WOMEN IN COMBAT: Debasing the feminine ideal
Truth spoils
a good war story "Private Lynch's daring rescue by US special forces -
filmed by the military and released in time for prime-time television news
programs back home - sealed her status as the pre-eminent
good news
story of the conflict. Several fictionalized TV movies of her story are in the
works." "Women
in combat and
Jessica Lynch (left) have become quite controversial among
conservative circuits. Many are calling for President Bush to change the
Clinton policies that put women into combat areas. And well he should.
However, those who value the role of women as mothers and nurturers, have
already lost the next generation who are enrolled in the indoctrination camps
called public schools. Women in combat and other politically correct thoughts
must be taught in all schools requiring students to take statewide or national
assessments." (Real News 24/7: Bush should have changed Clinton's
subversive policies before sending troops off war, not as an
afterthought. That he didn't shows restoring the military is not an
priority for him.) Jessica Lynch News
case against Women in combat This article covers the report mentioned
above that
President Bill Clinton chose to ignore. War
Dames "The Navy and Air Force, with some fanfare, allowed women into
the cockpits of fighters and bombers. But less well known is how vastly the
Army has expanded the role of women in ground-combat operations. Today, women
command combat military police companies, fly Apache helicopters, work as
tactical intelligence analysts, and even serve in certain artillery
units--jobs that would have been unthinkable for them a decade ago." (Washington
article is supportive of women soldiers; useful for its overview on how
current U.S. policy has evolved. website
after 9-11 Does a real soldier
sleep with a Teddy Bear? (below, left) A retired Navy Commander writes:
"This was the profession that we had chosen.
There was no
'weeping.' There was no hand-holding. There was no commiseration and support
in any conversations with either our ship-mates or our superior officers. At
such times, each carrier pilot looks deep into his own soul and asks, 'Do I
still want to do this?' One knows that he has become one of a band of
brothers when the answer comes bubbling up from the depths of one's very soul
- YES! A loud, booming, resounding YES! It is at that moment that a man knows
that he has become one of a band of brothers.… It is almost a blood bond. It
is almost genetic. It is strong. It lasts for a lifetime. And it is real. It
is not a band of sisters. And it is not a band of brothers and sisters. It is
a primal bond that looks to nature for its explanation. It is a 'civilized'
human condition. It is a 'warrior' tradition."
Girl power
"Women join boys in combat, but not without a fight." (ABC report promotes
women in combat, but valuable for background information. Includes video.)
Should women be trained for war?
"Even idiots know better than to put women into combat. I was wrong to blame
idiocy. The blame in this case belongs to a category of evil. It belongs to
the egalitarian left."
The next battle for
Pfc. Jessica Lynch "While women may be just as smart, brave and
mentally tough as men,
physically they are shorter, lighter and weaker. No amount of physical
training can make up for these differences. Therefore, the feminist goal of a
genderless society must be achieved by manipulation, intimidation and
Women in combat From MSN Slate's
e-mail dialogue: "I am an Army Officer. I am a male. I have spent the
predominance of my military career in Combat Arm's units, which remain
segregated. Recently I have been assigned to my first integrated unit since
ROTC, and I must confess that my fears have for the most part been confirmed.
To begin, it is a myth that there are no women in combat roles…A
warrior ethos among our female soldiers is almost nonexistent. As the
potential of our current deployment increased, I noted a strong, angry even,
resistance to the possibility that they would be expected to deploy, and
potentially fight."
What kind of nation sends women into combat?
"The ridiculous spectacle of rescued POW Pfc. Jessica Lynch, the feisty,
ballyhooed warrior of the Army’s 507th Maintenance Company, which was
early on in
Iraq, occasioned the usual war whoops. Yet no one asked a simple question:
What in heaven's name was a hundred-pound girl, barely out of pigtails and
high school, doing in a combat zone?"
In answer to the question in above article's title… Soviet women in combat The first modern nation to extensively utilize women in combat was the Soviet Union during World War II, when an nearly 60,000 of them fought in the Red armed forces (above, left). As a Communist country, the idea of women soldiers was consistent with Marxist-Leninist ideology, which heaped contempt on traditional morality. These enemies of God considered (as do their contemporary counterparts) the de-feminization of woman essential to achieving the radical quality of the sexes espoused by Karl Marx and other Communists writers.
Since the 1960s, many of
their anti-Christian social goals have found their way into the social fabric
of the United States: Legalized abortion, day care centers (which help
destroy the family
unit by
pushing women out of their homes and into the workforce) and "no fault"
divorce all were first tried by a modern nation when Soviet social engineers
deemed them useful in communizing Russia. (See "Toward
the Total State" for quotes from a modern Marxist acknowledging these
as victories.) Today they have be successfully advanced and perpetuated, in
the name of feminism, by those promoting a closet Marxist agenda, from
Betty Friedan
(right, author of the poisonous Feminine Mystique and co-founder
of the National Organization for Women) to Hillary "It takes a village"
Clinton. (See, for example, "Hillary's
global village" and "Parenthood
or the village?") Putting women in combat is simply another
aspect of the same evil, an evil which, if not checked, will further prepare
for the dissolution of the American Republic and our country's entrance into a
Soviet-style global tyranny.