Introduction to the Seven Lessons
You have come to the Real News 24/7 Website through hearing radio ads, via
referral from a friend, or via some other route; This is no ordinary website
Is this website anti-Semitic?
Why does this website talk about the "organized Jewish
(Hint: Because many Jewish Individuals oppose the agenda of the
"organized Jewish Lobby".)
Seven Lessons Every Loyal American Must
Learn Now
evidence indicates that 9-11 was an "inside job", using
Remote Controlled
Airplanes and controlled demolition bombs in the World Trade Towers
(see the online documentary
-- the online version is
here in three parts
), pulled off by
traitorous elements within the US military that are loyal to the nation usurping
the name "Israel" and to the worldwide
Jewish Supremacist / Freemasonic
financial Network. (Needless to say many Jewish individuals and
individual men who have been deceived into joining the Freemasons but do not
realize the purpose of that dark fraternity, are heroically fighting this evil
agenda.) The purpose of the 9-11-01 terror attacks was -- and remains -- to
initiate 50 years of war in the Mideast
by tricking Americans into supporting a series of wars against the Arab world.
One US base in Iraq is larger than the Vatican. (!) The top NeoCons, as the
"Judeo-Masonic" hierarchy is now often called, into to keep US troops
in the Mideast
dying to protect Israel for the next generation and to expand their financial
network (FED), while the agenda for tyrannical
Judeo-Masonic World Tyranny is pushed forward. For the most
up-to-date documentation:
-- Our initial documentation pages are
still available: our 9-11
Cover-up Introduction page --
where you'll find the link to the our 9-11 Cover-up page. --
More documentation on 9-11 can be found in Section 5 at our 2004 documentation
page by
clicking here.
Since we were aware of news and events which where hidden from the American
people by the 5 Big TV Networks, our
webmaster was the first public figure (congressional candidate) in the nation
to explain the above scenario to the general public over the major electronic
media -- via radio ads he and his supporters placed on major AM talk stations
like WLW (700AM), WKRC (550 AM), and WLS-AM in the midwest. These
radio ads told hundreds of thousands of
people driving to and from work that the "official Big Media" 9-11 cover story
was false, and that the purpose of the 9-11 attacks were to trick Americans into
50 years of war in the mideast. By late 2006, even
mainstream media surveys consistently showed that 30% to 70% of the American people
doubted, in one aspects or in most aspects, the Big Media cover story abou the 9-11-01
terror attacks. -- To fill in
the missing pieces -- which so many others will not touch -- follow the
links on this page. For instance, listen to the 1961 speech by the American patriot Benjamin Freedman who was
early in life a Jewish operative inside the
Ruling Elite, but came out and devoted his life to warning the American people.
That Freedman speech can be found here.
All the articles at on 9-11-01 are must
reading. And here
is a list of other websites with much excellent information on
various subjects related to the "Seven Lessons" on this homepage.
5 Big TV Networks, Every Major Radio Station, and every Big City Daily Newspaper in the USA is now owned
or controlled by the top anti-Christ Jewish Supremists; this is why the 5 Big TV
Networks covered up the truth about what happened during the 9-11 Terror
Attacks, and blamed certain Arab "patsies" who were set up as the scapegoats of
9-11 by covert cells within the dark side of US and Israeli intelligence. These
Jewish-Supremists who run the Big Media outlets continue to maneuver the
citizens of the USA towards the next step in their agenda for world domination,
i.e. expanded war in the Mideast and gradual moves towards a Communist style
police state here at home. The coalition for the New World Order tyranny is an
alliance between the top leaders of or the organized Jewish Lobby and the Upper Echelon
wire-pullers of the secret societies, gather under the umbrella of Freemasonry. For documentation
please go to:
Who Runs the Media?
we stated in 2002 and 2004 on radio ads over 700 AM WLW radio and 550 AM WKRC
radio, the next step in the Judeo-Masonic Ruling Elite's Agenda for America is to engineer
another "inside job" terrorist attack of some kind. The Neo-con-Jewish-controlled
networks will immediately blame it on the Arabs again, and the Ruling Elite will
then try to implement a draft of some kind of young American men and young
women. They will also try to use their hoped-for next terror attack as an excuse to expand
the war in the Mideast and to further curtail constitutional freedoms, i.e., to
implement a Communist-style Police state in the USA, just as happened in Russia
after 1917 when the worldwide, organized Judeo-Masonic Network took over
that country. Self-inflicted or quietly engineered "terrorist" attacks have been
used for almost a century by the Rulers of Judeo-Masonry to trick Americans into war. These contrived or engineered terrorist
attacks include the attack on the Lusitania to jump-start World War I, FDR's
engineering of Pearl Harbor to trick the USA into World War II, the non-existent
Gulf of Tonkin incident engineered by LBJ to escalate the Vietnam War, and the "go ahead" to re-annex Kuwait,
once a part of Iraq, given to Saddam Hussein by President George Bush the Elder
through ambassador April Glaspie. For documentation on how the Ruling Elite
has engineered or fabricated terrorist attacks to trick the people of the USA
into war many times,
click here.
Be sure to look at the link leading to "Stranger than Fiction".
Votescam Conspiracy Against America (all key elections can be fixed). 98% of all
ballots in the USA are counted in secret by a few private mega-companies, with citizens and
candidates barred from the count by police guard. -- Yes, this is a conspiracy.
Neo-Con-Jewish-controlled Big TV Networks work hand in hand with about 4 computerized
"vote-counting" mega-corporations, including Diebold, Hart, Election Systems
and Software (ES & S), and Sequia. 99% of the USA's 3100+ counties have --
unconstitutionally -- delegated the vote counting to these privately owned
mega-corporations. (Since all these counties are controlled by the Democratic or
Republican parties, it is necessary to conclude that the National Committees
of the Republican and Democratic parties have pressured these local counties to
all delegate their "vote-counting" to these four sinister and mysterious
corporations. This reality leads to the conclusion that the RNC and the DNC are also controlled by the same
Judeo-Masonic Ruling Elite which controls the Big Media. -- For how could there be 3100+ local county
governments STUPID enough to allow private companies to "count" the US vote
on secret computer software? -- ANd to hide the ballots from the people on
election day and usually forever thereafter?) Every key election
can be fixed by these privately owned mega-corporations. W. Bush was the chosen
front man for 2000 to 2008. If Hillary Clinton is the chosen front-gal, or Obama
or McCain are chosen as the front-man for 2008
to 2012 -- there is nothing the American people can do about it as long as the
current computerized votefraud mechanisms remain in place. (See item #7 for the
solution.) See -- important links on
this website are:
How A Private Company Counts our votes on Election
Night (eye-witness
report in Chicago, Illinois on Election Night 2004 -- same scenario happens in
99% of the counties in the USA on election night);
An Expanded Explanation on exactly what happens to
frustrate the rights of American voters on election night in
99% of the counties in the USA; and --
A House without Doors
(exposing a specific case in which the Big TV Networks and the
AP wire brazenly warped exit polls and election results to perpetrate votefraud
against Pat Buchanan in the 1996 Iowa Presidential Caucus.) For a 4 minute
Video, go to -- (full DVD
also available there) also, look for
"Hacking Democracy", first aired on HBO and now
available on DVD from many sources. Everyone should own both "The Right To
Count" DVD and the "Hacking Democracy" DVD, and lend it out to
your friends, as well as opinion molders and leaders you know. Finally, the
solution is explained here:
How Our Votes Should Be Counted Every Election.
Money issuing power of the privately owned Federal Reserve Board explains the
immense power of the few who constitute America's Ruling Elite
the above four points may seem preposterous to those new to this subject, it
must be understood that this Judeo-Masonic Ruling Elite tricked the US Congress
into unconstitutionally delegating the all-important power to issue our nation's
money to one of their private companies, the deceptively named Federal Reserve
Board (found in your white pages under private companies, NOT in the government
section). Once the Judeo-Masonic Ruling Elite could issue money in secret (the Fed has never been audited
by Congress since 1913!) this crowd could begin to set up endless think tanks to
plan scenarios, and fund tens of thousands of people and projects to advance
their agenda. It took about 50 years after 1913 to lock up Major Media, another
20 years to begin implementing the computerized votescam (ability to steal any
key election from a centralized location, fully in place by 1988), and it took until the 1990s to take over
almost complete working control of
the Federal government, Congress, and the Supreme Court. Once you understand
this money-issuing power, then you can begin to understand how a relatively few
people can have generated so much momentum. The massive bankster theft against
the American people -- where millions lost 40% or more of their savings,
retirement, or 410Ks overnight in late September and early October 2008 -- was
the most recent move by this sinister Rothschild/Rockefellar Bankster Criminal
Syndicate. Now Americans are paying attention, and realize that there is some
sinister power behind the top of the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and
the Big Media.
Read about the secretive, sinister FED here.
-- read how the money system should work here:
The Money Myth Exploded
The Reasonable Access Law is still a tool to break through Big Media Censorship
and Suppression of News on major AM & FM radio stations, and on FCC licensed TV
law, and the surprisingly excellent supporting federal court decisions which
upheld it in 1996, requires FEC licensed radio and TV stations to carry the ads
of Federal Candidates (i.e., candidates for US Congress, US Senate, or President
of the United States) without alteration or censorship of any kind -- and -- the
stations must run the ads in the time blocks (i.e. noon to 3 PM) specified by
the candidate (who is subject to the same rules the stations apply to business
advertisers) -- and -- the stations must give the candidate the equivalent of
the lowest price which they have charged a business in that calendar year. It
would be good if a candidate in each major city in the USA would use this
Reasonable Access Law to break the censorship of the Big Media on some issue,
and to tell the people about item #7, the Precinct Strategy.
Read about the censorship-breaking Reasonable Access
Law here.
A real life history of using the Reasonable Access Law to break the Big Media
Censorship by the "Jim Condit Jr. for Congress campaigns of 2002, 2004, and 2005
can be found
The Precinct Strategy is the only peaceful means left to take back the USA from
the New World Order Ruling Elite
Precinct Strategy is a simple strategy, eminently do-able. It is designed Everyday
Americans, like you and me, with a time commitment of between 5 and 30 hours per year.
(To read about the entire plan and join your influence to that of other
Americans in this realistic action plan, go to
.) The Precinct Meetings
take place in each county -- in your county -- around February to May of the
even years (i.e., May, 2008). It is at these countywide precinct organizational
meetings that the parties in power (almost always the local Democrat and Republican parties) choose their local
party leaders. These local party leaders determine (almost always) who are the
candidates on the ballot in November, i.e., pick the candidate who will be
elected to office in November. And then those elected go to city hall, to the state capital, or to Washington D.C. to
make the laws. And those who make the laws largely determine your country's future.
Back to the precinct system where it all begins: these local
party leaders also determine how the votes will be counted in your county. So,
in practical terms, the only way to put honest men and women on the ballot in
your area in November, and to ensure an honest, public count of the ballots on
election day -- it to use the precinct system to election honest party leaders
in the local parties in your own county. (Third parties have their place even now to raise
issues and educate the public, but until an honest vote count can be restored at
the county level,
third party candidates are effectively checkmated for the next 1000 years.) A
good first step to take back the USA would be for thousands of Americans
spanning most of the counties in the nation to at least find out where their
county precinct meeting is for either the local Democratic or local Republican
party, and then go to observe it in 2008. It would be better if each of us
would get on the ballot for the precinct office in our local neighborhood (this
usually takes about 5 signatures gathered from your neighbors). -- If we area
elected at the spring primary, then we become a precinct executive in our party and
go on to participate in the county precinct
organizational meeting. (1/3rd of the precinct positions in the USA are vacant,
so just getting on the ballot and voting for yourself often ensures victory).
--- What the country and the world desperately needs -- is for hundreds of thousands of normal Americans to simply ATTEND one of
the county organizational meetings (precinct meetings) in their own counties in
February through June 2008. Call the party headquarters of one of the parties in
power in your own county (invariably this will be limited to the Democratic and
Republican parties). Ask them where the meeting is (it will usually be an a VFW
hall or a local convention center) -- and attend it. You will be amazed that these are
the virtually unknown meetings where the party leaders are elected who could restore an open and
honest vote count to your county, and who could nominate honest and alert
candidates for the November election. These even-year precinct organizational
meetings (which are held shortly after the spring primary elections in your
county) are where all normal people and all alert Americans must turn their
attention, -- because how our votes are counted, and who gets to be on the
November ballot for US Congress and local office -- are basically determined at
these gatherings. Expect opposition from almost all the well-known groups, which
groups are by 2006 basically obedient arms of either the Democratic Party or the
Republican Party -- both of which parties are now controlled by the same
Judeo-Masonic Ruling Elite at the top, and those who have been installed into
positions of influence in most local areas are the operatives of the national
Judeo-Masonic Ruling Elite. That's why we need normal Americans at the county
level to replace the agents of the evil Ruling Elite with people of conscience
-- who will restore and protect true freedom under God. To join your influence
with that of other Everyday Americans in a realistic and effective plan, go to
this website:
Thank you.
You write us or send support to: PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 * Email us at
Positive Action
Don't just watch the news!
Click here & help us make it.
Here you find the only realistic strategy to fight the "New World Order"
Ruling Elite in 2005 through 2008. We are looking for 1000 to 3000 "good men" (women,
too!). Do you sincerely say: "What can I do that will make an impact?" Click
above and find the answer.
Truth in Advertising:
The Personal Convictions of those who run this website, and of Jim Condit Jr.,
the sometimes congressional candidate behind the "radio ads" campaigns.
Listen to/read the "Radio Ads"
and/or Read the documentation behind the "Jim Condit Jr. for Congress" Radio
and Radio Shows which aired over major Talk Stations in the
Midwest in 2005, 2004, & 2002
on the 9-11 terror attacks, Phase II of 9-11
as Promoted in the Big Media, Iraq War, Expanded War in the Mideast, the
Draft, Computerized Votefraud,
Control of America's Mass Media -- and -- "Zundel
in Prison, Truth, Lies, and the Holocaust" -- & much more
For the Video
for Jim Condit Jr. for Congress 2006 & 2008:
-- scroll down the page till you see little TV Screen.
Everyone into the Battle!
And – with so much riding on the choice at hand –
Consider Becoming Part of the
Thanks for coming to the RealNews247 website. The
Independent Press is “David” and the Big Five TV Networks are “Goliath.” Truth
is powerful.

Here’s a stone for Goliath!
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