Latest News & Analysis
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Latest News & Analysis
Archives for earlier entries. (Listings by month & year)
Bush unworthy of Christian vote
Interpol pushing to be UN -Globocop
Wake up America, Communism is not dead
Possible UN influence over U.S. elections
Kerry supporters issue cocky predictions
Candidate seeks to expose 2000 Florida vote fraud cover-up
Judge rules against man who defended his home
Bush reelected; Kerry concedes
'Gay marriage' ban easily wins
in 11 states
(A good first step to forcing
the sodomites back into their filthy closets!)
Exit polls and ‘actual’ results don’t match; Evoting states show greater discrepancy
Judge assailed at Zundel hearing
B'nai Brith official quits
after terrorism remark
(His crime? Being to blatant about it.)
Winner takes all!
(Requires Flash Player--If you don't have it, click
here for
download page)
Pro-life leader says Bush's reelection could 'spell end' of pro-life movement
In quotes: World reacts to US vote
Neocon 'flex players' await Bush's second term
The long arms of Rabbi Elyashiv and of the Knesset
(Ever wondered if the 6 million figure was
"just a tad"? Then see
"Shouting 'Gevalt!'"--Yiddish for "emergency"--to find out what Israel may have in store for you.)
Specter warns Bush on judicial nominees
(Recall that supposedly pro-life
President Bush was instrumental in securing Senator Specter's win in the
primaries and that Real News 24/7 was one of the only sites on the Web
alerting readers of this treachery.)
As Arafat clings to life
Israeli soldiers placed on state of alert
'Holocaust survivor's' claims queried
Hanoi urged US activists to run for office
(Just another rich commie? More on Kerry's
subversive background.)
Democrats get a lesson in morality
(True, but unfortunately, the values of many
GOP faithful are not being served, as the lead article for November 4
clearly indicates--see below.)
Arizona passage of anti-illegal alien measure encourages other states
Zundel not a threat, FBI ruled
Movement arises to block Specter
remarks by Sen. Arlen Specter, cautioning President Bush against
nominating Supreme Court justices who would overturn the Roe vs. Wade
abortion decision, have sparked a furious outcry from Bush's large
conservative and Evangelical support base, and spawned a movement to
ensure the Pennsylvania Republican does not ascend to chairmanship of the
Senate Judiciary Committee as expected.
Overnight, a website named
emerged to help lead the charge.¼
Specter steams the local Right
China steps in firmly in support of Iran
(Let's see if we've got this straight: 1)
President Bush said that any country supporting the perpetrators of the
9-11 attacks is to be considered an enemy of the United States; 2) he
singled out three nations--Iraq, Iran and North Korea (the 'Axis of
Evil')--as foremost among such terrorist enablers; 3) China is throwing
its support to two-thirds of the 'Axis'--first North Korea and now Iran;
4) making China one of America's...most favored trade partners?)
US strikes raze Falluja hospital
(Great way to endear our troops to the
populace, huh?)
Remote control planes take place of soldiers
Specter backpedaling for his political life against tidal
wave of opposition
here to
sign petition blocking Specter appointment.)
Rumsfeld: Rule of Iraq assassins must end
Militants bomb Orthodox church in Baghdad
French 're-imposing' Ivorian calm
Girl Scout groups under fire again for Planned Parenthood ties
Battle for Falluja may take several days
US Supreme Court to be given ultra-conservative edge
(Oh, yeah. Right. We'll believe that
when we see it.)
Spat over Specter may
be subsiding
(Note that the Senator Rick Santorum, whose traitorous
support, along with Bush's, was
indispensable in Specter's primary win over a pro-life
foe, is now leading
the charge to convince outraged Republicans to look the other way. We urge
readers to sign the
to block Specter's nomination.)
Illinois gun owners want protection for homeowners
States lining up to outlaw same-sex 'marriage'
Netherlands school hit by bomb
Did Specter cost Bush Pennsylvania?
Bush revives bid to legalize illegal aliens
Conspiracy theories abound after Bush victory
The men who could replace Arafat
House-to-house warfare in Fallujah
Iraqi official: Instability will bring chaos to region
Eye in sky may watch Chicago Parks workers
Veteran leader Yasser Arafat dies
Values-oriented voters want conservative courts
(Were Bush half e pro-lifer many of his
supporters believe him to be, he would--at the time he puts forth a court
nominee--inform Specter and the Senate obstructionists that this is it;
if they knock this one down, the next nominee will be even more
pro-life, so they'd better get used to it.)
Promoting Kinsey, censoring grandma
Vanunu arrested by Israeli police
DVD of Fox News series on Israeli spying now available
Pomp and security to farewell Arafat
George Bush to be absent from Arafat's funeral
(The reason? Bush is said to have looked at Arafat as an
obstacle to Middle East peace. But Sharon isn't an obstacle?!)
Bush, Blair meet to ponder Mideast options
Arafat's illness still a mystery
(Palestinians want to know: Did Israel
poison him?)
Sharon: Arafat will 'get what he deserves'
US admits it used napalm bombs
in Iraq
("It's Orwellian. They do not want
the public to know.¼")
Specter in hot water again over anti-Christian fundraising letter
They're throwing journalists into jail right here in the USA
Presidential candidates to demand Ohio recount
The Ohio factor: Did Homeland Security and the FBI
interfere with the vote count?
Judge rules in favor of
Terri Schiavo on nutrition stay
Terri's website
More news on the fight for Terri and other disabled people
Protests over 'sexologist' movie
Bush calls for Palestinian state
Specter defends remarks about Bush's nominations
(But his comments on Judge Bork clearly show his Leftist
Charity: Fallujah situation 'disastrous'
NATO says Europe is failing to support Bush's war on terror
Doctor suspects Arafat was
poisoned, urges autopsy
(If there wasn't foul play, then why no autopsy?)
Numbers Game: 9-11, F-16 & 3.5 miles
Bush betrays conservatives already
Alberto Gonzales, tabbed by "conservative" President Bush to be the next Attorney General, has a Kerry-like record on social issues. So what else is new?!
a week has passed since 84 percent of the nation's self-described
conservatives cast their ballots for George W. Bush, and already the
president and his administration have delivered at least two good,
strong, swift kicks in the teeth to the voters who elected him. Speaking
in Mexico this week Secretary of State Colin Powell acknowledged that
the administration will revive its amnesty plan for illegal aliens, and
in Washington Hispanic White House counsel Alberto Gonzales was named as
the next attorney general.
Mr. Gonzales, considered a liberal on social issues, will be the main
official to pick the next Supreme Court justices, including the chief
justice. Since one of the major reasons why conservatives voted for Mr.
Bush at all was that he would supposedly select more conservative
justices than John Kerry, Mr. Gonzales' appointment is a nice wallop to
the conservative face.¼
For driver's license, La boys preregister for Selective Service
US to deploy hyper-missiles
(Disarmament? What disarmament? That's only
for countries Israel doesn't like.)
Scott Peterson convicted of murdering wife and baby
Pro-life reaction to the Peterson verdict
Stop Arlen Specter from blocking conservative pro-gun judges
Presbyterian Church receives arson threat over Middle East policies
The reelection of George W. Bush: A possible bright side?
(Here's a column that shows
Bush's record as being not quite as bad as feared. Trouble is that it
comes from Left Hook, a self-proclaimed "radical youth journal.")
Powell said poised to leave Bush cabinet
US forces cleaning up in Falullujah
Blair confronts his critics over special relationship with US
Bush stained by specter of infanticide
U.S. begins probe in killing of Iraqi prisoner
Condi Rice tabbed to replace Powell
Israeli FM Silvan
Shalom: "She is a true friend to Israel."
Rice's failure at NSC complicates new post
"Hillary for President '08" opens shop
Boy Scouts banned on bases
(For more on the anti-Scout attack, see our
special report)
What if the
revisionists are right?
"To encourage Jewish
emigration, the National Socialists worked closely with Zionist
organizations, which were interested in encouraging the emigration to
Palestine of as many Jews as possible.¼"
Abortionists launch a drive to support Bush nominee Specter
The Manufactured divide
Rhetoric aside, little of substance separated George W.
Bush from John Kerry — and a second Bush term will do nothing to reduce
the size, expense, and power of government.
Why isn't Kerry using $50M unspent
campaign money to fund recounts?
(Because he's part of
the same Establishment as Bush, stupid! See above links.)
Government looking at military draft lists
Dollar hits new low versus euro
Schivo case judge can be removed from the bench--immediately!
Scientology link to Terri Schivo's persecutors
(For an in-depth look,
Scientology and Terri Schindler-Schivo: The death
Terri's website
More news on the fight for Terri and other disabled people
Bush ditches Jesus, pleases Jewish ADL
ex-presidents but Ford on hand to open Clinton Library
(Shouldn't that be the Clinton
Silenced priest warns of gay crisis
11-year-old advocate for modesty
(She shames all of those who
say there's nothing that can be done!)
ex-presidents but Ford on hand to open Clinton Library
(Shouldn't that be the Clinton
Silenced priest warns of gay crisis
11-year-old advocate for modesty
(She shames all of those who
say there's nothing that can be done!)
Henry Kissinger on Bush and the new world order
(Here are your marching
orders, George.)
Judiciary panel backs Specter
(A vote that ignored
vigorous opposition by pro-lifers, who
vow to continue the fight.)
Urgent Alert: Vote Coming On Forced Mental Health Screening
Slipping Total Information Awareness thru back door ? RAND wants to 'connect the dots' about terrorist attacks (Note that John Poindexter, former head of the now-'defunct' and totally Orwellian TIA program, sees a parallel between the two--and so do we.)
Researchers: Florida vote fishy
Israeli military seeks to exhume Gaza girl's body
Color them communists
"The most apparent example of the Communist/Masonic infiltration of an
organization is its successful infiltration of the Roman Catholic
The collapse of the WTC (expert whistleblower's
letter got him fired)
"We know
that the steel components were certified to ASTM E119. The time
temperature curves for this standard require the samples to be exposed
to temperatures around 2000F for several hours. And as we all
agree, the steel applied met those specifications.¼"
(Emphasis added)
Mystery remains over who killed Margaret Hassan
Judge can't help Zundel's wife
'Smart Dust' may soon be watching you
Illegal aliens continue to enter the US at an alarming rate. It's time that those who keep pushing amnesty should listen to the people.
Among the ballot measures that passed resoundingly in the election is one that no conservative can afford to ignore — Arizona's Proposition 200. It is a measure that will require proof of U.S. citizenship for voting and proof of legal residency for many public services.
It passed with a 56 percent majority — a clear message from voters of their frustration with illegal immigration. What is most remarkable about this is that it is in a state where not only the governor, but also its famous senator, John McCain, opposed it, as did members of its congressional delegation.¼
Why Judeo (judaized)-Christians support war
Jewish dominance of America - facts are facts
Why Bush's America feels like Orwell's 1984
Air Force Academy bares anti-Christian fangs
A warrior has left us
(Reed Irvine fought media bias,
Accuracy In
Media. Although we
didn't agree with him on every issue, we respected his determination to
expose dishonest journalism. May he rest in peace)
Bush, Fox optimistic about
guest-worker program
(Since when are people who break into homes referred to as "guests"? Yet
that's what this amounts to. Bush's plan will help businesses acquire a
pool of unskilled workers who work cheap and take jobs from Americans,
All the while taxpayers will be expected to subsidize the illegals.)
The illegal alien swing vote
Fallujah attacks expose new risks
white flag may be an international symbol of surrender, but in Fallujah
it has become another tool of guerilla war.")
Reporter: Wounded Iraqi made no movements
needs to be read in the context of the preceding link.)
Pollard: Israel groomed jailed terrorist to head PA
Media myopia
Keeping the news media honest (We really need to make them
honest, since they aren't that way already.)
The Josef Stalin
Vote Fraud Page
(An interesting new webpage that looks at a famous remark about voting
by the Soviet dictator and shows how it's become quite popular to quote
it, as is shown by numerous examples from the new media--both
"mainstream" and independent. It also includes a number of
illustrations, including one of Stalin casting a ballot. From the
Vote site.)
Illegal immigrants must be barred from receiving all non-emergency benefits
Mass offensive launched south of Baghdad
IRS may no longer be able to ignore critics’ petition
GOP borrowing paves the way for Democrat tax hikes
Surrendering liberty to government security
Terrorist crossing: cover-up on the U.S.-Mexico border
Ukraine on brink of 'civil war'
(Vote fraud--Ukrainian
Declaration of Independence banned at
California school
(The Christ haters are
back at it.)
Anti-'gay' exorcism dubbed possible
hate crime
(While they're at it,
sounds like the police department could use one, too!)
Swallowing a scorpion from Mexico
Immigration enforcement weakens since 9-11
What vote fraud?
(Dems pocket $52
Million, CNN ignores evidence, and officials stonewall...)
Stay out of
Sudan's civil war
(Ignore neo-con warmongers)
Students free to thank anybody, except
(The war
continues to make atheism America's official religion, a concept totally
at odds with President George Washington's 1789
Thanksgiving Proclamation.)
Property and the first Thanksgiving
Bush nominee Gonzales in group that backs lax immigration laws
17 Iraqi parties demand election delay
Crowds besiege Kiev government
(They play rough in the
Ukraine; one
appears to have been poisoned! ...
Arafat, the Kapo: He served the Israelis well
Bush to make third bid for guest worker plan
The unbearable wetness of the Rio Grande
Terrorist crossing: Cover-up on the U.S.-Mexico border
Government to investigate voting irregularities
(Look for
a push to promote compulsory nationwide touch-screen voting by 2006--or
2008 at the latest--as the 'solution' to vote fraud.)
The Left's hidden victory in 2004
Why calling conservatives ''Nazis'' is such an inane and incongruous remark
Scandal-shocked Israelis ask: Has army lost its way
A leading Israeli rights group demanded the army chief-of-staff Moshe Ya'alon (right) resign.
once-unshakable faith in the morality of the army has been put to
the test by a series of recent scandals, one of which saw a soldier
empty his weapon into the body of a young Palestinian girl, who had been
killed moments earlier on her way to school.
It has not been a particularly good couple of weeks for an army which
proclaims itself to be "the most ethical army in the world."
Israeli rights group calls for army chief’s resignation
Debt rises 53.5 billion in one day
of our "conservative" president.)
More information on push for NY grand jury over 9-11
Israel's military draws criticism after girl, 13, slain
Marines aided by robotic airplane in Iraq
(Similarly, the use of robotic planes is a very plausible alternative
explanation for the 9-11 attacks. We have amassed numerous proofs in
Section 5 -- 9-11
Cover-Up: Remote Control Planes of our Documentation and
Resource Page.)
The Military Draft
mandatory draft is coming and it will come soon.¼")
Is annexation of Canada part of Bush's
military agenda?
(Part of the move--along with Mexico--to bring about a American
equivalent of
the European Union?)
The campaign to decriminalize World War II history
Israel shocked by image of soldiers forcing violinist to play at roadblock
Reward: $100,000 for proof of government claims how WTC came down!
FBI likely knew of Oklahoma bombing plot
DISCLAIMER: Needless to say, we at Real News 24/7 do not necessary agree with every thought or the implication of every article we link to, nor with every stand or position taken by the person or organization responsible for an article we recommend. Nor do those who wrote such articles necessarily agree with everything we say. Real News 24/7 assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed in any work taken from external links. In each section we have listed the best articles we could find at this time on a given subject with regard to documentation and analysis of the subject under discussion, regardless of minor or major flaws in the article. We soon hope to have an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each article recommended, which will appear right under the link to the article itself. The information in our "Latest News and Analysis" feature is meant to bring to your attention information or views generally not easily found on the Big TV networks and other controlled media sources.