Today's Americans look
to the federal government to solve virtually every problem, to protect them
from virtually any adversary, and to even subsidize their own personal
welfare. In exchange for this new insatiable appetite for serfdom, such people
are more than willing to surrender their individual freedoms and personal
There doesn't seem to be Republican alive who remembers Ronald Reagan's famous
quote, "Government is not the solution to the problem; government is the
problem!" Instead, today's Republicans appear just as anxious to invoke the
heavy hand of government as Democrats - maybe more so.
Virtually no one in Washington is calling for less government today. The only
undecided question being debated now is how much to increase the size and
scope of the federal government. The founders' concept of limited government
has been repudiated by the vast majority of this me-first generation.
Even so-called conservative leaders (including Christian conservatives) on
radio and television will fight anyone who dares suggest that the federal
government has become a behemoth with virtually no resemblance to the country
that was created back in 1776.
No one in Washington wants to dismantle any federal program or department.
Even the once-despised National Endowment for the Arts gets a huge spending
boost from these "conservative" Republicans. Ditto for federal spending for
education, energy, agriculture, commerce, etc., and ad infinitum. And if you
think all that's bad, wait until this new Homeland Security Department grows
up. There won't be a shred of freedom left! Taxpayers have allowed themselves
to be forced into financing a federal leviathan that is in the process of
swallowing every liberty and personal responsibility in sight; and few people
seem to mind.
Beyond that, if anyone dares suggest that the federal government is too
monstrous, too oppressive, and too invasive, they are called unpatriotic.
Worse still is the fact that many such people are paid personal visits from a
variety of government goon squads in order to intimidate or silence them.
(Yes, this practice continues under the Bush administration.)
This is not the America that tens of thousands of brave men fought and died
for. This is not the country I grew up in. America has become an alien nation.
It is a country completely foreign to the one bequeathed to us by our Founding
I am very confident that if George Washington, Patrick Henry, Thomas
Jefferson, James Otis, Paul Revere, Sam Adams, and the rest of those great
patriots of yesteryear were alive today, they would be treated by our own
government the same way they were treated by old King George of England: as
traitors and criminals.
Yet, the real traitors and criminals are the ones in Washington and other
places who have worked (and are working) feverishly to dismantle and destroy
the fundamental principles contained in our U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights,
and Declaration of Independence.
If despising an overbearing, overreaching, Orwellian-style federal government
complete with its "swarms of officers" intent on harassing and stealing my
liberties makes me unpatriotic, then I will gladly wear the moniker.
Chuck Baldwin is the Founder and Pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida and host of the Chuck Baldwin Live radio show
Reprinted with permission. Chuck Baldwin's commentaries may not be reprinted or republished without permission.
Contact: chuck@chuckbaldwinlive.com
Chuck Baldwin Live Website: www.chuckbaldwinlive.com
Constitution Party