Latest News and Analysis
for November 2003
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Postings from November 15th to 1st
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXXV
Court Issues New Stay in Schiavo Case "An appeals court has stepped in to at least temporarily block a man's challenge to a law that restored his brain-damaged wife's feeding tube in a contentious right-to-die case." (Real News 24/7: Still another unexpected turn in a story that has seen endless twists and turns already.)
Revived girl baffles medical experts "Detective Mike Kendrick began photographing the body of a little girl on an emergency room table for an investigation of a drowning. Then, through the lens, he saw her chest move. Just spasms, he thought. Then he saw it move again. And again.¼" (Real News 24/7: Though not directly concerning the issues surrounding Terri, we believe this article does touch on an important related subject: Namely, how there can be good reason for hope even when medical authorities declare a situation hopeless.)
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-15-03 Widow who missed tax bill gets farm back An 89-year-old woman who lost her home because of $572 in unpaid taxes will get it back from the man who bought the million-dollar property in a government auction for $15,000. (Real News 24/7: We're running this ahead of what most would consider more important news, because good news is so rare these days that it deserves to get higher billing. Earlier this month we carried a sad story concerning this woman and now we're delighted to see this happy ending for her. God bless the generous soul who helped her!)
11-15-03 Black Hawks crash death toll rises to 17 "Seventeen U.S. soldiers were killed, five were injured and one was missing when two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters crashed Saturday in a residential neighborhood in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul."
11-15-03 Car bombs hit two synagogues in Turkey; at least 20 people killed "Near-simultaneous car bombs exploded outside two Istanbul synagogues filled with worshippers Saturday, killing at least 20 people and wounding more than 300. The government said the attack had international links, raising suspicions that the al-Qaida terror network was involved."
Former Israeli Security Chiefs Blast Government Four former heads
of Israel's Shin Bet security service launched an unprecedented joint attack on
government policy toward the Palestinians in an interview on Friday in which
they called for withdrawal from occupied land. (Real News 24/7: Well, Ariel,
does this make them
anti-Semitic, too?
Judge: Witches can pray at county meeting "Officials in Chesterfield
County, Virginia, discriminated against Cyndi Simpson, a Wiccan, when they
barred her from being on a list of clergy who can open the board of supervisors
meetings with prayer, said U.S. District Court Judge Dennis W. Dohnal, according
to the Chesterfield Progress-Index newspaper."
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXXV
Terri's family appeals to Oprah fans "The Schindlers are due to be given a future "Larry King Live" program in order to rebut [husband Michael] Schiavo's claims. In the meantime, representatives of the family – mother Mary, brother Bobby and sister, Suzanne Carr – shared their story with fans of daytime talk queen Oprah Winfrey."
Judge says case of brain-damaged woman can proceed A man who has
fought a long legal battle to remove a feeding tube from his brain-damaged
wife, only to have the state pass a special law to thwart him, won another
round in court Friday when a judge ruled against Gov. Jeb Bush.
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
Pat Buchanan: George Woodrow Carter "Reading President Bush's address to the National Endowment for Democracy, one wonders: Have the neocons captured him totally? For, though he is being hailed as Reagan's true heir, Bush has begun to sound like a clone of Woodrow Wilson or Jimmy Carter."
Sharon hits at critics as anti-Semitic "Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said foreign criticism of Israel's use of force against Palestinians in a three-year-old uprising is motivated by a new form of anti-Semitism." (Real News 24/7: If you read between the lines, Sharon is saying that, in defense of Israel, no amount of force is excessive force and that it is anti-Semitism to say otherwise!)
Texas judge okays Ten Commandments "The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in Austin, Texas, has ruled a Ten Commandments monument on the state Capitol grounds does not violate the U.S. Constitution by establishing a state-sponsored religion."
Charley Reese: Dumb, dumber and dumbest "The positions of most urban liberals on firearms are dumb, dumber and dumbest. It is dumb to suppose that the way to decrease crime is to make sure all potential victims of violent crime are disarmed. It is dumber yet to believe that a criminal will obey a gun-control law. No bank robber or rapist has ever set out and then stopped and said, 'Gosh, I don't have a permit for this weapon, so I guess I'd better not rob that bank or rape that girl.¼'"
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXXIV
A "painless" death? "Many who support Terri Schiavo's threatened
dehydration assert that removing a feeding tube from a profoundly cognitively
disabled person results in a painless and gentle ending. But is this really
true? After all, it would be agonizing if you or I were locked in a room for
two weeks and deprived of all food and water. So, why should we believe that
cognitively disabled patients experience the deprivation differently simply
because they receive nourishment through a feeding tube instead of by mouth?"
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11 13-03 Alabama ousts Justice Moore "Alabama's nine-member Court of the Judiciary removed Roy Moore from his position as chief justice today for defiance of a federal judge's order to move his Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the state courthouse.¼But Moore said, without elaboration, according to the Associated Press, he had consulted with attorneys and with political and religious leaders and would make an announcement next week that 'could alter the course of this country.'" Roy Moore: Media "will not print the truth" Part two of an interview with Alabama's ousted Chief Justice.
11-13-03 Divide and destroy Israel's separation wall is creating a new kind of humanitarian crisis for the Palestinians who live in its shadow. Hillside heartbreak "Radical Jewish settlers claim the the hilltops above the Arab village of Ain Abbus as their own. Palestinians say the settlers have resorted to both threats and violence to prevent them from picking their olives. The settlers say God has called on them to settle there."
11-13-03 America's Ministry of Propaganda exposed: Part I Colonel Sam Gardiner (USAF, Ret.) has identified 50 false news stories created and leaked by a secretive White House propaganda apparatus. Part II Part III Part IV
11-13-03 Move over, Harry Potter, here comes Secret Spells Barbie "With regard to the formation of children, those who are insisting that there is nothing wrong with a little good fun with warlocks (e.g. Harry Potter) and witches (e.g. Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Charmed) probably won’t have too much problem with the most recent addition to the doll market. I’m talking about 'Secret Spells Barbie' and the 'Charm Girls.' The latter, Christie and Kayla, are supposed to be Barbie’s Wiccan friends, or something like that, who, the ad tells us, 'by day are just fashionable school girls, but by night they turn into magical enchantresses.'"
11-13-03 ADL Shake-Up Over Mel Gibson's "Passion" "Rabbi Eugene Korn, a leading critic of Mel Gibson's 'The Passion of Christ,' has resigned as Anti-Defamation League's director of interfaith affairs. The Jewish publication Forward suggests the resignation stems from a major disagreement within the ADL over the organizations aggressive criticism of [the film]"
of California recall data confirms voting system doubts
"The rush to fully computerized ballot casting is misguided.
Although supplemental technologies are needed for disabled voters, there is no
clear evidence that touch screen systems are substantially or consistently
better for use by the general population than other voting methods. The fact
that the touch screens in California do not provide any way to perform an
independent recount should make them less desirable than the paper-based
systems that do have such capabilities."
California official to review area election The state's top elections official Wednesday ordered an independent audit of all California voting systems after discovering a major firm installed uncertified software in electronic machines Alameda County used in the Oct. 7 and Nov. 4 elections. Cashing in on E-voting? Several key officials who led the charge to modernize California's ballot systems are now working for the companies that manufactured high-tech voting systems, The Los Angeles Times reported Monday.¼
Law clinic files suit against Diebold The Stanford University Cyberlaw Clinic filed a temporary restraining order last Tuesday against Diebold, Inc., in an effort to bar the corporation from making legal threats against two Swarthmore students who published internal Diebold memos on their Web site.
Origins of
American vote fraud "Ever since Mayor Daley of Chicago "found"
tens of thousands of dead people to 'vote' for John F. Kennedy in the 1960
election, many Americans have suspected the Democratic party’s urban political
machines to be awash in voter fraud. That suspicion has not been diminished by
the actions of the mayor’s son William, Al Gore’s campaign chairman and the
man in charge of the vote "recount" taking place in Florida."
For more on election fraud and related
issues, visit:,,
Blackbox and
The Risks Digest.
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXXIII
Randall Terry gives behind-the-scenes report on saving Terry Schiavo "Bob Schindler, Sr. (Terri Schiavo's father) said, 'Our family asked Randall Terry to come, and we gave him carte blanche to put Terri's fight in front of the American people. He did exactly what we asked, and more. Randall organized vigils and protests, he coordinated the media, he helped us meet with Governor Bush, which gave us the momentum to pass the law that has saved Terri, for now, from death. My daughter is alive today because of Randall Terry's efforts.'"
Brain-damaged woman's husband fights delays "The husband of a severely
brain-damaged woman asked a judge Wednesday not to allow what he called
delaying tactics in his legal challenge to the law that let Gov. Jeb Bush
order the woman to be kept alive."
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-12-03 Countdown to Armageddon? Are the Israelis willing to start World War III?
11-12-03 Bush cheers "gay" church after "Marriage Week" "Not long after he endorsed 'Marriage Protection Week,' President Bush sent a letter of congratulations to a denomination founded by homosexual activists that performs more than 6,000 same-sex 'weddings' each year." (Real News 24/7: Anyone naive enough to view Bush as a principled conservative had better think again.)
11-12-03 CDs "could be history within five years" Compact discs could be history within five years, superseded by a new generation of fingertip-sized memory tabs with no moving parts. Scientists say each paper-thin device could store more than a gigabyte of information - equivalent to 1,000 high quality images - in one cubic centimeter of space."
Moore's fate to be decided tomorrow
Alabama's nine-member Court of Judiciary will announce tomorrow morning
whether it will remove Chief Justice Roy Moore for his defiance of a federal
judge's order to move his Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the
state courthouse.
Roy Moore takes stand in own defense "Reminding the court that he had campaigned
for office as the 'Ten Commandments Judge,' he said there should have been no
surprise in Montgomery because, 'I did what I said I was going to do.'"
Justice Moore had "every legal right" to ignore order
on commandments, lawyer says
Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore had 'every legal right' to ignore an order to
remove his Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the state courthouse,
Moore's attorneys said Wednesday at his judicial ethics trial.
Judge Moore on
trial today "Suspended Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore goes on trial today
before a judicial panel examining his defiance of a federal judge's order to
move his Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the state courthouse."
(Real News 24/7: Here's the irony of ironies—Chief Justice Moore has
been indicted on an "ethics" charge for his unwillingness to remove a monument
that honors the source of all true ethics.)
Chief Justice Moore
biographical sketch
An interview with Judge Roy Moore
Q: Some describe the tactics against you by the ACLU and other civil
liberties groups as cutthroat. Was it that way at the beginning, and how has
it changed?
A: I'm still finding their approach is very cutthroat. Their approach
is very deceptive. That's what it is. They yell, "separation of church and
state!" but they want to exclude the knowledge of God. And they've led people
to believe that the phrase "separation of church and state" actually separates
God and government, and God from our life and Christian principles. That is
absolutely not true, historically, legally or logically. It's completely the
Washington in prayer
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXXII
Lying about Terri Schiavo "I have covered highly visible, dramatic "right to die" cases—including those of Karen Ann Quinlan and Nancy Cruzan—for more than 25 years. Each time, most of the media, mirroring one another, have been shoddy and inaccurate. The reporting on the fierce battle for the life of 39-year-old Terri Schiavo has been the worst case of this kind of journalistic malpractice I've seen."
Florida governor,
House speaker fight to keep brain-damaged woman alive "A lawyer for
Gov. Jeb Bush asked an appeals court Monday to throw out a lawsuit that
contends Bush overstepped constitutional bounds when he ordered a feeding tube
reinserted in a severely brain-damaged woman."
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-11-03 Birth of Jesus questioned by New York school system "A conservative public interest law firm accuses New York City public schools of promoting the Jewish and Islamic faiths, while squelching Christianity."
11-11-03 Shocking images shame American forces "A series of shocking pictures revealing US soldiers tying up Iraqi women and children in their own home has provoked international outrage."
11-11-03 Bishops consider sanctions on politicians "The nation's Roman Catholic bishops said Monday they are considering whether to recommend sanctions for Catholic politicians who favor policies contrary to church teaching on abortion and other issues." (Real News 24/7: It's thirty years since the Supreme Court legalized abortion and the U.S. bishops are just now getting around to "debating" (as though this were some morally ambiguous issue!) to punish these death-dealing politicos? That they are considering such a step is commendable, but for the victims of an estimated 43,000,000+ "therapeutic abortions" since 1973, it's much, much too late. It's no wonder that traditionally-minded Catholics such as filmmaker Mel Gibson hold these men in such low esteem. Would that more Catholics wake up and oppose their misrule.)
11-11-03 The partial birth abortion ban that isn't "By now we have all read and heard about the US Congress' passing of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, finally signed into law by a US president, which was quickly sent to legal limbo by several stays gratis life-appointed federal judges in various districts. And by now this is routine as we are suffering under the tyranny of the federal judiciary unchecked by a non-existent responsible Congress, which has the power under the US Constitution to restrict the jurisdiction of the federal courts, but doesn't, so now we have the Partial Birth Abortion Ban that isn't. It never was: despite all the impassioned speeches on the floor of the Senate and the House of Representatives, the Congress worded the Ban to include 'the life of the mother' exception." (Real News 24/7: Of all manners of abortion for "pro-choice" supporters to invoke "the life of the mother" argument, this seems most absurd, particularly when one considers that the baby is nine-tenths delivered—how can the mother's life be endangered by delivering it the rest of the way? Sheer nonsense and an ringing indictment on the millions of gullible Americans who swallow it. And the very term "life of the mother" is contradictory, as the pro- aborts are forever arguing that what's being aborted is not a child, but merely a mass of cells. If so, then there is no mother.)
11-11-03 Flashback: Identifying pro-life politicians "Pro-life voters are desperately seeking candidates who unequivocally support the right to life of all innocent human beings without exception. Unfortunately, in many contests, neither the Democrat nor the Republican is interested in abolishing abortion. The underlying difficulty is that establishment pro-life organizations often endorse those who favor some abortions. Examples of such confusion abound."
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXXI
Schiavo tapes: snippets, then not much "A review of four hours of tape on
public record shows a few powerful images suggesting Terri Schiavo can
respond, but also hours where she has no signs of consciousness." (Real
News 24/7: But the point is that Terri does have her moments of
recognition, which, however fleeting, show her to have some consciousness.
Some doctors who have examined her say she can be helped with therapy. The
bias of the St. Petersburg Times can be seen in its lack of a link to
the support website that has been set up for her—to access the site, see link
below.) Rebuttal article
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-10-03 Cult meeting student in terror before death--coroner "The mother of a British student who died in Germany after allegedly becoming involved with a “dangerous” right-wing political cult vowed today to continue her fight to find out what happened to him. Erica Duggan pledged to continue her campaign after a coroner noted that her son Jeremiah, 22, had been in 'a state of terror' before his death."
11-10-03 White House fights POWs for funds The Bush administration is seeking to block a group of American troops who were tortured in Iraqi prisons during the Persian Gulf War in 1991 from collecting any of the hundreds of millions of dollars in frozen Iraqi assets they won last summer in a federal court ruling against the government of Saddam Hussein. (Real News 24/7: Write your Representatives in Congress, urging them to stand up for our soldiers' rights and oppose this outrage!)
11-10-03 Supreme Court to hear Guantanamo appeals "The Supreme Court will hear its first case arising from the government's anti-terrorism campaign following the Sept. 11 attacks, agreeing Monday to consider whether foreigners held at a U.S. Navy base in Cuba should have access to American courts." (Real News 24/7: Imagine yourself being found "not guilty" of charges, only to learn that you're still going to be imprisoned —for an indefinite period of time! This is but one of the inherent problems facing defendants at military tribunals. For more on the subject, see Military justice and other oxymorons.)
11-10-03 Jewish leader denounces ADL's "attacks on Christianity" and Gibson "A conservative Jewish leader has blasted Anti-Defamation League for its 'hysterical rantings' over Mel Gibson's movie 'The Passion of Christ.'"
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXX
Activist claims victory in Schiavo case "Legal options had already run out
for Terri Schiavo when Phil Sheldon saw her photo. Her expression, a smile
that appears to be a response to her mother, reminded Sheldon of his deceased
son, who had cerebral palsy. Sheldon, a conservative political activist,
couldn't believe that the courts had ordered removal of the severely
brain-damaged woman's feeding tube on Oct. 15."
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-09-03 In rare Jewish appearance, George Soros says Jews and Israel cause anti-Semitism "There is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush administration and the Sharon administration contribute to that," billionaire financier George Soros told those attending the a conference of Jews in New York. (Real News 24/7: The Anti-Defamation League's Abe Foxman countered with typical hyperbole, saying of Soros's statement: "It’s blaming the victim for all of Israel’s and the Jewish people’s ills.” Note that Soros doesn't say, as Foxman contends, that Israel's policies are responsible for "all of Israel's and the Jewish people's ills," merely that those policies contribute to the problems. But, of course, for Foxman and other leaders in his pressure group, nothing short of dead silence is the appropriate response to the crimes perpetrated by the regime of Ariel Sharon and by certain other powerful Jews through out the world. In fact, to bring up anything negative done by any of them, any time, anywhere, is to risk being branded a bigot. For example, when filmmaker Mel Gibson stated an easily demonstrable fact, that "modern secular Judaism wants to blame the Holocaust on the Catholic Church," Foxman accused him of "infected, seriously infected, with some very, very serious anti-Semitic views." But, then, resorting to such slurs and scare tactics is precisely how Foxman earns his pay.)
11-09-03 County sells elderly woman's farm over $572 tax bill "An 89-year-old woman could be evicted from her home of more than 50 years for missing one tax payment of $572 on her South Hanover Twp. property" (Real News 24/7: Just whose property is it, in reality? )
11-09-03 Duranty's lethal lies Using terror and famine, Josef Stalin murdered millions in the Ukraine. Walter Duranty, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, and the New York Times covered up the massacre. Among other involvement with evil, Duranty participated, for a time, with the Satanist Aleister Crowley in ritual magic.
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXIX
Schiavo's wishes recalled in records "In court, family members on both
sides recounted what Terri said she wanted."
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-08-03 Councilmen in Ohio questioning the Patriot Act removed from government building "Two Toledo councilmen and a small group of citizens holding a banner were kicked out of Government Center yesterday while holding a news conference raising questions about the USA Patriot Act." Update
11-08-03 Without a clue "America's two-year investigation of deadly anthrax attacks has come up empty-handed. If the chief suspect didn't do it, who did?"
11-08-03 Does Liberty matter? "Should the long dormant file on the USS Liberty be opened again? Is there any new development that would warrant a congressional investigation? The survivors of the Israeli assault on the Liberty have been lobbying Capitol Hill to probe the matter for thirty-six years. Why should a single sworn affidavit by a retired Navy captain make a difference? Does the USS Liberty still matter?
11-08-03 Mahmud, 10, went looking for songbirds...and died in a hail of bullets "Mahmud al-Qayed was out doing what he did every Friday - catching songbirds in cages to sell in the markets of Gaza. But yesterday the remote olive groves where the birds nest led him close to the fence separating the Gaza Strip from Israel. Too close for the soldiers guarding the fence."
11-08-03 No war for Israel A site with numerous links showing the war in Iraq to be part of a drive towards an expanded Israel. (The link under top photos goes to Pat Buchanan's important "Whose War" article. Among many other titles of interest are "Israel's proxy war?" and "The real cost of U.S. support for Israel: $3 trillion.")
11-08-03 Jessica Lynch condemns Pentagon "She said she was grateful to the American special forces team which rescued her but, asked whether the Pentagon's subsequent portrayal of her rescue bothered her, she said: 'Yes, it does. They used me as a way to symbolize all this stuff. It's wrong.'" Doctors who treated former prisoner of war dismiss claims that she was raped in Iraq "Iraqi doctors who treated former prisoner of war Jessica Lynch dismissed claims made in her biography that she was raped by her Iraqi captors." (For more on Jessica Lynch, see Real News 24/7's Special Report. "Women in Combat.")
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXIII
Family's attorneys
weigh in on Schiavo lawsuit "Attorneys for the family of a severely
brain-damaged woman defended Gov. Jeb Bush and the Legislature Thursday in the
legal battle over a hastily passed state law that empowered Bush to keep her
Dean "appalled" that Florida lawmakers saved Schiavo "Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean, who begins his campaign website greeting with the phrase, 'As a medical doctor...,' claims Florida Republicans should be 'embarrassed' for intervening to save the life of Terri Schindler Schiavo last month. Earlier in the year, Dean publicly expressed his support for physician-assisted suicide." (Real News 24/7: For more on Dean's support of the Culture of Death, see A "Dr. Death" runs for president, Howard Dean: The most pro-abortion presidential candidate? and his speech at the National Abortion Rights Action League conference this past January.)
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-07-03 Wisconsin governor vetoes marriage definition bill "Gov. Jim Doyle vetoed a bill Friday that would define marriage in Wisconsin as solely between a man and woman, saying state law already clearly prohibits same-sex marriage and the legislation was 'mean-spirited.'"
11-07-03 12 keys missing at nuke-arms lab Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is the site of an FBI probe into suspected Chinese espionage." (Real News 24/7: Here's yet another disastrous result of the treasonous policy, long favored by national Democrats and Republicans alike, of acting as though the Chinese Communists are to be seen as a trusted ally and trading partner. When will the American people wake up and throw the rascals out?)
11-07-03 Pistol-packing Senior Chases Off Mugger, Gets Charged for Unlicensed Gun "A mugger in the Bronx got quite a surprise when the 80-year-old man he attacked in an elevator pulled out a .38 caliber handgun. There was a struggle, a shot was fired, and now the elderly victim is being criminally charged."
11-07-03 Christian students' "Jesus" sign rejected "Vice principal nix seniors' plan to spell out message in class photo." (Real News 24/7: As usual, free speech for everyone but Christians.)
abortion ban to end 'terrible form of violence' against children, Bush
declares "For years, a terrible form of violence has
been directed against children who are inches from birth, while the law looked
the other way," President Bush told an enthusiastic audience of about 400
people, including many members of Congress, prior to signing the Partial-birth
Abortion Ban Act Nov. 5.
White House transcript and video
Blumenthal to file challenge to Bush partial birth abortion ban "Less
than an hour after President Bush signed into law a bitterly controversial ban
on so-called partial birth abortions, a federal judge in Nebraska issued a
temporary restraining order Wednesday against the ban."
N.Y. judge blocks
enforcement of "partial birth" ban "Opponents of new ban on a
controversial abortion procedure have a second court victory in as many days.
A federal judge in New York granted a request by the National Abortion
Federation and seven doctors to block enforcement of the ban on the procedure
opponents call 'partial birth' abortion. The federation says its members
perform half of the abortions done nationwide." (Real News 24/7:
Articles like these, more of which are certain to appear, are proof of the
ultimate futility of any anti-abortion measure that does not strike the
serpent's head—Roe vs. Wade.
The enemy never sleeps¼nor
should we.)
11-06-03 Germany rocked by anti-Semitism scandal "In the Schutzenhof pub in the centre of Neuhof, the single customer didn't want to speak about Martin Hohmann. 'I don't want to face criminal prosecution too,' he said, nursing a mid-morning beer and poring over a fax with the latest news on the anti-Semitism scandal that's propelled this town of 12,000 people into national headlines."
11-06-03 Ha'aretz Judge proposes Rabbi Ginsburg retract inciteful statements Jerusalem Magistrate's Court Judge Noam Solberg on Wednesday proposed that Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg explicitly and publicly retract his offensive statements about Arabs, in return for an end to all criminal proceedings against him. (Real News 24/7: It remains to be seen whether the crusty old Lubavitcher, who has praised the mass murderer Baruch Goldstein for killing dozens of unarmed Palestinians in cold blood, will disavow his most deeply held beliefs. It's highly doubtful, at best; more likely he will stick to his guns, go to jail and be hailed as a sainted martyr by his followers!)
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXIV
Judge: Terri Schiavo's parents have right to fight husband's guardianship
A judge has ruled that the parents of a severely brain-damaged woman at the
center of a right-to-die [editor's note: or, right-to-live] battle can seek to
have the woman's husband removed as her guardian.
Florida Governor: Dismiss Suit "Gov. Jeb Bush asked a judge yesterday to throw out a constitutional challenge of "Terri's Law," the hastily passed measure that allowed the governor to step into the battle over the fate of a severely brain-damaged woman."
Disabled rally around Terry Schiavo "Unable to speak and barely able to move, Rus Cooper-Dowda could do little to prevent her death. Only 30, she had developed a serious form of lupus that had left her in what doctors incorrectly thought was a vegetative state. She knew the doctors and nurses had all but given up on her because she could still hear. She said later that she listened to them describe her prognosis as hopeless.¼"
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
Dean sorry for Confederate flag comment "Being a presidential candidate
sometimes means having to say you're sorry. Under pressure from friends and
foes alike, Howard Dean apologized Wednesday for urging Democrats to court
Southern whites who display Confederate flags on their pickup trucks." (Real
News 24/7: Although it is true that a small number of Southerners have
disgraced the flag by equating it with their own race hatred [an abuse which
the controlled news media consistently misrepresents as the prevailing
sentiment], the vast majority correctly honor it as a symbol for a bygone
Christian culture and its traditions, which, while not perfect, is well worth
celebrating. Below is something else liberal journalists don't tell their
readers about the Confederacy.)
Black man
supports Confederate flag in march Under a warm October sun Friday, a
black man carried the Confederate battle flag and led 20 white men up the
middle of Main Street to the front lawn of the Person County Courthouse,
singing 'Glory, glory hallelujah. The South will rise again.'"
Related article
Acknowledging black Confederates "Anthony Cohen, a prominent Civil War historian,
has both white and black ancestors who fought for the Confederacy. In
particular, Cohen relates the story of one black forebear by the name of
Sheftall, who served as a Confederate drummer. Sheftall was captured and taken
to New York as a prisoner of war. But when he was released prior to the war’s
end, he returned to the South and joined the military again." (For more on
this subject, order the Revisionist History newsletter No. 9 from
Michael Hoffman's
Independent History and Research site and see the numerous
"Confederates of all colors" links below and Scott Williams' article "On
black Confederates," to name a few sources.)
Confederate links
Including Army, award winners, battles, clothing, Confederati, Confederates of
all colors, enlisted men, flags¼etc.
(over 1700 sites).
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXII
ACLJ Disappointed with Florida Court Decision Denying Parents of Terri Schindler Schiavo Permission to Enter Constitutional Case to Defend "Terri's Law" "The American Center for Law and Justice, an international public interest law firm specializing in constitutional law, said today it is disappointed that a Florida state court denied its motion to intervene on behalf of Robert and Mary Schindler - the parents of Terri Schindler Schiavo - in a lawsuit brought by Michael Schiavo and supported by the ACLU challenging the constitutionality of the actions of Florida Governor Jeb Bush and the Florida legislature in ordering life-saving measures to be restored to Terri Schindler Schiavo."
by the bill "How quick thinking and swift political action saved the
life of a disabled woman—and rekindled a pro-life movement beaten down by
defeat after defeat."
Starvation nation "Terri Schindler-Schiavo, a wide-awake cognitively disabled Florida woman whom the life-denying mainstream media ghouls keep describing as "comatose," came perilously close to starving to death at the hands of her husband and the courts last month."
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-05-03 BBC: U.S. raises specter of conscription "The American defense department has begun a recruitment drive for local draft boards, raising questions about a possible revival of conscription."
11-05-03 Oprah hails celebrity lesbian "marriage" "On her highly rated daytime TV show yesterday, Oprah Winfrey casually asked rocker Melissa Etheridge about her recent "marriage" to actress Tammy Lynn Michaels, failing to mention same-sex marriage is illegal in all 50 states." (Real News 24/7: The harm Winfrey does to Christian civilization is significant, when the size of her audience is considered. Yet another indicator of the serious inroads sodomites are making in this country—in the following case, the target is children—is further shown in this article.)
11-05-03 Flashback: Constitutional amendment for a constitutional court "Any attempt by we the people to clean up the current courts and system would seem as a practical matter beyond hopeless and would have a probability of absolute zero. Therefore, if we are to save our country under our constitution for ourselves and future generations we must revise the system" (Real News 24/7: A radical idea to save our nation, but will it work?)
11-05-03 County to landowner: You will rent to us "Citing eminent-domain laws, an Arizona court has forced a landowner to continue renting space to Maricopa County even though the municipal government failed to agree to terms to extend the lease." (Real News 24/7: Tyranny—American style.)
11-05-03 Lonely spy says she's sorry "Former apartheid spy Vanessa Brereton has apologized to the anti-apartheid activists she betrayed during her time as agent RS452, saying she does not deserve or expect forgiveness." (Real News 24/7: Which just goes to show that Mandela's South African regime engages in the same "re-education" as other Marxist countries. Vanessa Brereton has had her mind rewired by the pros, culminating in the classic Communist psyche-warfare techniques known as isolation and public confession. For more on the Communizing of South Africa, see Mandela fest lionizes a lifelong subversive.)
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XXI
Playing God "'There is a spiritual battle going on. There is a pro-death movement out there right now, and it nearly killed Terri,' says reporter Wendy Griffith."
The Guardian "The Terri Schiavo Case continues to take dramatic twists and turns. Even as Michael Schiavo attempts to have Terri's Law declared unconstitutional, pursuant to the law's requirements, a judge has appointed a guardian ad litem—Professor Jay Wolfson, of the College of Public Health at the University of South Florida in Tampa—to represent Terri's interests. There has been some confusion as to whether Wolfson replaces Terri's quasi-estranged husband Michael Schiavo as guardian of Terri's person.¼"
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-04-03 German general axed in Jewish row "The head of Germany's special forces has been sacked for allegedly backing an MP who is accused of anti-Semitism." (Real News 24/7: The Thought Police at work in Deutschland.)
11-04-03 Safe or Satanic? Church leaders argue over Freemasonry "Anglican churchmen who are Freemasons have come out in firm defense against charges that they are involved in a 'secret and satanic' operation. The charges were made by other church leaders who insisted yesterday at the Gleaner's Editors' Forum that 'lodges of whatever sort are satanic and not sacred and that the Jamaican society should come out against the movement.'"
11-04-04 Israeli Army accused of Brit murder "British journalists have uncovered fresh evidence that Israeli soldiers may have murdered a British cameraman in the occupied territories. James Miller, 34, was killed in Rafah while making a documentary for an American cable channel. An autopsy confirmed he was almost certainly killed by an Israeli soldier, despite the army's assertions to the contrary."
11-04-03 Joseph Sobran Clarifying premises "Not again! Another international flap over putative anti-Semitism, this time in a speech at a Muslim summit meeting. Mahathir Mohamad, finally retiring as Malaysia’s prime minister, got a standing ovation after telling his audience that the Muslim world — 1.3 billion strong — is on the wrong track in its struggle with its tiny enemy, the Jewish state of Israel."
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XX
"Terri's Law" spouse wants in-laws out "Attorneys for the husband of a
severely brain-damaged woman are seeking to have her parents excluded from a
legal battle over a hastily passed state law that empowered Gov. Jeb Bush to
keep her alive."
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-03-03 The Big Chill in the lab "A list of nearly 200 scientific researchers has been compiled and given to federal officials by the Traditional Values Coalition, a conservative group that goes wild over gay issues and federal funding of research related to human sexuality." (Real News 24/7: If the Traditional Values Coalition is getting slammed in the New York Times, it must be doing something right!)
11-03-03 Justices won't hear 10 Commandments appeals The Supreme Court won't be deciding the outcome of the pitched battle over suspended Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore's Ten Commandments monument. (Real News 24/7: The latest betrayal of America's traditions by the highest court. What next?)
documents spark international campaign When American citizens step into
the voting booth tomorrow, will their votes be counted? Today, with Diebold
Elections Systems operating electronic voting in 37 states, the answer is a
resounding "maybe."
Diebold's fight against free speech Forbidden files are circulating on
the Internet and threats of lawsuits are in the air. Music trading? No, it is
the growing controversy over one company’s electronic voting systems, and the
issues being raised, some legal scholars say, are as fundamental as the
sanctity of elections and the right to free speech.
Publishers and ISP Aim to Stop Diebold's Abusive Copyright Claims
A nonprofit Internet Service Provider (ISP) and two
Swarthmore College students are seeking a court order on Election Day tomorrow
to stop electronic voting machine manufacturer Diebold Systems, Inc., from
issuing specious legal threats.
For more on election fraud issues,
visit:, and
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XIX
Terri is not better off dead than disabled "When we consider how sensitive our own experiences have made us and the rampant prejudice against disability in American culture in general, and especially among many doctors, we see why Terri's life is in danger. We also see how these attitudes put all lives potentially at risk."
How Terri's Law came to pass "The bill, voted on and signed in less
than 24 hours, brought praise and scorn not seen since the 2000 election."
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-02-03 Eighteen die in second deadliest day for U.S. in Iraq "Eighteen Americans died in guerrilla attacks in Iraq on Sunday, including 15 soldiers killed when a helicopter was downed in the deadliest single strike on U.S. forces since they invaded to oust Saddam Hussein." (Real News 24/7: Support our troops—bring them home now.)
11-02-03 Coroner: Drug-induced abortion led to teen's death "The Alameda County Coroner's Office has confirmed that a therapeutic drug-induced abortion led to the death of an 18-year-old Livermore woman who died Sept. 17."
11-02-03 Swarthmore administration taking steps to support student action in Diebold matter The Swarthmore College administration is taking steps to support student activists who are challenging efforts by Diebold, Inc., to suppress the circulation of memos calling attention to problems with the company's electronic voting machines.
The Terri Schindler-Schiavo File: Day XVIII
Disabled are fearful: Who will be next? "I was born brain-damaged as a result of a forceps delivery. The doctor told my parents I would be a 'vegetable' for the rest of my life -- the same word now being used for Schiavo -- and that the best thing would be for nature to take its course. They refused. Although I had a lot of health problems, surgeries and pain as a child, I went on to lead a happy life."
Judge appoints investigator in brain-damaged woman case "The judge appointed [University of South Florida professor Jay] Wolfson despite the objections of Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler. They claim Wolfson is biased against the newly enacted law which allowed [Florida Governor Jeb] Bush to intervene in the case."
Awakening a story of hope The story of Velma Delagado, a woman who,
though in worse condition than Terri, recovered from a vegetative state.
Terri's website
[Real News 24/7 will continue to carry
news about Terri when it becomes available, until either her feeding/hydration
tubes are reinstated or she passes away as a result of the current cessation
of treatment. See our in-depth coverage, including update, from October
11-01-03 Israel destroys shipment of vitamins for disabled children "Israeli authorities have destroyed a shipment of medicine, vitamins and other food supplements to disabled Palestinian children in the refugee camps in the Gaza Strip, some of whom suffer from down syndrome and malnutrition." (Real News 24/7: But this isn't an act of terrorism, of course, because it was committed by Israel, which can get away with anything it pleases.)
11-01-03 European poll: Israel is more of a threat than N. Korea, Iran "A poll to be released Monday reportedly indicates more than half of Europeans believe Israel poses a greater threat to world peace than Iran and North Korea. The findings were published early by several European newspapers."
11-01-03 Boy Scouts under attack in Connecticut "For more than a decade, the left has worked to wear down the Boy Scouts. The spearhead of this effort has been the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU has attacked the Scouts in California, Illinois and New Jersey, just to name the states that had particularly high profile cases. To its credit, Boy Scouts of America has stood firm in this firestorm." (See the Real News 24/7 Special Report "Venerable U.S. institution under fierce attack from all sides" for more on the subject.)
11-01-03 Catholic-school girls pummel "flasher" Teens chase down man exposing himself near campus (Real News 24/7: Surely the girls of St. Maria Goretti High School were aided and even urged to action by their school's heavenly patroness.)
Postings from November 16th to 30th
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