Latest News & Analysis
"In an age of
universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." —George Orwell
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Latest News & Analysis
Archives. (Listings by month & year)
The WTO trap
("In the
aftermath of World War II, a coterie of international elitists proposed
a constellation of multilateral economic organizations to supplement the
United Nations: the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the
International Trade Organization (ITO). In 1947, a delegation of U.S.
diplomatic officials attended a conference in Havana intended to
finalize the framework for the ITO.")
Ballot scam: Pollsters, media implicated in vote fraud
Israeli spy's passport sparks row
Gary Webb murder conspiracy: Was he 'suicided'?
'Make the pie higher'
(A 'poem' by
George W. Bush. We're not sure what the 'W' stands for, but it isn't
HAARP suspected
in killer tsunami
"It is widely known the USA has many Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the latest scuttlebutt on the Internet is that one of these, the HAARP was used to create the massive earthquake in the Indian Ocean.
Suspicions are rife especially when
there are so many coincidences, the biggest being this quake occurred 12
months to the day from
the last big quake in Iran.
There seem to be many anomalies in the weather patterns of this planet
and they are becoming more frequent, strange weather patterns that never
occurred before, for instance, snow has
fallen over the United Arab Emirates for the first time ever,
in a country that has an average summer temperature of 50c.
(Links from Google)
Also see
Was killer tsunami a manmade disaster?
(In 1997,
it was publicly maintained that climate can be remotely altered--even
catastrophically--by terrorists. Who was the lunatic fringe conspiracy
theorist making the claim? None other than Secretary of Defense William
HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program) home page
Holes in heaven? -- A documentary
Why "The
Passion" still troubles me
(Nearly a
year after
The Passion of The Christ
triumphant premiere, the ADL's Abe Foxman still can't leave it alone.
And why not, as this pseudo issue gives him a great propaganda op to
spew his slurs against Catholics --particularly Mel Gibson--to the
gullible Jews whose contributions line the ADL's coffers. Since he's
seen the film, it's difficult to believe, even aswe would prefer to err
on the side of charity, that Foxman doesn't know that he is
grossly misrepresenting the film and its producer, as when he alludes to
Gibson's purported 'depiction
of the Jews as representing the devil."
Foxman's Hollywood counterparts prefer a
pro-Commie biopic over Mel's masterpiece.)
Governments knew of quakes but didn't
(Population control?)
Illegals estimated to number 18-20 million
'Sons' of sodomites anger Catholic parents
Poland hunts Israeli, 86, over 'revenge' killing of Nazis
Satan is playing for keeps
epicenter of the culture war's heart of darkness.)
HAARP: Vandalism in the sky?
("In 1994 the US Air Force revealed its Spacecast 2020
master plan which includes weather control. Scientists have experimented
with weather control since the 1940s, but Spacecast 2020 noted
that 'using environmental modification techniques to destroy, damage or
injure another state [is] prohibited'. Having said that, the Air Force
claimed that advances in technology 'compels a re-examination
of this sensitive and potentially risky topic'.")
US military hints at staying in Afghanistan for decades
Iraqi insurgents threaten attack inside
United States
(A threat issued over the
Internet by 'the Islamic Army of Iraq,' a shadowy group whose existence,
like that of Al Qaeda,
is questionable. Such an attack would play into the hands of those who
seek to turn America into a police state and maintain a permanent
presence of U.S. troops in the Middle East.)
San Francisco considers handgun ban
California clergy abuse settlement for $100 million
Oppose the draft? It's already here
being discussed here is involuntarily extended active duty. While this
is a serious problem that needs to be opposed, it shouldn't blind us to
the ongoing drive to reinstate the draft, which will come about
unless enough Americans challenge it.)
Media linking killer tsunami to global
figures. Blame the people who use aerosol cans, drive cars and own
factories. Anything to further the drive towards world dictatorship. But
never, ever mention what ought to be the real
climate change
Mexico publishes virtual 'how-to' guide for
illegal aliens
(Will anyone in the Bush
Administration doing anything to actively oppose this? Don't hold your
Source: Pervert government lawyers advised Philadelphia police at 'OutFest' event
Russia also has HAARP-style technology
Earthquakes--Natural or Manmade?
more information about Russian HAARP)
Latest gun control propaganda from the controlled news media
Democrats interrupt electoral vote count, force debate on Ohio elections
SpongeBob, Barney video promotes 'gay' tolerance
in schools
(To make matters worse, its
being done in the name of 'family')
Las Vegas hit by freak snowfall
Warm weather causes rare winter allergies
General fears 'spectacular' Iraq attacks
Some conservatives caving in regarding Gonzales
NYC council OKs anti-gun measure
Was Tsunami seismic (tectonic) warfare?
Bush outlines US tsunami relief efforts
Government tsunami relief: A foreign aid disaster
in the making
('The billions of dollars (or
the equivalent in other currencies) being sent to Indonesia, India, Sri
Lanka, and other devastated areas are bound to do some good; it
would be impossible to spend all that tax money without some of it
leaking out to benefit some of the disaster victims.')
Private US tsunami giving soars
(And 'may even eclipse
the $350 million in aid committed by the U.S. government.')
(Links from Google)
Israel issues warning on eve of Palestinian vote
('Was Abraham Lincoln ... gay? Was
Honest Abe living a lie, denying who he was? Was his marriage to Mary
Todd, which produced four sons, a sham?')
Dark forces and the tolerant followers
(Herd thinking is the very substance on which tyrants rely, because they
know their propaganda machines will be accepted by the herds.")
German Jews, pro-abort politicos and 'ecumenists' want churchman's head for 'Holocaust'-abortion comparison
Cardinal Joachim Meisner's (right) remarks unwittingly outraged organized Jewry. which damns any view that doesn't adequately conform to the 'Holocaust'-as-unique-and-greatest-tragedy-of-history myth.
German cardinal on Saturday said he regretted comparing
abortion to the genocides carried out by Hitler and Stalin, which sparked
a public outcry here, and claimed to have been misunderstood.
"I regret that it has got to this pitch," the Roman Catholic Cardinal
of Cologne, Joachim Meisner, said, stressing that he would never have made
such a comparison if he had thought it could have been open to
Commie spymaster hired by Homeland Security
Palestinians elect new president
Abbas is
elected Palestinian Authority
president by a wide margin.)
Latest guard deployment includes mostly women
Audit finds anti-terror dollars used to fund lawn-mower races in Texas
'Holocaust' group's annual report on
'deniers' includes Gibson, Irving, Zundel and ex-Buchanan aide
(Also included was Abbas, newly-elected Palestinian president, whose
doctrinal dissertation
sought to prove the 'technical impossibility' of
Nazi gas chambers.)
Ohio letter seeks illegal contributions
Dov Zakheim: 'Israel should act promptly
and resolutely to correct severe image problem in US'
(Sorry, but there's much
more needed than a mere public relations makeover.)
'Passion' wins People's Choice Award for Favorite Film Drama
Bush nominates new Homeland Security chief
A dirty little secret about Federal taxes
CBS firings: a 'good start' or 'superficial reforms?'
Palestinian olive farm family uprooted
(Eminent domain
Israeli-style--as far as the eye can see!)
Cardinal does not apologize for abortion-'Holocaust' remark
Bush warns Congress on Social Security
The high price of official lies
Kissinger dismissed as CIA adviser
U.S. gives up search for Iraq WMD
Bush Admin hiring of ex-KGB chiefs to develop internal passport
Jewish groups, legislators criticize Prince
Harry's Nazi costume
Would there be this kind of outrage if Harry had been wearing the
Communist hammer-and-sickle? Answer: If there was, you can bet the
controlled news media wouldn't be making an issue of it.)
Duchess: Prince deserves a break | and David Irving's commentary
Chertoff involved in Vince Foster death coverup?
(More on Foster
Prince Harry was at fault; Cardinal
Meisner was right
not everyone
Prince Harry's
gaff is all that serious.)
FBI retires Carnivore
(But looks for other ways to do Internet spying.)
The War for America's soul
While President
George Bush said some of the right things about the need for religion
in the Oval Office, his record (including the betrayal of the unborn,
support for illegal aliens, 'gay' partnerships and Zionism), hardly
suggests him being the sincere, even sainted Christian envisioned by his
followers (see photo right). Nevertheless, his remarks do point to the war
that is being waged for America's identity.
January 11th President Bush said that he doesn't "see
how you can be president without a relationship with the Lord," but that
he is always mindful to protect the right of others to worship or not
Mr. Bush told editors and reporters of The Washington Times in
an interview in the Oval Office that many in the public misunderstand the
role of faith in his life and his view of the proper relationship between
religion and the government.
"I think people attack me because they are fearful that I will then
say that you're not equally as patriotic if you're not a religious
person," Mr. Bush said....
National Alliance Against Christian Discrimination
Protecting and Promoting the Christian Faith and
Our Religious Heritage. (Many excellent links)
Report: U.S. conducting secret Iran missions
Homeland Security exodus alarms terrorism experts
Hillary: Bush lacking on
(Lacking, true, but lacking in
this way!)
Florida college bans The Passion
of the Christ; launches
campaign against free speech
ADVISORY: Events in blasphemous, immoral play are
discussed in the linked press release.)
New tape
shows JFK fumed over civil rights pressures
(Note that President Kennedy
properly saw this as a state--not federal-- issue; it is at that level
that it should be dealt with by changing the state laws or, if a
majority of citizens seek to keep the old laws, then those opposed must
accept them, work to change them or move to another state.
Unfortunately, that truth has been subverted and the federal government
unconstitutionally interferes with something that isn't any of its
King's niece to join pro-lifers at March For Life
Both sides espouse King on 'gay' unions
trying to put Martin Luther King in the traditional values, anti-pervert
camp forget that one of his closest advisors,
Bayard Rustin,
was an openly 'gay' Communist.
For more on
King's less than inspiring hidden legacy, see
our January 16th 2004 report.)
America's nervous breakdown: Another
legacy of the 60s
Mel Gibson's secret meeting with Fatima visionary
No Kid Rock, but F-word still present
(The Bush
inaugural's youth concert backed off Kid Rock invitation after
pro-family groups protested, but still got its message across: To the
traditional values crowd that re-elected G.W.--We really pulled a fast
one on you, didn't we?!)
Planned Parenthood remembers its honored ally,
Martin Luther King
Neocons turn their attention to Iran
KGB and STASI reinforce Homeland Security. For whom?
Prince Harry refuses to to go Auschwitz
(It's time somebody
stood up to them!)
Do Jews run Hollywood? You bet they do--and what of it?
Foreign Relations Committee confirms Rice
(Kerry and Boxer were
dissenting votes. Talk about being partisan hypocrites! They supported a
liar when it came to Democrat Bill Clinton, but not the Republican liar
Condi Rice. For an extensive--though probably not exhaustive--list of
her deceptions, click
Democrats attacks Rice over claim of 'mushroom cloud'
With a Little Boy in the back
("We drove a
full-scale WMD 800 miles across the United States and no one stopped or
questioned us." This article is troubling on a number of counts,
not the least that it might provide a pretext for the Feds to take away
more of our liberties in the name of security, such as setting up
checkpoints at state borders.)
Orwellian version of 'The Merchant of Venice'
opens in movie theaters
undergoes a tinsel-town facelift and becomes a sort of Tudor-era
'Holocaust' victim in a new film version of "Merchant," featuring a
star-studded cast, headed by Al Pacino.' So, Shakespeare's genius is
perverted in this mutilation of his
writes Michael Hoffman Meanwhile, a Jewish reporter in the UK
attacks the film
for inadequately purging itself of Shakespearean 'anti-Semitism'.)
Missiles deployed for Bush inauguration
The Bush Administration's "Enabling Act"
early December, the Justice Department quietly placed on its website a
memorandum from 2001 entitled "The President's Constitutional
Authority to Conduct Military Operations Against Terrorists and Nations
Supporting Them," a document that sets out, on behalf of the Bush
administration, a plainly totalitarian view of presidential power.)
"Gay" Republicans on board for Bush "reform" agenda
'Roe' asks court to ban abortion
Condi Rice/Steady on, toward disaster
Senators also operate in a Wonderland.)
Israel instructs America to attack Iran and Syria
New Statue of Stalin to be Erected in Moscow
(As ordered by Russian President and 'ex'-KGB chief Vladimir Putin.
Communism dead in the Kremlin? Nyet, comrades!)
President Bush's Judeo-Islamo-Christian inaugural address
Bush's 'over the top' speech reveals divisions
About Bush's 'hand sign thingie'
Bush regime
still wants to pick your child's brain
(Now entering the second
term, there's seemingly nothing stopping them.)
Leftwing activists and corporate America
Jewish leaders thank
John Paul II
(For his betrayal of Christ. Besides his craven apologies
for supposed sins against the Jews, his un-Christian wailing at the
Temple Wall, his all-religions-please-God, pray-along visit to the
Rome's leading synagogue, etc., etc., his
refusal to
baptize Jewish child of Catholic adoptive parents
is yet another Judas kiss on the cheek of He Whose Vicar he is supposed
to be.)
Israel to carry out assassinations in other countries (including the United States)
Sanhedrin searches for 'King of Israel'
(Their historical
counterparts falsely condemned the Jesus of Nazareth, the true
King of the Jews, to death; now they want to make one of their own
Bush's democracy crusade defies public opinion
U.S. safely passes latest terror milestone
Condoleeza Rice warned Willie Brown not to fly on
she didn't know the attacks were a possibility. No, really,
honest...didn't have a clue!)
Israel’s secret agenda funds Arab terrorism
Second term Bush can't count on Putin
How lying marketers sold Roe v. Wade to America
In one of the most successful marketing campaigns in modern political history, the "abortion rights movement" – with all of its emotionally compelling catch-phrases and powerful political slogans – has succeeded in turning what once was a heinous crime into a fiercely defended constitutional right.
During the tumultuous 1960s, after centuries of legal prohibition and moral condemnation of abortion, a handful of dedicated activists launched an unprecedented marketing campaign. Their aim was twofold: first, to capture the news media and thus public opinion, and then, to change the nation's abortion laws....
Roe v. Wade abortion anniversary marked by pro-life rallies, events
President Bush declares Sanctity of
Human Life Day
(Again, G.W.
talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk for the unborn. When are people
going to wake up to the utter
of this man's 'pro-life' stand?)
Joe Scheidler: Lincoln's words apply to 'Civil War' over abortion
Bush and Washington: a tale of two Georges
Bush Sr.: No shift in foreign policy
(Read his lips: No new wars.)
It's Mel Gibson vs. Michael Moore in an epic Oscar face-off
Israeli joker in the Iranian poker game
Roe v. Wade rallies held across U.S.
Bush addresses abortion foes staging
annual protest of Roe v. Wade
course, he didn't march with them. See related story from
yesterday headlines.)
Religious Americans less likely to favor compromise on abortion issues
Should anti-Bush journalists be tried as 'spies'?
Iraqi insurgency growing larger, more effective
Phony Cardinal Jean-Marie (nee Aharon Dov)
Lustiger to sub for John Paul II at Auschwitz
(At the forefront of
Jewish efforts to
subvert the Catholic Church,
this false convert, who some say could be
JPII's successor in the Vatican,
has never renounced
his Hebraic roots.
As for Auschwitz, where Lustiger's mother is said to have died, it is
now evident that millions fewer died in the camp than the long
figure of four million,
which means the much-claimed six million Jewish deaths at the hands of
the Nazis is also wrong, which does not. of course, excuse any of the
unjust executions of innocent people--Jewish or otherwise--killed by
that regime. But it is also unjust to perpetuate an untruth that grossly
inflates the actual figures and to attack as 'anti-Semitic' anyone who
attempts to correct them, even those who find Nazism abhorrent!)
Group fights proposal to allow men in women's bathrooms
'Satan's cheerleaders'
(Obviously, some of those who
use a hand signal associated with Satanism do some mistakenly thinking
that they are making a similar non-occult sign. Still, you'd think
they'd want to come up with something less confusing. For more on this
curious phenomenon, click
GOP's choice of pro-abortion RNC co-chair
Pro-life Dem battles to become DNC chair
War party's atrocity porn
("The horrific
experience of Iraqi woman Jumana Hanna -- supposedly imprisoned, raped,
and tortured for years on the orders of Uday Hussein -- was cited by the
Bush administration and its supporters as 'reason alone' for the war.
But Hanna's story -- like the rest of the administration's case -- was a
tissue of fabrications.")
Oscar bids reflect industry's discomfort with religion
Fox News: Too fair, too balanced
("[Bill O'Reilly's]
'independence' rubbed conservative viewers the wrong way when he jumped
on the "let's discredit the Swift Boat Veterans" bandwagon last year.")
9-11 truth movement only just beginning
the truth about 9-11 or the Iraq War isn't beginning to be sought
in the
least not sought enough. Here's what Senators should have but didn't key
on during the
Condi Rice confirmation hearings.
Their failure to do so
assures us of continued
in the Bush State Department.)
Vote machine maker settles over her whistle-blower suit
ACLU behind Illinois' forced 'gay' hiring law
Wiccans receive military approval to gather
Jewish groups: Genocide studies must emphasize 'special importance' of 'Holocaust'
Accuser testifies he was sexually abused
by disgraced priest
(The accused,
Paul Shanley,
has a sordid past that
includes participation at organizing meeting of
'gay' pedophile group.
Is Shanley an enemy change agent who
infiltrated the Catholic Church
in order to bring it down?)
Animal-human hybrids spark controversy
(Now on sale for a limited
time at Monsters-R-Us!)
Unborn child's abortion pain
bill Introduced, pro-life groups
(Supportive of what?! This bill really perpetuates the status
quo, promoting the abortion equivalent of lethal injection, which gained
wide acceptance as a 'painless' alternative to less 'humane' forms of
capital punishment. A murdered baby is just as dead one way or the
other, so don't be deceived into believing that this is somehow a
pro-life measure--it isn't. Worse, it deceives pro-lifers into thinking
they're doing something constructive, when in reality they're making
abortion more palatable, as in: 'It's not so bad; the procedure is quick
and the baby doesn't feel any pain.)
Auschwitz marks 60 years of survival and liberation
European Parliament condemns "revisionist
views " of the 'Holocaust'
(The EU's
take on this, which includes promotion of 27 January as 'European
Holocaust Memorial Day,' is essentially that of the 'Holocaust'
industry, which is that all other acts of genocide are to be
As a reminder that there have been many such
crimes--some much greater in scale than the that of the Nazis--here is a
of genocides and politicides since 1945.)
Sharon: ‘No one cared’ about Holocaust
really? Tell it to the families of
those who died
liberating Europe.)
Updated list: Scientists dead in suspicious circumstances since 2001
Planned Parenthood president resigns
pro-lifers react to the news)
Congress proposes tax on all Net, data connections
(Another potential blow to
free speech.)
American/Israeli politician promotes
building of third Temple
('When I argue with people
who criticize us that we are occupying another nation, I explain to them
that the land has been ours for thousands of years. Just look at the
Temple Mount.')
The World Economic Forum: Facilitating a New World
(While networking is
key and business is accomplished, so too, is the political agenda that
is far different from the one found in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of
You might be a Constitutionalist if…
this quick quiz to find out if you qualify.)
The 9-11 WTC fires: Where's the inferno?
Abortion foe Watts lauds real workers
("If the president is Republican and Congress is largely Republican, why
don't they plan a vote to make abortion illegal?")
Abortion advocates defend Hillary Clinton after 'common ground' speech
Investiture of heretical doctrine
The end of the search
can we say? The search for Iraq's 'weapons of mass destruction' has
finally ended. None were found, of course. Even the hawks who insisted
that Saddam Hussein had them aren't demanding that we keep looking.")
Bush: U.S. must stay in Iraq after election
(Not that this is in any way
news, since he's said all along that this is part of his war without
boundaries, but it does recondition Americans to accept a conflict that
will require an endless supply of their sons and daughters for troops.)
An Israeli fanatic is 'Bush's brain'
The Holocaust: A factual appraisal by the Red Cross
Jewish group
to sue Vatican
One of the Vatican's famed Swiss Guards stands before the entrance of its Secret Archives. A Jewish coalition is threatening a lawsuit to gain access to archival files. The announcement comes less than a week after John Paul II hosted over 130 Jewish leaders, the most ever at the Vatican.
A Bronx-based
Jewish group announced plans Thursday to sue the Vatican to force the
opening of
secret archives
that might identify thousands of Jewish children baptized as Catholics to
save them from the Nazis, and never returned to their families.
"As long as the children of all those murdered at Auschwitz do not know
their true identities, and as along as the murdered at Auschwitz have
descendents who still do not know their true lineage, how can we truly say
that Auschwitz has been liberated," said
Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, vice president of
the Coalition for Jewish Concerns. "We want our children back."
Vatican not impressed with threat to sue over access to archives
A brief guide to the Iraqi Elections
Assyrian Christians say Kurds wouldn't let them
(Vote fraud Iraqi-style!)
Eight steps to destroy America
Big Brother or the Mark of the Beast?
(Not that you'll notice the
difference much, mind you.)
Prozac approval flawed: Suicide link was known before FDA okay
Critics of Pius XII ignore Vatican archives
Iraq voter
turnout lowered
("The Independent Election
Commission of Iraq (IECI) said on Sunday its initial tally of 72% had
been little more than a guess based on local estimates. The panel has
since revised the estimated turnout at 60% to 75%." Shouldn't the word
"independent" be put in quotation marks?)
American critics say U.N. officials 'vampire-like' in their fear of truth
Draft looms: Now that election is over, expect to see conscription
Medical Marxism: wave of the future?
Marx may have suffered a second death at the end of the last century,
but look for a spirited comeback in this one," predicts Harvard
economist Kenneth Rogoff in the January/February issue of Foreign
Policy. "The next great battle between socialism and capitalism will
be waged over human health.")
Israeli Apartheid Week at University of Toronto
DISCLAIMER: Needless to say, we at Real News 24/7 do not necessary agree with every thought or the implication of every article we link to, nor with every stand or position taken by the person or organization responsible for an article we recommend. Nor do those who wrote such articles necessarily agree with everything we say. Real News 24/7 assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed in any work taken from external links. In each section we have listed the best articles we could find at this time on a given subject with regard to documentation and analysis of the subject under discussion, regardless of minor or major flaws in the article. We soon hope to have an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each article recommended, which will appear right under the link to the article itself. The information in our "Latest News and Analysis" feature is meant to bring to your attention information or views generally not easily found on the Big TV networks and other controlled media sources.