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Traprock Peace Center
www.traprockpeace.org |
Let's Work Together for a Culture of Peace and
UN Security Council - General Assembly -- Senate --
The Absence
of Truth – Propaganda and War on Iraq - Glen
Rangwala and |
July 13 - 20
Lies About the War |
Register - Civil Liberties Conf - July 25-26 SCOTT RITTER PRESS CONFERENCE (audio
mp3) I July 10 - Scott Ritter held a press tele-conference (mp3 audio) at Traprock Peace Center. Bob Paquette, WFCR public radio new director and Diane Broncaccio of the Greenfield Recorder were on site. Kimiko Aoki, Japanese Public Broadcasting; Andrew Stelzer, KBOO , Portland, OR; Adrian Glamorgan, in Australia; Mike Zmolek, http://www.endthewar.org/ in D.C.; Michael Rivaro, WhatReallyHappened.org in Hawaii; with a question forwarded by Judith Monachina, The Advocate, Lenox and North Adams, MA. Contact us if you have trouble down-loading the press conference. THIS IS A BIG FILE - 14 mg. It plays on Quicktime and Media Player. For those without broadband, it will 'stream' but give it a generous buffer. If it stops while playing, it will start up again. We'll upload a RealAudio version tonight. (Photo © 2003 Charlie Jenks) Traprock gives permission to anyone to download and reply this material for free if replayed or distributed without fees. We only ask for attribution to Traprock and Scott Ritter. Please call 413-773-7427 with any questions.
July 25-26 - Register for Civil Liberties Conf. July 4th - Patriots on Parade in Amherst thrilled the crowds. June/July - Doug Rokke in Austrailia. See Aussie reflections.
June 6-8 - Campus Anti-War Network (CAN) spring retreat at the Blue Mountain Center in New York State. Listen (mp3) to a great student-led workshop on war and domestic issues - Part A (32 min.) and Part B (35 min). Watch for Oct/Nov date of CAN national convention. CAN Retreat Photo-Album May 19 - Jeremy Corbyn (Labour MP) meeting with Colombian labor organizer Carlos Gonzalez, an unnamed Coca Cola and Nestle Colombian organizer and Andy Higginbottom of the Colombia Solidarity Campaign at Parliament. The Colombian guests discussed the killing of labor activists who had been organizing at Coca Cola and Nestle, and the international boycott of Coca Cola starting July 22. Hear this meeting (MP3 Audio)
May 8-18 - Traprock's presented on depleted uranium at the 11th Annual International Conference on Conflict Resolution in St. Petersburg, Russia, sponsored by the Harmony Institute (Russia) and Common Bond Institute (USA). This incredible conference has created an international community through wide-ranging workshops and shared experiences. See the PHOTO-ALBUM of this year's conference and follow links to sponsoring organizations. Highlights included programs programs on indigenous people's in North America and Russia. We will upload audio of interviews and indigenous music over the next few weeks. Trying to find something? Search this site! Like Waging War, Waging Peace Requires Funding
LOOKING for links? Weapons Inspections and Iraq with Scott Ritter Stop War 2003 - Archives & Resources Stop War 2002 - Archives & Resources Hiroshima Invites Bush - learn from Hibakusha. |
Scott Ritter on Iraq Scandal |
Scott Ritter's July 11th
interview Scott Ritter Press Conference (mp3
audio) | |
Let's not forget about the economy |
House of Commons on Iraq, Nuclear Weapons and 'depleted uranium' |
"The Decision to go to War in Iraq" - Complete Text of House of Commons Report (279K doc file) Testimony of Air Marshall Burridge, UK National Contingent Commander in Iraq before Defence Committee (169 K doc file) HTML version. PQAs at House on Commons - US 'scientific exchanges' re: new Tritium Handling Facility for UK Atomic Weapons Establishment; UK commits to release info on DU use in Iraq. Please contact us if have problems downloading. | |
US and UK Facing 'Weaponsgate' News and Resources |
Does it strike anyone as odd that the CIA warned the British that the Iraq/Niger claim was bogus in September, 2002, (The Guardian) but, according to the White House, did not warn Bush before the State of the Union Address in January, 2003? Odder still that the CIA convinced the White House to cut a reference to it in Bush's October speech to the nation, yet it ended up in the State of the Union Address. Washington Post Niger and
Iraq: the war's biggest lie? Blair rethinking call for Independent Judicial Inquiry July 10 - CBS bombshell - CIA told White House Staff Bush was on shaky ground before State of Union. White House ignored CIA warning, saying Bush could attribute claim to British. Powell knew uranium claim in speech was shaky but did not warn President. He excluded claim in his UN presentation 8 days later. [CBS doctored own story after the fact by adding Condi Rice's blaming CIA.] July 9 - US Dems calling for full investigation White House Backs Off Uranium Claim Blair Grilled in House of Commons; UK Foreign Affairs Committee issues first report; Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament calls for judicial inquiry or litigation to compel one; Conservatives and Liberals join call for judicial inquiry. "What I Didn't Find in Afirca" - Joseph Wilson debunks fraud about Iraq trying to buy uranium in Niger. NY Times and Post stories. | |
![]() Heather Wokusch |
VAN with DU Stolen in UK - Nationwide Hunt Ensues
(odd how DU is dangerous in the UK, but not in Iraq) America's Shameful Legacy of Radioactive Weaponry Host Doug Rokke Event - See DU TOUR UPDATE Dates filling up - 3 August dates left; US dates still available in Sept-early Oct Oct 16-19, 2003 - World Uranium Weapons Conference - Hamburg features Doug Rokke, Leuren Moret and other international experts | |
9/11 |
9/11 Commission suggests "intimidation" of witnesses | |
Civil Liberties |
Download Power Point Presentation on
'Patriot' Act by Alice Copeland Brown | |
War's Impact on the People of
Iraq |
July 6 - - Iraq: the Human Toll | |
Africa |
Africa oil connection for US? Guardian July 6 - US Plans Bases to Gird Africa | |
Guantanamo Bay |
Confess or die, US tells jailed Britons - Observer UK Objects to US Human Rights Violations - Neil MacKay | |
Civil Liberties Conference Sunny Miller and |
July 25-26 - "Protecting our Civil Liberties: The Core of Democracy" - Greenfield Community College and Traprock Peace Center announce a regional conference at G.C.C. on Provisions of the Patriot Acts I & II. See list of workshops at Calendar. Opening reception with Frank Serpico, 7 pm, Friday. Confer with Attys. C. William Michaels, Bill Newman and Mahsa Khanbabai, Prof. Christopher H. Pyle, Sandra Boston, Leo Hwang-Carlos, Louis Battalen, Irvine Sobelman, and Ezzell Floraniña 8:30-5:30, Saturday, July 26. Registration $30 ($20 for student or low income). Lunch served if received by July 17, payable to Traprock Peace Center, 103A Keets Road, Deerfield, MA 01342.Download Registration forms (doc format). If you have trouble with the download, email us. See Calendar for details and list of co-sponsors. | |
Did Bush Claim God told him to Invade Iraq? | Israeli newspaper Haaretz - In case link 'disappears' we have copied story here. | |
On Blair having 'sexed up' its dossier on Iraq |
BBC threatens to sue Alastair Campbell - Blair's spin doctor. "No 10 did sex up dossier and claims that they didn't are utter rubbish" See also "Spinning Out of Control." Microsoft Word bytes Tony Blair in the butt - Microsoft hidden code shows that Blair aides 'sexed up' dossier: Glen Rangwala broke this story originally. | |
Doug Rokke Photo ©2003 Charlie Jenks |
DU TOUR DATES - Still Some Openings Updated June 28 - Doug Rokke blowing whistle on DU TOURS in US - July, Aug, Sept A new national speaking tour with Doug Rokke on US use of 'depleted' uranium munitions - July 21st - Aug 7th and now Sept/Oct with West Coast dates. See Tour Update. Contact Sunny Miller to host Doug Rokke (413) 773-7427, to get copy of "Invisible War" for showing or to arrange a media interview. Doug Rokke. Ph.D., Vietnam and Gulf War Vet and an expert on 'depleted uranium.' He headed the US Army's DU Project after the Gulf War, and advocates a ban on DU munitions. See more on DU below, and follow the links to in-depth resources. | |
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July 4 - Visual Images and How We See the World See the Norman Solomon Archives June 19 - The
Media Politics of Impeachment | |
Llew Smith, Labour MP |
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Nuclear Policy and Depleted Uranium - Testimony by Leuren
Moret at the June 28, 2003 Public Hearing for the International
Criminal Tribunal for War Crimes in Afghanistan, at Chiba, Chiba
Prefecture, Japan. Also, hear Leuren Moret on WBAI's DU panel (with Sunny
Miller and others) - Hear and download (45 min - mp3 file).
| |
Brian Willson |
Commentary with Resource
Links |
Robin Cook and Claire Short Iraq
Testimony |
Important to Remember September 24, 2002 |
Tony Blair fueled hysteria about Iraq with claim that Iraq could deploy chemical and biological weapons within 45 minutes. Bush praised 'Blair Dossier.' See MSNBC report , which refers to the Counter-Dossier and quotes Jeremy Corbyn. Was Blair push part of a coordinated effort to ratchet up support and fear in the US and UK? | |
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want their life back." - letter from Baghdad Robert Fisk predicted guerrilla resistance in Iraq - "My Feeling Is That There Will Be a War - It May Already Have Begun - Against the Americans By the Iraqis" - Read about the seeds of resistance. Rick McDowell has been to Iraq 16 times. Interview
with Iraqis who had been refugees in Saudi Arabia - | |
David Keppel |
General Strike - June 19th -
Colombia |
General Strike on 19th June - 'Do or Die' for
Colombian Trade Unions Colombia's three union centres, the CUT, the
CGTD and the CTC, have called an emergency general strike against
privatisations. Hear also meeting with Jeremy Corbyn, MP on Coca
Cola boycott and human rights violations in Colombia. | |
Glen Rangwala
Analyses |
Lies That Led Us Into War... Quotes of Convenience- from US/UK Leaders on Likelihood of Finding Weapons of Mass Destruction. UK site. And, misleading references to findings of inspectors. UK site. The Progress of the Pretext - on the need for independent verification of weapons claims in Iraq from UN inspections teams. See also - 'Counter-Dossier II' - 'peerless' analysis | |
Where are the WMD's? How will US explain to famililes of the dead that US was wrong (or lied) about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction? |
Mark F. McCarty wrote on this here on June 5th. See The 'Winnebagos of Death' ' - Just Another Scam? on 'suspected mobile bioweapons labs' Now it's 'OFFICIAL' - Iraqi mobile labs had nothing to do with germ warfare, per British government report. Observer (UK) | |
US Leaves tens of thousands of unexploeded Cluster Bombs |
Marc Herold - 'Steel Rain' delivered by US/UK Airplanes: Cluster Bombs in Four Recent Military Campaigns. US has left 30-35,000 unexploded bomblets in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. | |
'depleted' uranium: US has used it despite warnings and impact on people and environment- Doug Rokke unveils history of lies and official neglect of its dangers Hear
Dr. Asaf Durakovic interview (see photo at left) Hear Doug Rokke's major talk (mp3) in Albany, NY Afghan's Uranium Levels Spark Alert (BBC) Compilation of DU Media Resources: with May 15 article on contamination in Iraq from US radioactive munitions (CS Monitor). See articles, interviews (mp3) and media list. May 6 - TV's Lack
of Coverage on DU and Cluster Bombs WBAI (NYC) Panel on DU Hear and download (45 min - mp3 file). 13 Representatives have co-sponsored HR 1483 - filed by Rep. Jim McDermott, it would require "studies on the health and environmental impact of depleted uranium (DU) munitions, as well as cleanup and mitigation of depleted uranium contamination at sites within the U.S. where DU has been used or produced." U.S House Members Contact Information Rep. McDermott sent to every member of the House the Doug Rokke interview by Sunny Miller, (published in YES!). Listen to original Tufts Univ. radio (mp3) Ask
media to cover the 'depleted' uranium story. | |
New from Dai Williams |
issues for UN uranium testing in Iraq (pdf file) | |
What Weapons of Mass
Destruction? |
May 8 - George W. Bush’s war on Iraq was waged on a “bodyguard of
lies.” Scott Ritter | |
Marc Herold on Iraqi Civilian
Deaths |
Iraq and Afghanistan | |
This War is Illegal
under International Law |
28 - Illegal War - Robin Miller | |
Traprock Peace Center was founded in 1979 in Deerfield, Massachusetts, USA (2 Photos of Traprock ©Sunny Miller).
Visit Traprock Peace Center at 103A Keets Road, Deerfield, Mass, 01342!
Please call ahead to visit or volunteer. Our Peace Center is located 1/2 mile south of Greenfield, in Deerfield Massachusetts, on a ridge between the Deerfield and Connecticut Rivers. From Route 5 & 10 take Keets Road to the top of Woolman Hill and turn left at the mailboxes. Look for blue and white Woolman Hill Conference Center signs. If you'd rather not stumble intoprivate residences or into the Conference Center interrupting a retreat -- call ahead, then look for our sign.
For more information and updates to calendar, contact us: