9.  Iraq War  (Audio)

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9.  Iraq War (Text)

Jim Condit Jr.: We have with us Dr. Rania Masri, contributor to the important book, “Iraq under Siege.” She is an Arab-American citizen who I first saw on Fox Cable News in 1998. Dr. Masri:

Dr. Rania Masri: The Bush administration wants to send a quarter of a million US service men and women to invade and occupy another country without proving any real threat.

The city of Baghdad, an urban city of 5.5 million people, has been presented as a target to be heavily attacked by massive air strikes. How many Iraqis --  mothers, fathers, daughters, sons -- will be killed or maimed from the bombing? Thousands? Tens of thousands?

The Iraqis have been suffering from the most intense siege in world history, the twelve year sanctions, and according to UNICEF at least half a million children under the age of 5 have died due to these sanctions. How many more will be killed?

(Jim Condit Jr.): For the full story, go to Realnews247.com and click on “Big Iraq Attack”; Paid for by Jim Condit Jr. for Congress.


Last Updated
03/10/2003 06:45 PM


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