- Who was she? Does anyone know? Did any New York
newspaper ever identify her? Yet she remains indelible in the
photograph, her image forever poised at the brink, appearing almost
calm although her fear must have been overpowering. She stands at the
edge of an abyss, her arm grasping a wrecked window frame while her
foot slips perilously close to space. Befitting the moment, her image
grows indistinct the more one tries to focus.
- We see her standing there, minutes from death.
Forthright in appearance, she appears almost delicate nonetheless,
like a curious child. Yet she must have been terrified. She must have
been shocked. But mostly she must have been very brave.
- The woman at the edge of the abyss was someone's
daughter, sister, lover, friend. Actually there are two women in the
maw of wreckage. One--the one we see--stands courageously at the very
edge of the North Tower. To her right another woman sprawls at the
edge of the debris (how hot can it be?), peering down, suffering from
vertigo. Farther to their right, a man waits in the shadows, stunned,
- We owe this unknown woman an enormous debt, every
one of us who stubbornly serves the painful truth--in whatever
fashion--against formidible resistance. She may as well be Lady
Liberty, poised before a great chasm, uncertain whether to stand
strong and await rescue, or fling herself down, a symbol of a doomed
- We owe this unknown women on the 94th floor a great
debt because she bravely made herself visible. She did not cower in
the shadows. The woman at the edge of the abyss is the bold rebuttal
to the overwhelming lies of the state and the state-supported
- Why? Recall that well-paid experts testified that
all three (3) towers collapsed due to intense heat. Yet here we see a
pair of women, heavily dressed, standing on what should have been red
hot steel. Does she, and her suppine twin, look ready to melt?
- At that exact moment, numerous
New York firefighters
struggled upwards, burdened with equipment, confident they could
contain the fires. They radioed back that they could "knock down" the
fire. Ironically, at about the time of their radio report, the
building was knocked down on them. Never before had one building
collapsed, and certainly not three of them, so stoutly built.

- The official story, of the collapse of the trio of
WTC buildings, is an obvious, government lie. But cracks are beginning
to show in the official version. Finally, patriotic Americans are beginning
to trickle forward and say what these women knew all along. The
WTC fires were a classic case of smoke and mirrors, a nefarious crime
certainly, an act of terrorism assuredly. The state either conspired
to kill the young woman or allowed others to do it for draconian
- "Photos show people walking around in the hole in
the North Tower where 10,000 gallons of jet fuel were supposedly
burning," said Morgan Reynolds, former chief economist for the US
Department of Labor under George W. Bush. "By the time the South Tower
was hit, most of the North Tower,s flames had already vanished,
burning for only 16 minutes...The fire did not grow over time,
probably because it quickly ran out of fuel and was suffocating rather
than the sprinkler system dousing the fires."
- Morgan may be the highest government official--thus
far--to speak openly about the crime lurking behing the crime. "If
demolition destroyed three steel skyscrapers at the World Trade Center
on 9/11, then the case for an 'inside job' and a government attack on
America would be compelling," said Reynolds,
- Why should anyone care about an unknown woman they
do not even know--that no one knows? Aside from her courage (would You
have stood so close to the edge?), she repudiates a great lie. That
intense and prolonged fires melted steel, weakening the trusses that
this young woman allegedly stood upon, causing not one, not two, but
THREE buildings to collapse! She repudiates the Official Government
Version of Events--lies--which all too frequently becomes a nation's
history. Thus we owe her a great debt of gratitude. Had she not stood
there, within view of everyone, the government might have gotten away
with claims of blast
furnace temperatures sufficent to weaken steel. Instead she stood
her ground so to speak, until
explosions occurred
and brought those three buildings down around her and almost 3,000
- The woman at the edge of the abyss is Rachel Corrie. She is
the ghost of Joan of Arc and she is every witch falsely accused,
sentenced, and burned at Salem. The woman at the abyss is every victim
of a great crime, a great cover-up, and a great lie, perpetrated by
the state for the benefit of the state. She is your daughter, your
friend, your sister. Do not forget her.
- ______________________________________________________
Douglas Herman writes regularly for Rense. Please
support us! He is also the author of the recent novel, "The Guns of
Dallas." Autographed copies are available directly from the author or
you may purchase copies of The
Guns of Dallas online at Alibris, Amazon or Abebooks.
- Comment
From Michael
- 6-23-5
- The above woman has been tentitively identified by
her husband as Edna Cintron, an administrative assistant for Marsh
& McLennan.
- http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/wtc1_fire.html
- Michael Rivero, Producer
- Home Baked Entertainment 808-780-3788
- rivero@hbentertain.com -