The 2005 one hour radio shows air on
Sunday Evenings, July 24 & 31, 2005 at 9 PM Eastern time
on 550 AM WKRC radio -- and -- on the worldwide web at
Backing Up What's Said on our
Radio Spots &
Radio Shows 2005
Links and Explanations to Back Up and Document Subjects
Mentioned on the "Jim Condit Jr. for Congress 2005" one minute radio
and one hour Radio Programs
heard on WKRC 550 AM at 9 PM Eastern Time
on Sundays July 24 & 31, 2005
-- also heard on simultaneously on the worldwide
web at -- and --eventually to be archived at the bottom of
this page
NOTE: After looking at this
page, please also see our
2004 documentation page
to fill out
and complete the back up information for our 2005 campaign
Needless to say, we at may not agree with everything on each of these links, and those behind these links may not agree with each other on many things or anything -- those behind each website are responsible only for what they themselves publish on it. We include each link only because we believe the website had valuable information on it.
Supplementary Documentation for many of the subjects discussed on
the Radio Shows, paid for by Jim Condit Jr. for Congress 2004,
are also found on our "radio ads"
documentation page -- and in the "Seven Lessons . . ." section on our
home page.
2005 --
Zundel in Prison -- Truth, Lies, and the Holocaust -- and Western Civilization
Zundel in Prison, Truth, Lies, and the
Holocaust -- Documentation Page
Zundel was arrested in Tennessee in 2003 for absolutely nothing, and then put in
jail for honest scholarship on World War II and aspects of the Hollywood Version
of the Holocaust. His research threatens the scam being run by the worldwide
organized Jewish Lobby on the USA, Germany, and mankind. The Zionist Ruling
Elite, i.e., the Founders of Israel, were instrumental in funding Hitler to
power, and then worked closely with Hitler to round up everyday Jews in Germany
and Europe, and then force the Jews chosen down to Palestine, in anticipation of
the takeover of Palestine which happened in 1948, three years after World War
II. When all out fighting erupted between Hitler and the Zionist bankers circa
1940, then many everyday Jews, many of them Orthodox Jews, were abandoned by the
Zionists (see the book Perfidy by Hollywood Producer Ben Hecht,
written in 1961, as a primer on this subject). "Jewish Soap", "Lampshades made
out of Jewish skin", the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz to kill people
en masse, and the very number of 6 million -- were deliberate and grotesque
fabrications manufactured by the worldwide, organized Jewish Lobby -- to throw a
perpetual guilt trip on European Americans in Europe and the USA, in order to
make it difficult for anyone to criticize their traitorous and monstrous
activities and agendas in our day, and to continue to extract billions of
dollars from Germany and the USA. Just as the everyday Jewish people were used
by the Zionists before and during World War II, with hundreds of thousands dying
in the crossfire, the everyday German people were framed by the Zionists after
the war, for a "Holocaust" that was planned and engineered by Zionist brains,
and financed largely by Zionist money. Ernst Zundel set out years ago to defend
the good name of the German people, and because he was so effective at it -- he
now sits in jail in a German prison, charged with a thought crime. The Zionist
Ruling Elite hopes to kill or put in prison all those who oppose their agenda in
the years and decades ahead. In that sense, Ernst Zundel is a stalking horse for
all honest people, including those valiant Jewish people, who oppose the agenda
of the Judeo-Masonic Ruling Elite behind the rising New World Order.
The following DVD is
the responsibility only of and Jim Condit Jr., and no support or
agreement with the thesis propounded therein in whole or in part should
necessarily be imputed to Ernst Zundel or any of the other guests or subjects
covered in the "Jim Condit Jr. for Congress" radio ads or one hour radio shows.
With regard to all these radio ads and one hour shows, everyone is responsible
for what he or she says only, and not for what anyone else says.
-- The Final Solution to Adolph
Hitler -- DVD
-- This DVD features commentary and analysis by Jim Condit Jr. based on dozens
of books and sources. A must DVD for those interested in World War II and our World Today; made
originally primarily for historians and researchers, many "normal" people have
also found it of gripping interest. This DVD is 140 minutes packed with
sources that show there is a side to Hitler and the Nazis which is all but
unknown --- the cooperation of Hitler and the Nazis with the Founders of Israel
-- The Zionists -- throughout the 1930s and even in the 1940s. Who will be more
angry at this DVD -- the ADL or the Aryan Nations? -- the myths both types of
groups promote about Hitler and the Nazis is demolished.
(Archival footage is used only in the one minute introduction; books, pamphlets,
and pictures are featured at many points during the commentary and analysis in
this DVD.)
9-11 Terror Attacks, Phase II of 9-11 as promoted in the Big Media
The Rolls Royce of 9-11 websites; home of the
ground-breaking article: "Operation 911: No Suicide Pilots"; This site
reproduces the article from the Washington Post in 1999: "When Seeing and
Hearing is not believing" -- an article which explains how cell phone calls or
speeches can be fabricated once the experts have your voice on tape for a few
Phase II of 9-11:
Once you realize that the 9-11-01 terror attacks were an "inside job" pulled off
be traitorous elements within the US government and US military intelligence who
are secretly loyal to Israel and the Jewish Supremist New World Order, then this
section will become more relevant. A Second "Inevitable" Big Terror Attack has
been constantly promoted in the Big Media since early 2002 -- precisely to
condition Americans to feel that such an attack is inevitable -- and that the
Arabs will do it. The Judeo-Masonic Ruling Elite intends to use this Second
Terror Attack to begin a draft of America's young people, expand the war in the
Mideast by attacking more Arab countries, and take steps to initiate a police
state in earnest here in the USA. That's what they want to do -- and all loyal
Americans will want to stop them as soon as they figure out what's going on. The
assembled articles behind this link prove a fast progression of Big Media
articles in 2002 already trying to manipulate Americans into accepting a 2nd
terrorist attack by "the Arabs."
20th Century Wars: A Pattern of Deception
Good summary of using "incidents" to create the pretext for war.
Stranger Than Fiction
A very important work putting the 9-11 terror attacks as a contrived pretext for
war -- into historical context.
Assault on the USS Liberty
Israel wantonly attacked a USA target before in 1967 -- to try and blame
it on the Arabs and start an attack apparently on Egypt (see "Operation
Cyanide" in a google search) and
an astounding compilation of information showing that the
"official story" about the terror attacks on 9-11-01 -- is false. Also
covering other "terrorist attacks" which appear to be suspect on the face of the
known evidence.
The Judeo-Masonic Ruling Elite is trying to bring
(Trotskyite) Communism to the USA through Control of the Issue of Money via the
Federal Reserve Board; by issuing Money Against American Productivity (good and
services) and making sure their talented friends have virtually unlimited loans
to gain a monopoly over all key industries (usually through 3 or 4 companies),
this crowd is trying to establish a monopoly for themselves in all key areas of
human endeavor. They also intend to take away private property as a right. Just
as the Judeo-Masonic Elite took away private property from the Russian Farmers
and "Communized them" circa 1917 to 1935 -- so their descendants, the current
Judeo-Masonic Ruling Elite intends to take away business ownership and the right
to private property away from Americans and "Communize" them as renters and wage
earners. Put another way, your grandfather owned a hardware store -- you work
for Home Depot.
Terry Hayfield's Articles on the Permanent Revolution
i.e., Complementary Information to Understanding Agenda 21 -- immediately
below. Hayfield's
research and Agenda 21 are the "nuts and bolts" of how the world's Ruling Elite
still push for an updated Communism. (Hint: the New Communists are the former
Trotskyites -- the Neocons, such as Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard.)
Hayfield's research proves the agenda of what some call "the Conspiracy" from
the daily headlines.
The Money Myth Exploded
The anti-dote to the Federal Reserve Board and the "Commune-izing" of America
Agenda 21 -- The Ruling Elite's Hoped for Blueprint for Tyranny:
Their New and Updated
Communism for the United States (Agenda 21 means the Ruling Elite's Agenda for
the 21st Century)
Nancy Levant on Agenda 21
Excellent introductory essay on Agenda 21
Lenin Look-Alike Michael Chertoff: Enemy of the people of the USA
The New Head of Homeland Security is the American Peoples' Greatest Enemy in the
"War on Terror."
An essay by Henry Makow
Israel and the Organized Jewish
Lobby -- Friend or Foe of the USA?
Israel's Sacred Terrorism by Livia Rokach
Online book: based on Moshe Sharett's personal diary; Sharett was in Ben
Gurion's government from 1948 till 1954, and became Prime Minister of Israel in
1954-55. This book was first published in 1980.
The Books of
Douglas Reed online
Finally most of the books of one of the greatest Eye-Witness Reporters of the
20th Century are online. Reed was a correspondent for the London Times and was
on the scene for many of the critical events of the 20th century. He was in
Russia at the time of the Communist Revolution in 1917; he was on the scene when
Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, and so forth. The book he was still finishing at
his death, The Controversy of Zion, is not online here. The second have of that
book is especially valuable regarding the history of the 20th Century.
This Age of
Conflict by Ivor Benson
An excellent pamphlet for an introduction to the nuts and bolts of the 20th
Rachel Corrie -- Victim of Israeli State Terrorism
Picture of Rachel Corrie before she left Seattle for Palestine to protest Israeli persecution and murder against Palestinians. (We endorse the picture, but not all of the politically-correct new age essay)
Picture of Rachel Corrie shortly after Israeli Thug soldier runs over her with bulldozer
Closest Eye-Witness to the Murder of Rachel Corrie
Photo Essay
in Tribute to Rachel Corrie
The Rakovsky Interrogation, World War II, and the 'Unknown Light' of Fatima also known as
Letter issued to Frank Rich of the New York Times, Abe Foxman of the ADL,
Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Institute, and James Rudin of the American
Jewish Committee -- on the eve of the release of the movie The Passion of the
Christ -- by Jim Condit Jr. Exposes the furor behind the Jewish Establishment's
opposition to this one movie, and in effect attempt a pre-emptive strikes any
phony "anti-Semitic" graveyard defacings, or violence, which would then have
been blamed on the movie. A shocking wealth of knowledge contained or pointed to
herein. "The website so effective that the ADL dare not speak its name."
Scholary inquiry into the Talmud, what it says, and
interpretations of what it says.
Home of the two books coming out about how the so-called Neo-Cons tricked the
USA into the Gulf War of 1991 and the Iraq War of 2003. The books are
"Neo-Conned" and "Neo-Conned Again." The website has much interesting reading.
The Crisis in the Catholic Church
A site about the crisis in the Roman Catholic Church since 1958
and Vatican Council II.
Scripture Scholars, Ancient and Modern
Warnings from Heaven
Who is
changing the architecture in Catholic Churches to look like Masonic Temples?
Denis Fahey's Best Short Introductions
on the Kingship of Christ vs. Judeo-Masonry and its Revolutionary
Movements in our day
Website of the Fatima Crusader; chronicles
the events at Fatima, Portugal in 1917;
claims world peace in our time can only become a reality when the requests of
Our Lady of Fatima are heeded; advocate of the Fatima message of prayer and penance
for individuals, and of the urgent need for the Consecration of Russia according
to the instructions of Our Lady of Fatima as given by one of the child seers,
Lucia dos Santos, who grew up to enter the convent and become Sister Lucy.
Sister Lucy died in early 2005 at the age of 97.
Click here to see a picture of Sister
Lucy (seated) reaching out to touch hands with a visitor, the Director of The
Passion of the Christ, Mel Gibson, a few months before her death. (The
grate Mr. Gibson is reaching through is standard in cloistered convents to
separate the cloistered nuns from visitors. Since Sister Lucy was very frail at
this time, another one of the sisters is helping to guide her hand in the
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Below are Further Links of great interest
The 4000 Americans who died on September 10th