune. 'Would
you do that? H--- no.'"
(RN 24/7: Except that Saddam never used the phantom "nine millimeter pistol," even against US-led coalition forces, whose invasion was a clear and present threat to his regime and that it wasn't our "living room"--but Israel's--that he was sitting in. While Franks and other neo-cons now acknowledge their failure to find any weapons of mass destruction, despite an occupation of nearly a year-and-a-half, hypocritically defend the Iraq War, because to do otherwise is to admit that thousands of people have died in vain.)
related LINKS
Tommy Franks: Will America become a police state?
Reports that led to terror alert were
years old, officials say
"Much of the information that led the authorities to raise the terror
alert at several large financial institutions in the New York City and
Washington areas was three or four years old, intelligence and law
enforcement officials said on Monday. They reported that they had not
yet found concrete evidence that a terrorist plot or preparatory
surveillance operations were still under way." (RN
24/7: Two days ago, Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge was
talking about
new and concrete evidence,
which turns out to be neither new nor concrete. Good for a scare,
however, and that may have been the idea all along.)
Misleading gun facts
"[T]he US wasn’t a high-crime area
until the 1960s,
when our courts decided that leniency, understanding, and protecting
convicted criminals would reduce crime.¼"
Israel applauds NZ's ban of David
"Government officials in Jerusalem expressed satisfaction at New
Zealand's decision to refuse Holocaust denier David Irving entry to the
country, saying that granting Irving passage would have been viewed in
Israel and elsewhere as an act of revenge for the recent passport
Related article
(RN 24/7: It depends on who's doing the
viewing: Only Israel could is spin David Irving--who, unlike recent
Israeli visitors to New Zealand, is no danger to falsify or steal
passports--being allowed to enter the nation as revenge for its
own dishonest agents, but more realistically it appears to be a sop to
Israel, after New Zealand broke diplomatic ties with the Zionist nation
as a result of the arrest of Mossad "passport scandal." [See articles on
our homepage.]
Irving's newsletter)
Scientology and Terri Schindler-Schiavo: The death connection
"L. Ron Hubbard's (right) 'we would rather have you dead than incapable' remark was in reference to those enslaved in Scientology, but its relevance to the drama in Clearwater Florida is evident. Indeed, Hubbard's death philosophy was echoed by the 2nd District Appeals judges who indicated that Terri Schiavo has only two choices: A miracle or death!" (RN 24/7: While we question some of the assertions made on the above site, the main contention is one that must be taken seriously, given the sinister nature of the cult in question. Also see recent news concerning the Terri Schiavo case on July 31.)
and Terri Schiavo, is there a connection?
Links and commentary from the
Free Republic
Terri's website More news on the fight for Terri and other disabled people.
related LINKS
Scientology Kills - The Morgue
The Scientology / Dianetics Comparative Theology Page
Bush calls for intelligence czar
"President Bush said Monday that he is asking Congress to create the
position of a national intelligence director to serve as his principal
adviser on countering terrorism."
Turkish hostage killing shown on video
"Footage of what appears to be a Turkish hostage in Iraq being shot dead
has appeared on the internet. The videotape shows a group of masked men
standing over a figure, who is then shot in the head three times."
leader: US Jews have no right to criticize
"A prominent member of America's Orthodox community, who was also a
Senate staff member for three decades, spoke out last night against
American Jews who publicly criticize Israeli policies." (RN
24/7: If we were talking about criticism of other countries, we
might agree with the rabbi, but American Jews are continually hounded to
support Israel by buying
Israel Bonds
and similarly contributing in other such efforts, such as
the Israeli Relief Fund.
So American Jews are entitled to criticize how their money is
being spent and thus have a right to criticize Israel. For newcomers to
our site, please take a look at our evidence showing what the
controlled news media refuses to report, namely, that
many American
Jews oppose Israel and Zionism.)
Synagogue of Satan: Vatican advances New World Order
the New World Order continues to impose its hideous agenda, those who
oppose it will eventually be prosecuted as anti-Semitic. The
perfidiousness of having the UN approve anti-Semitism as a crime and
then to have the churches equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism is
unacceptable. This should come as no surprise. Those who hold
the Babylonian Talmud
in higher esteem than Sacred Scripture believe that they are not only
God’s chosen, but the master race. They believe that the world was
promised as their footstool. They consider
non-Jews as beasts
on an intellectual plane with cattle; that we are so stupid that we
cannot see through this deception.
agreement established legal precedent for the persecution of those who
will not worship the antichrist. The first step in this sequence was to
get the Vatican to say that Jesus Christ was not the Jews’ Messiah;
they are still waiting for him.
In this statement, the Vatican put us on notice that the Great Apostasy
(2 Thess 2:3) is here. They are deceivers. Bl. Joachim (d. 1202) said
'Toward the end of the world Antichrist will overthrow the Pope and
usurp his See.' The coup took place during Vatican II. The Primacy of
Peter has been replaced by collegiality; each bishop a 'pope' in his own
diocese. This is not the Church of the Apostles, martyrs and saints."
See related articles on
July 15.
related LINKS
From Ratisbonne to
on Covenant and Mission,
the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has submitted
its contribution to an increasingly disturbing pattern of statements
aimed at facilitating "interreligious unity." Exhibiting a rare display
of honesty, the now infamous document goes beyond the previously
uncontroversial claims that Judaism represents a still valid and
potentially salvific covenant with God, and directly challenges the
Church's mission towards the Jewish people."
Fr. Denis Fahey on Anti-Semitism
"[V]ery many are completely ignorant of the duty incumbent on all
Catholics of standing positively for Our Lord's reign in society in
opposition to Jewish naturalism. The result is that numbers of Catholics
are so ignorant of Catholic doctrine that they hurl the accusation of
Anti-Semitism against those who are battling for the rights of Christ
the King thus effectively aiding the enemies of Our Divine Lord."
Government plans to raise terror alert
" Police set up metal fences surrounding the Prudential building,
blocked off two city streets, and armed themselves with assault rifles
Sunday after federal authorities warned of a possible terrorist attack
on it and other financial institutions."
Related article
Bushmeds and Bushmasters
"It appears the White House is trying to set a new standard for judges:
judgments in favor of patients. No cash awards. No ability to rake the
drug company over the coals. 'If the government (FDA) says a drug is
safe and effective, then it is.'" (RN 24/7:
This sort of thinking could, in light of Bush's
proposed nationwide
mental health screening
of the American people, lead to some very scary scenarios, such as: "If
we say you're mentally ill, then you are," "If we decide you need to
take these psychoactive drugs, then you will take them," and "If we say
you need to be put into an asylum, then you will be put there." And, of
course, should those running a government agency with an all-powerful
jurisdiction in such matters, then there is nothing stopping them from
using such power to find a legal way to dispose of the protestor, the
politically incorrect and other "enemies of the state." A word about Jon
Rappoport's website, which is linked to this page: While there are
important points made by Rappoport, we feel it necessary to warn that
his language sometimes descends into the gutter.)
Satanists accused of
ordering serial killings
"Police in northern Italy say they have smashed a vicious gang of
satanists, following the arrest this week of three men accused of
ordering the murder of at least five young people in the Milan area
since 1998.
DISCLAIMER: Needless to say, we at Real News 24/7 do not necessary agree with every thought or the implication of every article we link to, nor with every stand or position taken by the person or organization responsible for an article we recommend. Nor do those who wrote such articles necessarily agree with everything we say. Real News 24/7 assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed in any work taken from external links. In each section we have listed the best articles we could find at this time on a given subject with regard to documentation and analysis of the subject under discussion, regardless of minor or major flaws in the article. We soon hope to have an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each article recommended, which will appear right under the link to the article itself. The information in our "Latest News and Analysis" feature is meant to bring to your attention information or views generally not easily found on the Big TV networks and other controlled media sources.