Latest News and Analysis
for January 2004
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In late January, we moved our office and were unable to keep up our daily updates for several days, however, we intend to catch up as time permits. Thanks for your patience.
"Christ" controversy brews
"Christ's final agonizing
hours of life, and death, as depicted in The Passion of the Christ, is
hardly standard Hollywood drama. Mel Gibson's movie is graphic, violent and so
controversial, no major studio would touch it. CBS News Correspondent Mark
Strassman reports." (Real News 24/7: Major studios so concerned over
controversy as to shy away from a film? Isn't that exactly the opposite of how
Hollywood has been known to operate? Maybe it isn't so much that the movie is
controversial, but the sort of controversy that's the issue. The main
objections about the The Passion of the Christ have come from Jewish
groups, primarily the Anti-Defamation League (see below), while the power in
the motion picture industry is heavily Jewish, so, of course, the
"controversy" is caused "major studios" to it turn down. Oh, and about
violence and gore? Just a reminder: A little over a year ago,
eight major studios joined in suit against an
company specializing in editing the violence and other objectionable material
out of films to make them family-friendly. Sounds like they're really
concerned about excessive violence, eh? [Concerned about keeping it in,
that is!])
Gibson "Passion" film wows Christians , vexes Jews "It's hard to imagine a movie provoking such contrasting reactions among Jews and Christians as Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, the story of the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ."
Vatican Confirms Pope Has Seen Mel Gibson's "Passion"
"The Vatican confirmed that John Paul II has
seen Mel Gibson's film on the passion and death of Christ but has made no
official comments about the movie." (Real News 24/7: Please note that Mel
Gibson's people never called John Paul II's purported "It is as it was"
statement an endorsement or an "official" comment; they merely reported that
this is what they were told by Vatican spokesman Joaquín Navarro-Valls.
Despite recent attempts by those around John Paul II to downplay the
spokesman Alan Nierob continues to insist it is precisely what
Navarro-Valls communicated to him and that permission was given to use the
5,000 pastors cheer Mel
Gibson's "Passion" "Famed film actor and
producer Mel Gibson told 5,000 pastors yesterday that 'there will always be
opposition' to films on the Gospel, 'but you have to stand your ground and
slug it out.'"
Latest "Passion" escapade shows duplicity of Anti-Defamation League
ADL screens Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ"; says film's "Painful to
watch" "After two
of its representatives attended a screening of Mel Gibson's film 'The Passion
of The Christ' at a religious gathering in Florida, the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL) today renewed its concerns about the film's potential to promote
anti-Semitism through its 'painful portrayal of Jews' as being responsible for
the death of Jesus. The film is scheduled for national release on Ash
Wednesday, Feb. 25." (Real News 24/7: This is an ADL press release, which
concludes: "It's sad that we could not see this film at the invitation of Mel
Gibson, but instead by finding an opportunity to be part of an audience." Mel
Gibson and his company have refused ADL requests because they knew that
group was so vehemently opposed to it. No surprise there. So what is meant
when the ADL writes of "find the opportunity to be part of an audience." As
the next two articles reveal, create an opportunity is more like it.)
leaders pan Gibson film after posing as pastors
"Leaders of two Jewish groups are giving negative reviews after posing as
pastors so they could attend an advance screening of Mel Gibson's The
Passion of the Christ."
ADL Snuck Into Film
"After screening Mel Gibson's film 'The
Passion of the Christ,' the Anti-Defamation League issued a scathing press
release Thursday stating that the film will foster anti-Semitism. But sources
close to Gibson's production company told NewsMax's James Hirsen that the ADL,
which was hostile to the film before anyone had even viewed it, has never been
invited to screen it."
State of the Union Address:
work goes on, Bush says "President Bush described a
nation at peril Tuesday in a State of the Union speech that focused on the
threat of terrorism, the challenges in Iraq and the need for more economic
growth. In a nationally televised address that previewed the themes of his
reelection campaign, Bush defended his decision to invade Iraq and warned
Americans that the nation remains vulnerable to terrorists. He sought to play
to his political strengths by casting himself as a tough-minded leader dealing
with big challenges."
The war president makes his case "Two years ago in his State of the Union address, George W. Bush made history with his declaration that North Korea, Iran, Iraq and 'their terrorist allies' were an 'axis of evil' which the civilized world must confront. A year ago, the president declared Saddam Hussein's time had run out and the United States would accept nothing less than his removal from power. It's hard to achieve such a lofty dramatic standard three times in a row, and Bush's address Tuesday night did not manage the feat. Nevertheless, the 2004 version did return to the major themes of the past two years - and most notably the argument that we remain a nation at war."
White House text of the State of the Union address
Losing America’s livelihood
The U.S. is headed for Third World status
unless we change government policies that are driving U.S. businesses offshore,
destroying jobs and putting entrepreneurs out of business.
Bush amnesty plan
threatens US economy "Three weeks ago there was no one among Republican
voters who would have said that fixing the problem of illegal immigration to the
U.S. meant granting amnesty to an estimated eight million illegal aliens, the
majority of whom have entered the U.S. without a visa by walking across our
border with Mexico. But that is precisely what President Bush said last week he
intends to do, as he posed for pictures before a Mexican flag in Monterrey,
The Capture of Saddam Hussein: Day 37
CIA warns of Iraq
civil war
"CIA officers in Iraq are warning that the
country may be on a path to civil war, current and former U.S. officials said.
Wednesday, starkly contradicting the upbeat assessment that President Bush gave
in his State of the Union address.
Shiites demand Saddam for trial "Thousands of Shiite Muslims hit the streets of four Iraqi cities on Tuesday, calling on the US to hand over Saddam Hussein to be tried as a war criminal and demanding a bigger say in their political future. The fresh rallies followed a march through Baghdad on Monday by tens of thousands of people from the majority Shiite community demanding direct elections to decide who controls Iraq when the US hands back power in June."
officials admit 9-11 could have been prevented "They don't have any
excuse because the information was in their lap, and they didn't do anything to
prevent it."— Senator Richard Shelby, then ranking Republican on the Senate
Intelligence Committee; member of the joint intelligence committee that
investigated 9/11
New York nixes "oy vey" sign "'Oy vey' was too
meshugga for the
city Transportation Department. The department said Monday it rejected a request
from Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz for a sign on the Williamsburg
Bridge reading 'Leaving Brooklyn: Oy Vey!' The agency felt the sign - featuring
the Yiddish phrase for "oh, woe" - would be more distracting than helpful to
Manhattan-bound motorists."
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day LXXXXIV
Gov. Bush seeks evidence in Terri's case
"[Florida] Gov. Jeb Bush has asked an
appeals court for permission to collect evidence in a severely brain-damaged
woman's right-to-die case. Terri Schiavo, 40, has been the subject of a
long legal battle between her husband, who has sought to disconnect her
feeding tube, and her parents, who believe she can be rehabilitated and want
to take care of her."
The petition mentioned in the following has been
moved from the the Terri's Fight homepage. To access it, please
scroll to near the bottom of that page and click under the heading "How you
can help."
ACTION ALERT! Terri's family and friends have launched a petition drive urging Florida State
Attorney Bernie McCabe to investigate charges that she was a victim of
physical abuse. The petition says that McCabe has ignored "well-founded
allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation"—all
felony crimes under Florida law. Please lend your support by going to Terri's website
and filling out the pop-up petition. God willing, Terri someday will be able
to thank you for your help!
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October 15.]
Deception in the name of science?
popular science writer John Gribbin has written a book entitled
The Scientists: A History of Science Told Through the
Lives of Its Greatest Inventors.
In it, Gribbin (p. 95) describes the seventeenth-century dispute over the
nature of comets, between Galileo and several prominent Jesuit astronomers, as
follows: 'Three comets were seen in 1618, and when a group of Jesuits…
published a rather fanciful account of their significance, Galileo replied in
withering terms, sarcastically suggesting that they seemed to think that
'philosophy is a book of fiction by some author, like the Iliad…" (When
Galileo says "philosophy," he means what we would call science, which was
referred to as natural philosophy in his day.) Gribbin continues: 'He had a
point, and [respect for observed facts] is indeed a distinguishing feature of
real science. Unfortunately, on this occasion, Galileo's explanation of comets
was also wrong...."
Galileo Galilei A
biographical article from the New Advent website.
Pro-life group issues
state-by-state report cards on abortion issues "Louisiana has
received recognition for being the best state in protecting the safety of women
and the rights of the unborn, while Vermont is the worst, according to the
Americans United for Life’s
2004 state
report cards. The pro-life law firm annually reviews state policies and
ranks the states according to the efforts made to protect women and children."
Mosque, homes destroyed in Rafah "Israeli bulldozers have demolished a
mosque and 13 Palestinian homes in a raid on the Rafah refugee camp in the Gaza
Strip. Families struggled to gather their belongings before their homes were
destroyed by at least three bulldozers and several tanks which rolled into the
camp during the early hours of Tuesday morning."
The Capture of Saddam Hussein: Day 36
Bomb attack shows Saddam's capture has done little to weaken resistance
"The suicide bomb in a white pick-up truck which
exploded at the entrance to the heavily guarded headquarters of the US-led
coalition in Baghdad yesterday showed how little the capture of Saddam Hussein
last month has affected the level of violence in Iraq."
Politicians getting into "spirit" of things "Times have changed and so,
too, politics. Back in 1960, John F. Kennedy boosted his election campaign by
declaring that he believed 'in a president whose views on religion are his own
private affair.' That position helped JFK disarm foes out to foment voter
concern about possible Vatican influence on a Kennedy-led administration. But if
he were running today, Kennedy would have little choice but to wear his
religious faith on his sleeve."
Zionist complicity in "Holocaust": Hana Brady death "Hana Brady was
murdered at Auschwitz in February 1944. She was a 13-year-old Jewish girl from
Czechoslovakia. Her fate was tragic. It's deplorable, therefore, that the
Illuminati's Zionist wing is using it in a propaganda drive to advance their
totalitarian Globalist agenda. More deplorable, I suspect the same group may
have been complicit in Hana's death. I will explain later."
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day LXXXXIII
The petition mentioned in the following has been
moved from the the Terri's Fight homepage. To access it, please
scroll to near the bottom of that page and click under the heading "How you
can help."
ACTION ALERT! Terri's family and friends have launched a petition drive urging Florida State
Attorney Bernie McCabe to investigate charges that she was a victim of
physical abuse. The petition says that McCabe has ignored "well-founded
allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation"—all
felony crimes under Florida law. Please lend your support by going to Terri's website
and filling out the pop-up petition. God willing, Terri someday will be able
to thank you for your help!
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October 15.]
Welsh star in race row: "Ring's" Rhys-Davies speaks out in
defense of Western Civilization "Outraged Islamic leaders in
Wales demanded an immediate apology from Lord Of The Rings actor John
Rhys-Davies, who claimed an increase in Europe's Muslim population was a
'demographic catastrophe' threatening 'Western civilization.¼'
In the interview, Rhys-Davies, who plays heroic dwarf Gimli (right) and
recorded the voice of computer-animated character Treebeard in the Hollywood
blockbuster, interprets Tolkien's story of good versus evil as a metaphor for
modern race relations. He said: 'There is a demographic catastrophe happening
in Europe that nobody wants to talk about, that we daren't bring up because we
are so cagey about not offending people racially. And rightly we should be.
But there is a cultural thing as well. By 2020, 50 per cent of the children in
Holland under the age of 18 will be of Muslim descent.'" (Real News
24/7: One objection to Rhys-Davies basically sound comments: Why's he
using the term" racially" when he's talking about a religion?)
The free folks vs. the Orcs An article in World magazine (following up the one with Mr. Rhys-Davies's interview) on how The Lord of the Rings trilogy mirrors real-life geopolitical issues. Not Goblins and Orcs this time: ‘Gimli’ defends Western Civilization "At a recent get-together with the cast of The Lord of the Rings, perhaps the most passionate observations came from John Rhys-Davies.¼Rhys-Davies took the media to task for failing to appreciate the preciousness of Western civilization. He warned of the potential consequences of rising Muslim extremism and the increasingly Islamic face of Europe."
Actors' politics pollute "Ring" "In fact, Mortensen's protests set up
a potential ideological conflict with one of his Rings co-stars: veteran actor
John Rhys-Davies, who plays Gimli the Dwarf and voices the character Treebeard
the Ent. In recent comments to the media, Rhys-Davies delivered his own
interpretation of the epic cycle: 'I think that Tolkien says that some
generations will be challenged, and if they do not rise to meet that
challenge, they will lose their civilization. That does have a real resonance
with me.' Leveling a stinging accusation at leading reporters, he declared:
'What is unconscionable is that too many of your fellow journalists do not
understand how precarious Western civilization is, and what a jewel it is.' He
went on to warn about the potentially devastating impact of the rise of
aggressive, uncompromising Islamism among the growing Muslim population of
Western Europe." (Real News 24/7: We owe Rhys-Davies a debt of
gratitude for speaking the truth, even at the risk of his career. We urge him
not to apologize for a single word! It really speaks volumes as to how far
society has fallen, when someone is portrayed as some sort of ogre for
standing up for Western Civilization. If Queen Elizabeth was a worthy monarch
she would knight him, instead of drugged, decadent rock stars. Europe fought
an Islamic invasion over 400 years ago, but today people are vilified for
opposing this modern invasion. Incredible! )
In the above article, film critic Michael Medved dismisses any suggestion that a defense of Western Civilization can be found in the trilogy, even quoting from the work's forward, in which
the author insisted that the world of Middle Earth
exists as an independent universe, with no connection to current events. "As
for any inner meaning or 'message,' it has in the intention of the author
none," Tolkien wrote. "It is neither allegorical nor topical."
Tolkien understood that the finest works of art appeal with equal power to
people of all political persuasions, without sacrificing their permanent
meaning through association with transient debates.
There are a couple of problems with these observations, however. First, while it's true that Tolkien had "neither allegorical or topical" messages in the Ring, he was undoubtedly effected by certain powerful events during his life, including two world wars and the ongoing industrialization of society, which he viewed in a largely negative way. (See National Geographic's Influences on Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.)
And second, Medved's assertion that "Tolkien understood that the finest works of art appeal with equal power to people of all political persuasions" is open to question. All truly great works of art, however different their subject matter and approaches, have one thing in common: They express, whether directly or indirectly, plainly or ineffably, something of the Truth. Because of this, there are, necessarily, those rulers who will oppose them. It is utterly inconceivable that Hitler or Stalin would have, had the opportunity presented itself, allow George Orwell's anti-totalitarian classics 1984 and Animal Farm to be sold in German or Soviet bookstores. Today, a powerful pro-life novel would likewise be denigrated by the abortion lobby, and with good reason: Such a book exposes the falsities upon which they stand. Surely, Medved is familiar with Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, a powerful book depicting a society in which firemen don't put out fires, but start them - they burn books. No, Tolkien was under no illusion that his books would be equally accepted by all factions. (For an article that leaves no room for doubt on this point, read Tolkien vs. Socialism.)
John Rhys-Davies bio/filmography
Free Republic visitors' chat-room comments on Rhys-Davies "Well at least there's one actor in the movie with a grain of sense in his head."
Kerry wins
Iowa caucuses "John Kerry and John Edwards rode 11th-hour surges to a
one-two finish in Iowa's kickoff presidential caucuses Monday, dealing a
stunning blow to favorite Howard Dean. Kerry's comeback blew the nomination
fight wide open, setting the stage for a free-for-all in New Hampshire's
follow-up primary." (Real News 24/7: Sadly, given the questionable nature
of the voting process in America, there really should be quotation marks around
the word "wins.")
The Capture of Saddam Hussein: Day 35
Iraqis demand
early elections "[us
administrator in Iraq] Paul Bremer and members of the US-appointed Iraqi
Governing Council were to meet UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in New York later
in the day to discuss a plan to hand power back to Iraqis by June, before the US
presidential election.¼The
talks come a day after a suicide bomb blast at the gates of the US-led
administration compound in Baghdad which killed at least 25 people, according to
Iraqi police. US officials said two American contractors were believed to be
among those killed in the deadliest attack since Saddam Hussein's capture."
Phyllis Schlafly:
Amnesty by any other name "When President George W. Bush unveiled his
temporary foreign workers plan on Jan. 7, he got cheers from his carefully
selected invitees in the East Room of the White House."
P.M.: Global changes point to new world order "Prime Minister
Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday that the world was turning into a giant
village in which every moving part affected the other.
¼'`In this global village,
there is a discrimination between those who open their doors and gain together
establishing closer economic and political relations and those who close their
doors and isolate themselves in concern,`` Erdogan said. Erdogan noted that
the world had experienced many important political changes in the last ten
years. As the bi-polar cold war era ended, discussions on 'new world order'
started aiming at forming new powers and balances, Erdogan said."
John Paul
II calls for new world order "This year, John Paul directed his
thoughts to continuing conflicts around the globe. But he stressed that to
bring about peace, there needs to be a new respect for international law and
the creation of a "new international order" based on the goals of the United
The intelligent student's guide to the New World Order "The essence of
the New World Order (NWO) or world management system is that it is management
by social engineers, rather than government based on a written constitution.
How you are affected by this management system depends on what the social
engineers decide the system should do for you and require of you."
the New World Order "This idea of a planned world-state is one to
which all our thought and knowledge is tending ... It is appearing partially
and experimentally at a thousand points ... its coming is likely to happen
quickly." (H.G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints For A World
Revolution, 1928)
fined for speaking against Islam: 82-year-old guilty of 'provoking hatred' for
saying Quran of the devil "A French priest has been found guilty of
'provoking discrimination, hatred or violence' for comments he made critical of
the Quran, Islam's holy book." (Real News 24/7: Please note: This priest
has been persecuted for accurately articulating the true teaching of the
Catholic Church concerning Islam. Freedom of speech is quickly becoming a
remnant of the past in France and elsewhere. Fr. Sulmont, I'd like you to meet
Mr. Rhys-Davies.)
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day LXXXXII
Disabling assisted suicide
"Just about every year assisted-suicide
advocacy groups insist that they are on the verge of their next big
legalization breakthrough. In 1998 it was supposed to be in Michigan, via a
voter initiative. Early polls showed the proposal leading by a wide margin.
But when the smoke cleared, the measure lost by a whopping 71-29 percent."
The petition mentioned in the following has been
moved from the the Terri's Fight homepage. To access it, please
scroll to near the bottom of that page and click under the heading "How you
can help."
ACTION ALERT! Terri's family and friends have launched a petition drive urging Florida State
Attorney Bernie McCabe to investigate charges that she was a victim of
physical abuse. The petition says that McCabe has ignored "well-founded
allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation"—all
felony crimes under Florida law. Please lend your support by going to Terri's website
and filling out the pop-up petition. God willing, Terri someday will be able
to thank you for your help!
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October 15.]
boycott Disney? ( See photo at left for three
good reasons!) "Homosexuality. Violence. Anti-Christian themes. Incest.
Graphic sex. and drug use. Profanity and obscenity. All these now share a
strange legacy with Pinocchio, Snow White, Peter Pan and the Little Mermaid as
hallmarks of the Walt Disney Company. This radical departure from traditional
Disney values is nowhere more evident than in the company's headlong rush to
promote homosexuality as normal and to profit enormously from that promotion."
Truth about
the (Eisner-controlled) Walt Disney Company "FACT: Actors
Ernie Sabella and Nathan Lane said in a New York Times interview that
the characters they played (Timon,
the meerkat, and Pumbaa, the wart hog, shown in picture at the right ) in THE
LION KING are 'the
first homosexual
Disney characters ever to come to the screen....'—NY
Times, 6/12/94" (See also "Sex
in The Lion King, from a fansite for the film.")
promotes the homosexual lifestyle through Gay Day (see photo below)
Roy Disney rallies the faithful at Disneyana convention "Roy E. Disney got
a standing ovation Saturday as he brought his campaign to oust Walt Disney Co.
chairman and chief executive Michael
Eisner to lovers of all things Disney. 'It stands for quality,' he said of the
Disney brand. 'It stands for families,
it stands for getting your money's worth and it stands for a lot of innovation
and a lot of new and creative ideas that make things fun every time you visit
a park or go to a film.' Disney was asked
to comment on changes since his departure that he has seen at the Disneyland
theme park, just two miles north of the hotel hosting the convention."
article "The war continues between Disney chairman Michael Eisner and the son of the company's
son. Walt Disney says Disney has closed its Florida animation studio with 260
employees." (Real News 24/7: Roy Disney's
website; significantly built upon since its Internet debut a month ago.
Unfortunately, we have yet to see him come out against sicko activities like
Gay Day.)
Sleeping with the enemy: U.S. military collaborates with Red China
"The top U.S. general met with Chinese Central Military Commission Chairman
Jiang Zemin in a session the Beijing government described as productive despite
"lingering differences" between the two governments. The purpose of the meeting
was to foster closer military ties between Washington and Beijing. Topping the
agenda were Taiwan, North Korea's nuclear weapons program and terrorism, Gen.
Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters after the
meeting." (Real News 24/7: Only one word adequately describes the ongoing
involvement of the U.S. government with Communist China—which
started with during the Nixon Administration and has continued unabated for
three decades—and that word is treason.)
Joe Sobran: Federal counterfeiting ring?
"Once upon a time, my father bought Time magazine every week, as I
do now. He paid 20 cents per issue; I’m paying $3.95. In my teens I bought
paperback editions of Shakespeare’s plays for 35 cents each; now they cost about
five bucks. I’m no economist; these are just some of my rough indices of how
prices have risen in my memory. Things in general now cost ten to twenty times
as much as they used to. Don’t even ask about groceries or cars. If prices
increased 1000 per cent overnight, we’d notice. Spread over decades, it seems
natural. We hardly notice, let alone suspect mischief. What’s going on? Is
America under the sway of an enormous counterfeiting ring? That’s one way to put
it. The funny money operation is formally known as the U.S. Government."
The Capture of Saddam Hussein: Day 34
Attack on US HQ in Iraq; 20 killed
"A suicide
bomber blew up a truck packed with half a ton of explosives outside the main
United States headquarters here yesterday, killing at least 20 people and
wounding about 60 as they queued to enter the base. It was the bloodiest assault
yet on the symbol of the US-led presence in Iraq after former president Saddam
Hussein's capture by US forces on Dec 13."
1-18-04 Government spends $12 on "safe sex" and contraceptives for every $1 spent on abstinence "Regrettably, relatively few teens receive a clear message about the harmful effects of early sexual activity; few are taught that society expects teens to delay sexual activity. Instead, most safe sex/comprehensive sex-ed programs send the clear, if implicit, message that society expects and condones teen sexual activity. The main message is that it's okay for teens to have sex as long as they use condoms. Any new monies devoted to preventing pregnancy should be directed not to amply funded contraception programs, but to abstinence education programs that teach teens to delay sexual activity, reveal the harm caused by casual sex with multiple partners, and help young people to prepare for fidelity, intimacy, and healthy marriage." (Real News 24/7: Just another reminder of how the public school system is molding a generation of godless heathens.)
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day LXXXXI
The petition mentioned in the following has been
moved from the the Terri's Fight homepage. To access it, please
scroll to near the bottom of that page and click under the heading "How you
can help."
ACTION ALERT! Terri's family and friends have launched a petition drive urging Florida State
Attorney Bernie McCabe to investigate charges that she was a victim of
physical abuse. The petition says that McCabe has ignored "well-founded
allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation"—all
felony crimes under Florida law. Please lend your support by going to Terri's website
and filling out the pop-up petition. God willing, Terri someday will be able
to thank you for your help!
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October 15.]
Tom Brokaw vs. conservative "Jihad" "In
the last few months, Brokaw has really pushed the petal to the metal on his
theory that Big Money is the enemy of democracy. On Comedy Central’s "The Daily
Show" January 6, he sympathized with Howard Dean and declared George W. Bush is
a transparent capitalist tool. He said Dean "cannot equate with the fundraising
power of a President of the United States who is a Republican, especially
representing the corporate interests. He can go out there, push the button and
get a lot of money." Bush is for the "corporate interests," while Dean stands
for the "underrepresented." But if that’s so, where was Mr.Brokaw when Bill
Clinton was breaking all the fundraising records, not to mention fundraising
Bozell issues $1 million challenge to Tom Brokaw and NBC "Media Research Center President Brent Bozell is issuing a $1 million challenge to NBC and NBC Nightly News Anchor Tom Brokaw, calling Brokaw on his comments made in a recent interview with Columbia Journalism Review. In the interview, Brokaw directly took on Bozell and the Media Research Center while denying the credibility of their evidence of liberal bias in the press.¼" Related article
took the money and ran "NBC nightly News anchorman Tom Brokaw narrated a
one-hour Dateline special, 'Take the Money and Run.' Brokaw contended
that CEOs were making millions of dollars through stock option schemes and other
maneuvers at a time when investors were losing their shirts. Brokaw contended
that CEOs were making too much money compared to the average worker. But that
could apply to Brokaw."
Media trumpeting war (Real News 24/7: The war being discussed in this linked article in Clinton's Kosovo invasion. The following passage belies elitist Brokaw's claim to speak for the "underrepresented.")
The Ruling Class Journalists (RCJ), an appellation coined by the Washington
Post’s own ombudsman, Richard Harwood, do indeed have an agenda. As Harwood
pointed out in his Post column for October 30, 1993, entitled "Ruling
Class Journalists," the RCJ are but a subset of "the Council on Foreign
Relations, whose members are the nearest we have to a ruling establishment in
the United States."
The "watchdogs of liberty," the
press, have long enjoyed a cozy, incestuous relationship with the political
elite of this CFR establishment, which, according to former CFR member Admiral
Chester Ward, is a gaggle of "one-world-global-government ideologists" consumed
with a "lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United
States." Harwood admitted that the RCJ at his own newspaper constitute a virtual
CFR fraternity. "The editorial page editor, deputy editor, managing editor,
foreign editor, national affairs editor, business and financial editor, and
various writers," he observed, "as well as Katherine Graham, the paper’s
principal owner, represent The Washington Post in the council’s
A similar representation, he noted, can be claimed by the New York Times,
Los Angeles Times, "the weekly newsmagazines, network television
executives and celebrities — Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Jim Lehrer, for example
— and various columnists, among them, Charles Krauthammer, William Buckley,
George Will and Jim Hoagland." In fact, the CFR claims 363 top "journalists,
correspondents, and communications executives" among its august membership.
More on the CFR and the New World Order
Brokaw at the Council on
Foreign Relations (Real News 24/7: This is an interview by
Tom Brokaw of Ahmad Chalabi at the CFR's New York headquarters. Chalabi is
the leader of the
CIA-financed Iraqi National Congress and the Bush's "opposition leader"
of choice. As expected, Brokaw serves up a series of "softball" questions for
Chalabi. The interview appears on the CFR's official website, as does this
video of the inteview.)
Is Bush Doomed?
"Fear must be coursing through President Bush's veins as he realizes the Iraqi
trap in which the neocons have placed him. Bush is caught between an Iraqi civil
war and a wider insurgency. Desperate to extricate himself from the weekly
carnage well before the November election, Bush can neither deliver on his
promise of democracy via direct elections nor impose his plan for an Iraqi
assembly elected indirectly by caucuses."
Cheney: War could last generations "'One of the legacies of this
administration, [the vice president declared]. 'will be some of the most
sweeping changes in our military, and our national security strategy as it
relates to the military and force structure, and how we're based, and how we
used it in the last 50 or 60 years, probably since World War II. I think the
changes are that dramatic.' Cheney added that the administration was planning to
expand the military into even more overseas bases so the United States could
wage war quickly around the globe¼"
(Real News 24/7: Sounds like the "perpetual war" George Orwell wrote
about in 1984. "War is Peace," says Big Brother.)
Regime that kills babies of foreign blood "There
is a cell in Nongpo prison where they take the women whose
babies are to be killed. As in the other cells, the women are packed so
tightly they can only crouch, squeezing together, for sleep. There is no room to
lie down, so when one of the women goes into labor, the others stand up to make
The Capture of Saddam Hussein: Day
33 Charley Reese: Are you
going to get mad?
"It is now about as clear as
it's going to get that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.
Secretary of State Colin Powell even contradicted himself (in his U.N. speech)
by admitting recently that there is no evidence of any link between Saddam and
"Prior to the Iraq War, the Bush administration asserted as fact that Saddam had
huge quantities of chemical and biological weapons and was actively pursuing
nuclear weapons. Administration members ridiculed people who expressed any
doubts. Today, after spending millions of dollars looking for the weapons, they
haven't found anything. And every Iraqi official captured, none of whom has any
reason at all to lie, has said the same thing: There are no weapons of mass
destruction." (Real News 24/7: While we are in substantial agreement with
the author, we must take exception to the assertion that Iraqi officials have no
reason to lie. Of course they have a reason, Charley, its called avoiding
criminal persecution. But saying they might lie to protect themselves
is a far cry from saying they did lie or that there are, in fact, WMDs waiting
to be found. And we don't need Iraqi officials to tell us this. Scott Ritter, an
ex-Marine and conservative Republican, was a leader of weapons inspection team
that combed Iraq in the mid- to late-90s and found nothing. He is adamant that
Saddam had none. This was also
confirmed by
Bush Administration officials in 2001! )
Saddam was a threat to the world "Saddam Hussein was a threat to the world
although no large stocks of weapons of mass destruction have yet been found in
Iraq, US Secretary of State Colin Powell has told Australia's national
broadcaster." (Real News 24/7: Where have we heard this before?!)
Conservative groups break with Republican leadership "National
leaders of six conservative organizations yesterday broke with the Republican
majorities in the House and Senate, accusing them of spending like "drunken
sailors," and had some strong words for President Bush as well."
Church members wonder if "Big Brother" is watching "A document from the
county’s Emergency Operations Center has members of Coral Gables Congregational
Church wondering if they were under police surveillance in the days surrounding
the Free Trade Area of the Americas summit in November."
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day LXXXX
The petition mentioned in the following has been
moved from the the Terri's Fight homepage. To access it, please
scroll to near the bottom of that page and click under the heading "How you
can help."
ACTION ALERT! Terri's family and friends have launched a petition drive urging Florida State
Attorney Bernie McCabe to investigate charges that she was a victim of
physical abuse. The petition says that McCabe has ignored "well-founded
allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation"—all
felony crimes under Florida law. Please lend your support by going to Terri's website
and filling out the pop-up petition. God willing, Terri someday will be able
to thank you for your help!
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October 15.]
Myths of Martin Luther King "There is probably no greater sacred cow in America than Martin Luther King Jr. The slightest criticism of him or even suggesting that he isn’t deserving of a national holiday leads to the usual accusations of racist, fascism, and the rest of the usual left-wing epithets not only from liberals, but also from many ostensible conservatives and libertarians. This is amazing because during the 50s and 60s, the Right almost unanimously opposed the civil rights movement. Contrary to the claims of many neocons, the opposition was not limited to the John Birch Society and southern conservatives. It was made by politicians like Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater, and in the pages of Modern Age, Human Events, National Review, and the Freeman."
Alan Stang: "Martin Luther" King Jr.: Communist fraud "Let us now praise famous men – if we can. There are two reasons you don’t need to know anything about Mike (even his name is a fraud) King, to know that we should not be celebrating a holiday in his name. First, a respectable time needs to pass after a man dies, during which the facts will mature. After sober reflection has considered them, a national clamor will spontaneously call such an honor into being – it if is deserved. To force such a holiday into law soon after a man dies, almost gasping in haste as in an emergency, using intimidation and threats, is unseemly to say the least; but that is how the present farce we uncelebrate was arranged. Need we add that this principle applies to any man, whatever his name, whatever his color.¼" (Real News 24/7: Please note King's mannerisms displayed in this section's photos, then compare them with those accompanying our Special Report: Mandela's Communist ties ignored as world celebrates his birthday. Notice any similarities? For more on KIng's Communist ties, see this earlier MLK article by Alan Stang.)
Bush's Martin Luther King Proclamation "On the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday, our nation honors an American who dedicated his life to the fundamental principles of freedom, opportunity and equal justice for all. Today, all Americans benefit from Dr. King's work and his legacy of courage, dignity and moral clarity.¼" (Real News 24/7: Further proof [not that any more is needed] of Bush's putting politics before principles. Here's something to show conservatives ignorant enough to believe that Bush is pro-American—not that we should expect many of these GOP-can-do-no-wrong types to awaken from their stupor. For that matter, how do we shake America from its MLK idolatry?)
King was also a notorious serial plagiarist who "borrowed" [without attribution] on numerous occasions: from his doctrinal dissertation to his "I have a dream" and Nobel Prize speeches. See the Martin Luther King plagiarism page and the Accuracy in Academia review of Theodore Pappas's Plagiarism and the Cultural War: The writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. and other prominent Americans and Nicholas Stix's The Longest Month Part II: The Divine Martin Luther King Jr., which quotes Pappas on King's overall poor showing as a student.
John W. Whitehead: Stealth legislation
undermines Constitution
"To those who follow the workings of the American bureaucracy, one thing should
be very clear: We the people have lost control of our government. Let me give
you a stark example. Rarely does the President sign a bill into law on a
Saturday. In fact, the last time Bush did so was more than a year ago when he
signed a spending bill to keep the federal government from shutting down. But on
Saturday, December 13, 2003, as Americans watched Saddam Hussein’s head being
probed for lice, President Bush signed into law a bill that grants the FBI,
among other intelligence agencies, expansive new powers, including the power to
probe Americans’ financial records—even if they are not suspected terrorists."
candidates' spiritual path "'Meet the Press' host Tim Russert routinely
uses his merciless journalistic skills to pick apart the policy statements of
the Democratic presidential candidates. Last week, after Howard Dean announced
he was going to start talking more about religion on the campaign trail, Russert
made the former Vermont governor's faith journey a character issue. 'If he was
baptized a Catholic,' Russert intoned, 'then became an Episcopalian, left that
church because of a feud over a bike path . . . and is now Congregationalist, is
he going to be seen as someone who is trying . . . to publicly embrace Christ to
be seen as more religious than he really is?'"(Real News 24/7:
"Candidates' spiritual path"? What an oxymoron. Here are men who uphold the
"morality" of abortion, "gay rights," and Israel's campaign of state terrorism
against the Palestinians. A quote in the article from
Crisis magazine publisher
Deal Hudson can be applied pretty much across the board: "Gen. Clark, still hot
in pursuit of the Democratic nomination for President, finally clarifies his
real religious convictions—namely, he doesn't seem
to have any.")
The Captur
of Saddam Hussein: Day 32
America's enemies strengthened by overthrow,
capture of Saddam Hussein"While
the capture of Saddam Hussein last month was certainly an impressive victory for
President Bush that has been a cause for much celebration for most Iraqis and
for our troops, it will likely cause the Shiites to be emboldened to become
increasingly more militant and may soon spark a general rebellion in the Shiite
south of Iraq. In other words, the capture of Saddam may result in a gradual
transfer of the leadership of the resistance from the Baathists to a potentially
even more dangerous threat—the radical Shiites who are supported and in league
with the mother of all terrorist states--the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is
they who are the most radical of all Iraqi groups in addition to being
predominantly Islamist and anti-American in outlook. In fact, the immediate past
interim President of the Iraqi Governing Council, Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, is the
head of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), which is
the umbrella group for the radical Shiite organizations controlled by the
Islamic Republic of Iran. Saddam, himself a brutal, murderous dictator, has been
a longtime opponent of these Islamist terrorist groups and ironically served as
an important proxy for the US in furtherance of its war against Islamist
terrorism in the 1980s when he invaded Iran with US support."
Shiite protests complicate US plans in Iraq
"Tens of
thousands of Iraqis took to the streets in the southern Iraqi city of Basra
Thursday to
peacefully protest US plans for transferring power to Iraqis. The BBC
reports that the protests were called for by Basra's Shiite clerics and 'show
the strength' of local leader Ayatollah Saeed Ali Hakim. According to the BBC's
Dumeetha Luthra, 'It sends a clear message to the Americans - we can mobilize
the people against you if we need to.'"
Holiday jeers from the Establishment press "Have you ever gotten the
impression that reading one major newsweekly is like reading another? Of course!
But the establishment echo chamber is usually not as obvious as it was this past
Christmas season, when the December 22 issues of Time and U.S. News &
World Report devoted their cover stories to supposedly scholarly attacks on
the Christian faith. So perfectly in sync were the publications that they
featured the same cover illustration — an adaptation of The Savior of the
World by the Dutch master Anthony van Dyck."
No inflation?
"The Federal Reserve sees so little inflation in the economy that it's more
worried about an "unwelcome fall" in inflation than an unwelcome rise. Take a
look at what's going on with prices, and you might wonder where the Fed is
getting its information.¼"
I believe in conspiracies
"It is also odd that opponents of conspiracy theories often allow that
conspiracies have occurred in the past, but refuse to contemplate their
existence in the present. For some reason, you are bordering on the bonkers if
you wonder about the truth behind events like 9-11, when it is established as
fact that in 1962 the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lyman L. Lemnitzer,
tried to convince President Kennedy to authorize an attack on John Glenn’s
rocket, or on a US navy vessel, to provide a pretext for invading Cuba."
Congressman Ron Paul:
Amnesty and
culture "The immigration problem fundamentally is a welfare state
problem. Some illegal immigrants-- certainly not all-- receive housing
subsidies, food stamps, free medical care, and other forms of welfare. This
alienates taxpayers and breeds suspicion of immigrants, even though the majority
of them work very hard. Without a welfare state, we would know that everyone
coming to America wanted to work hard and support himself. Since we have
accepted a permanent welfare state, however, we cannot be surprised when some
freeloaders and criminals are attracted to our shores. Welfare muddies the
question of why immigrants want to come here.
"Illegal immigrants also threaten to place a tremendous strain on federal social
entitlement programs. Under the Bush proposal, millions of illegal immigrants
will qualify for Social Security and other programs- programs that already
threaten financial ruin for America in the coming decades. Adding millions of
foreign citizens to the Social Security, Medicare, and disability rolls will
only hasten the inevitable day of reckoning. Social Security is in serious
trouble already, and sending benefits abroad to millions of illegal aliens who
once worked here will cost hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.
Every American who hopes to collect Social Security someday should stridently
oppose the President’s proposal."
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day LXXXIX
Terri Schiavo's valiant
fight for life
"Is it right to die? Or right to murder?
That was the question suddenly put before Florida lawmakers last October. Many
were stunned to learn that then 39-year-old Terri Schiavo, a severely
brain-damaged woman from Pinellas Park, Florida, was being starved to death
after a judge ordered her feeding tube removed at the request of her husband
and legal guardian Michael Schiavo. House Speaker Johnnie Byrd felt something
had gone terribly wrong.
The petition mentioned in the following has been
moved from the the Terri's Fight homepage. To access it, please
scroll to near the bottom of that page and click under the heading "How you
can help."
ACTION ALERT! Terri's family and friends have launched a petition drive urging Florida State
Attorney Bernie McCabe to investigate charges that she was a victim of
physical abuse. The petition says that McCabe has ignored "well-founded
allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation"—all
felony crimes under Florida law. Please lend your support by going to Terri's website
and filling out the pop-up petition. God willing, Terri someday will be able
to thank you for your help!
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October 15.]
Liberals, Conservatives, and
Southerners: How they respond to a crisis "QUESTION: What is the
difference in the way Liberals, Conservatives, and Southerners respond to a
crisis? Posing a Situation: You're walking down a deserted street with your wife
and two small children. Suddenly, a dangerous looking man with a huge knife
comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, raises the
knife, and charges. You are carrying a Glock .40, and you are an expert shot.
You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?¼"
More wacky warning labels "A cardboard car sunshield that keeps sun off
the dashboard warns, 'Do not drive with sunshield in place.'" Back by popular
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