Latest News & Analysis
"In an age of
universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." —George Orwell
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Latest News & Analysis
Archives. (Listings by month & year)
Barghouti, a candidate preparing the succession
US toll in Iraq at highest monthly level
President's New Freedom (sic) Commission on Mental Health
remember, Congress is
in this.)
Netherlands hospital kills terminally ill babies
(A note to liberal readers:
When they come for you, just keep repeating to yourselves the following
mantra, "There is no slippery slope. There is no slippery slope. There is
no slippery slope.¼")
Archbishop of Canterbury urges 'repentance' over condemnation of
("Woe to those who call evil
good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness;
that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." Isaias 5:20)
When outrage simply isn't enough
(A anti-Christian hate
crime in the guise of entertainment.)
New edict says bans Christmas carols
("There won't be any herald
angels singing or little drummer boys drumming at schools in Maplewood
this holiday season.")
Macy's stores boycotted for replacing 'Christmas'
Principal apologizes for 'prayer' reading
(Apologize for what?
Speaking the truth?!)
Israelis shoot 4-year-old child in Gaza
("This week Israeli columnist Amos Harel, writing in the
daily Haaretz, described the army's practice of shooting Palestinian
children and then covering up the killing as 'despicable and
Let us not fool ourselves
FBI searches offices of top pro-Israel
(Of course, Israel "never spies" on the US and here's a
timeline to prove it!)
Tenet calls for Internet security
(Translated: First Amendment? We don't need no steenkin' First
Veteran columnist quits after piece on Jewish vote Is spiked
The Federal Reserve System
How it robs you blind
Moral Quagmire: Killing of 13-year-old Palestinian girl raises tough questions for the Israeli army.
Liberal bishops bash Gibson's Passion as "a modern version
of the notorious medieval Passion Plays"
thoroughly orthodox productions to show their solidarity with Jewish
advocacy groups. You were expecting, maybe, a vindication of Catholic art
from these pedophile-coddling apostates?!)
School bus driver fired after talking with kids about stem
Mel-related news)
Girl's killing puts focus on soldiers
Killing children is no longer a big deal
(Israeli journalist Gideon
Levy: "The plain fact, which must be stated clearly, is that the blood
of hundreds of Palestinian children is on our hands.")
Outgoing HHS chief muses on 'why the
terrorists have not attacked our food supply'
(Curious. Conditioning
Americans to expect such an attack, perhaps?)
Eliminating private property
(Communism is alive and well¼in
the USA?!)
American Freemasons
end their stonewalling
and put faith in PR
centuries of obsessive secrecy and medieval rituals, Freemasons have
turned to the modern arts of public relations and advertising for an
unprecedented recruitment campaign in America.
The days when newcomers could join only by a whispered invitation from
an existing "brother", followed by a lengthy initiation, are coming to
an end, after a steady fall in membership.
"It may seem to some that Freemasons demand nothing that is openly contrary to religion and morality; but, as the whole principle and object of the sect lies in what is vicious and criminal, to join with these men or in any way to help them cannot be lawful."
Cheney's Masonic membership kept quiet
Prince Bernhard dies
(But his conspiratorial
Bilderberg Group
lives on.)
US admits the war for ‘hearts and minds’ in Iraq is now lost
Pop goes the Bush mythology bubble
PART 1: The
9-11 Commission
Dead voters on rolls, other glitches found in 6 key states
Schools barred from notifying parents of abortion
What's your name?...what's your number?
'National Treasure': Freemasons, fact, and fiction
McCain: Even more troops needed for Iraq
(At the rate things are going, it's only a matter of time before the
politicos and military go from this plea to "We won't have enough troops
in Iraq to maintain the needed level of security in Iraq unless we
reinstitute the Draft." And that time likely is fast approaching.)
Conspiracy theories on Ohio vote refuse to die
(None dare call it treason?)
WARNING - Financial Crisis Ahead?
couldn't have anything to do with it, could it? For a current update,
check the
US National Debt Clock.)
Dwindling Freemasons hope to attract new blood
Rights group: Chinese activists risk torture
(But Communist China is still a
"valued trade partner," which, in light of the Iraq invasion, just goes to
prove, to paraphrase George Orwell, that, as far as the US and its Western
allies are concerned, all criminal regimes are not created equal.)
Ask the fox about the henhouse
Chai Vang
murdered six Wisconsin hunters it signaled open season for
gun control
Pearl Harbor -- Fifty years of controversy
here for more on the betrayal.)
DECEMBER 8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Ukrainian parliamentarian suggests jailing Freemasons
Doctors: Ukraine's Yushchenko likely victim of bio or chemical agent
Ron Paul denounces national ID card
ID cards are not proper in a free society. This is America, not Soviet
Congress threatens no money for U.N.
Israeli army suspends unit over killing
Karzai sworn in as Afghan president
Pro-choice Congressman infuriates Dems
Pssst: Guess who's a Mason?
(Of course,
what isn't mentioned is that George Washington's Masonic membership was
earlier in his life and that at end of his life he
converted to Roman Catholicism,
Masonry's mortal enemy.)
Congress OKs intelligence bill
Violence persists throughout Iraq
Austria confirms Yushchenko was poisoned
Did AIPAC agents send stolen nuke technology to China?
Israeli soldiers 'shoot boy for fun'
time for decent Israelis and Palestinians to put a stop to the atrocities
being committed by both sides, but of which Israeli bears the brunt of the
guilt, in part because of its much larger firepower.)
Israel recognizes 'gay' couples
(Orthodox rabbis incensed; warn of God's vengeance.)
Anglicans wary on 'Satanic Symbols'
U.S. media still hiding bad news from Americans
On ungrounded theories and disinformation
who would expose 9-11 truth face daunting obstacles: A government
shrouding the evidence in secrecy.")
Passports to get RFID chip
'The Matrix' looks less futuristic.")
Reestablished Sanhedrin ascends Temple Mount
(It's called returning
to the scene of the crime!)
The Social Security privatization fraud
PC police target Jolly Old St. Nick
Freemasons make no secret of desire for new members
Rumsfeld armor claims disputed
Official U.S. Overview and Techniques: Domestic Control of Dissidents
The 'right' to homosexual adoption
(Exposing the drive to
legalize yet another vile abomination.)
National Fluoride database launched by USDA
If the troops believe Rumsfeld
my sympathy goes with them
If a sports
coach can't pump up his team to full charge before a game, he better
change careers.
If an orchestra leader can't inspire his musicians to play their hearts
out, he should turn in his baton.
If a sales manager can't motivate his people to increase sales, he
should find another kind of work.
And if the head of a mighty military machine can't give the troops
forthright, unambiguous, no-bull answers to their questions before they
go into battle, he should do a disappearing act.
Phony voting rights groups promote false solutions
AIPAC: still spying, still tax-exempt and ACLU to
the rescue
Paramedics query Kelly 'suicide'
A theologian asks hard questions about 9-11
UK's Attorney General defends burglars' rights
Bomber kills 13 as violence marks anniversary of Saddam's capture
WTC rescue workers silenced after discovery of black boxes
Kerry lawyer asks for visual inspection of Ohio ballots
NYC circuit court hears nativity scene case
Army report leans toward women in combat
US warns EU on arms sales to China
pointing the finger across the Atlantic, Washington needs to investigate
its own culpability--see
bring those responsible to swift and appropriate justice!)
UK conservatives to back national ID card
(A further step toward the
collapse of Western Civilization: Those who should be defending the fort
have betrayed it.))
Israel blamed for Christian exodus from Bethlehem
PNAC member Donald Rumsfeld--A profile
Bush warns
Syria, Iran against meddling in Iraq
(Since when did he
become the Iraqi president?)
Gary Webb's death
confirmed as suicide
(Investigative reporter found
with two gunshots to head. Suicide? How'd he pull off the second one?)
news media losing control of info war
(So expect Big Brother to try
to tighten the screws on Internet free speech.)
Rumsfeld under fire
from neo-cons
(Say goodbye, Donny.)
U.S. accuses Israeli officials of spying
(More on
IDF soldier who shot British activist admits lying
Federal Panel Ignores Sex Abuse
("America’s Children
is a report which would make Alfred Kinsey proud. Like Kinsey’s infamous
'research,' it shamelessly manipulates data and lies by omission to
promote a perverse agenda. It uses Kinseyan techniques regarding
children’s 'well-being' to undermine marriage, religion, and parental
authority, and downplay the seriousness of child abuse.)
Better for old to kill themselves than be
a burden, says Warnock
no further for an indicator of the decline of the West than that a
monster like this can be described as
"Britain's leading medical ethics expert."
What a joke, what a ghastly joke!)
Rumsfeld faces GOP calls for his dismissal
Bush signs intelligence overhaul
(Big Brother on steroids?)
Ohio judge rejects vote tally challenge
note: This bogus challenge is being headed by false opposition
leader/Establishment shill Jesse Jackson.)
Amber alert: Fetus taken from slain mother
Seeing through government-media lies
Stop the bleeding
(For real Social Security reform)
Dems want armor answers from Rumsfeld
The ultimate survivor: Rumsfeld under attack, this time from the right
U.S. forces lose control of key city
John Paul II, ADL meet for common cause
Judge orders Christians to stand trial for
opposing perverts
(Free speech in Philly now
limited to "gay" and other politically correct groups.)
Couple proudly displayed infant cut from mother's womb
Scott Peterson's 'Choice'
"Conner" is
the name Laci Peterson chose for her unborn son. Scott Peterson,
husband and father, murdered Laci and Conner around Christmas Eve 2002.
The jury that convicted Peterson of two counts of capital murder with
"special circumstances" has sentenced Peterson to death. The presiding
judge has the statutory authority to convert the death sentence into
life without the possibility of parole, but that is unlikely.
One of the several statutory means of finding "special circumstances"
for capital murder in California is murder of two or more victims.
Conner, who was at least seven-and-a-half months gestation, was just as
much a victim of murder as his mother. The fact that the jury found
Peterson guilty of second-degree rather than first-degree murder for his
death defies logic. Nonetheless, the sentence of death leaves no doubt
about their perception of Conner.¼
Study: Hollywood slighting Americans' belief in God
The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the principal threat to religious freedom today
Grinch Castro tries to seize U.S. Christmas
(No wonder he's the darling of
America's left, he thinks the same way
they do!)
The modern horror of a baby never born
Britain has become a Kafkaesque nightmare
Arnold Schwarzenegger called ignorant for suggesting that GOP embrace abortion, pervert 'rights'
The oscillating ostrich
("If a definite
Masonic plot is all fantasy and the mere imagination of Catholic
conspiracy theorists, then why did the past popes find it so necessary
to warn us about these infiltrators and conspirators, namely Freemasons,
Modernists and Communists? ")
Bundle of linguistic confusion: From fetuses to babies
Handpicked Bush judge crosses line in overturning immigrant proposition
UK: ID card revolt leaves leaders humiliated
Key researcher casts more doubt on WTC collapse
Reality of TV: It slams religion
("It's like a merit badge to
attack people of religious convictions.")
Bush supports 'Tear Down the Cross' group
Civil libertarians fight Big Brother ACLU
Scott Peterson trial and sentence gave massive exposure to humanity of unborn child
Ron Paul:
It can't happen here
("Is America becoming a police
state? The question is no longer rhetorical. We are not yet living in a
total police state, but it is fast approaching.")
Rumsfeld is already on his way out
Florida pro-life activists win First Amendment battle
GOP poised to betray voters? Bush revives amnesty
for illegals
defend traditional marriage in San Francisco court
Peterson juror would have preferred a
Murder One verdict for Conner's death
answer to the fourth question down from 'Harriet.')
Video supporting Ohio vote fraud claim revealed
Faked terror attack set for December 27?
More details on AIPAC Chalabi boosters targeted in
FBI probe
Chalabi--The best Iraqi 'independent' opposition leader that
Israeli money can buy!)
L.A. county's seal quietly
(Residents seek to reverse latest satanic victory)
DECEMBER 25 Feast of the Nativity
General takes blame for Mosul bombing
Kerry preparing to 'unconcede'
Oscaring Mel Gibson
(Refuting Hollywood elite's
excuses for 'dissing' The Passion of the Christ.)
NYC Parks Dept. allows creche: Go for it
across America!
quibble with this column: Unlike what the writer thinks, Real News 24/7
does not believe in a 'Judeo-Christian' heritage nor that Jews should
be permitted to have menorahs displayed on public property. America should
be Christian. Period. Tolerance for other faiths, but no special place
in the public life of the country.)
GIs can be forced to wear U.N. beret
U.S. military can force its personnel to wear the blue beret of the
United Nations and serve under the world body's command, a federal judge
Judge Paul Friedman upheld the military's conviction of former Army
specialist Michael New, who refused to don the U.N. cap and shoulder
patch and to serve in a peacekeeping mission in Macedonia nearly 10
years ago, the
New York Sun reported..¼
Disaster compared to scene from Bible
Opposition leader Yushchenko declares victory in Ukraine
China army
will 'crush' any Taiwan independence move
(Godless, criminal regime
resumes its saber-rattling.)
Jackson: Jesus would be homeless under Bush
(Look up the word "demagogue"
in the dictionary and you'll find Jesse Jackson's picture. Is it
possible he didn't know about
this? Not that it would matter, mind
9-11 hijacker an Israeli?
More about the war on Christmas
(Various links--see column,
Roman numerals and previous years)
George W. Bush: Champion of 'gay rights'
Rumsfeld says 9-11 plane 'shot down' in Pennsylvania
Abortionist left
unborn baby's parts in patient
(To be expected when
butchers are licensed as "doctors.")
Merry what?--De-Christmasization
("We wallow in sentimentality,
gushing platitudes, mouthing such meaningless phrases such as 'peace on
earth, good will to men,' distorting the true angelic hymn which has real
meaning: 'Peace on earth to men of good will.'")
Israeli soldier's lawyer: Killing of 13-year-old girl 'complex'
UN 'peacekeepers' rape women, children
Bush faces fight over open borders treason
Pentagon: Rumsfeld misspoke on Flight 93 being
'shot down'
(It's called
implausible denial.)
X-Files/Lone Gunmen star interviewed
about similarities between episode and 9-11 attacks
Not just another history book
(Cutting through the
'politically correct' version of events,,,,Read more
Another U.N. scandal: phony figures on AIDS
Bush approval rating at historic low
Free speech in Israel only free for Jews not Arabs
Pius XII barred Jewish children returning home
attack is over
alleged insistence
that if such children were baptized they no longer were Jews, hence they
should be raised as Catholics. So, what's the problem?
Forget reform--The U.N. needs regime change
The broken UN: Kofi's impudence
A state of chaos
(George Bush has purged the last of his father's senior
advisers, handing over control to his neocon allies.)
Indonesia's tsunami death toll may reach 400,000
Was killer tsunami a manmade disaster?
(In 1997,
it was publicly maintained that climate can be remotely altered--even
catastrophically--by terrorists. Who was the lunatic fringe
conspiracy theorist making the claim? None other than Secretary of
Defense William Cohen.)
Planned Parenthood sued over abortion pill death
The Shadows In The Cave
(BBC Documentary focuses on how the neo-cons invented a phantom
terrorist enemy...'Al qaeda'.)
Marketing the anti-Christian European Union
Man convicted for Mugabe insult
(He got off lucky with a two-year sentence--to find out what happened to
the the unlucky opponents of this monstrous tyrant, see 'Hell in
Zimbabwe' at the bottom of the
linked page.)
Lilly said to know of Prozac risk in '80s
triggered by this fluoride-based anti-depressant is the subject of
House of Horrors'.
In August
discovered in Britain's
water supply was described as "hidden mass medication"--is this a
harbinger of future enforced 'mental health' measures?)
DISCLAIMER: Needless to say, we at Real News 24/7 do not necessary agree with every thought or the implication of every article we link to, nor with every stand or position taken by the person or organization responsible for an article we recommend. Nor do those who wrote such articles necessarily agree with everything we say. Real News 24/7 assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed in any work taken from external links. In each section we have listed the best articles we could find at this time on a given subject with regard to documentation and analysis of the subject under discussion, regardless of minor or major flaws in the article. We soon hope to have an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each article recommended, which will appear right under the link to the article itself. The information in our "Latest News and Analysis" feature is meant to bring to your attention information or views generally not easily found on the Big TV networks and other controlled media sources.